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  1. *sigh* I think you'll find I've been playing longer than YOU, and longer than most others also 8) I did try, but you were too stupid to give up, so the rest of RS brought your stupid behind down to earth, and hopefully taught you the lesson of TELLING THE TRUTH. AND not making up random lies so that you can tell people "Ooh, look at me, I'm a veteran player!! OMFG I R teh l33t!! Worship me!" When in reality, nobody gives a rats ... Anyone who knows me, or OF me, KNOWS that few players at all, let alone those still playing, were created before mine, and nobody worships the ground I walk on, so why bother trying to get what nobody cares about you moron. Didn't you're parents ever teach you not to lie? Ooh, and my favourite from this thread: Have a nice day. You've been served :wink: .
  2. That's because the drag bitter was not "member's object" :wink: I think you'll find I've been playing longer than YOU, and longer than most others also 8)
  3. *sigh* You can't nor could you ever, trade a "members item/object". You could trade certain members objects (such as coloured gloves now) but never trade a "members object". :wink:
  4. Great Story? Nope. How did he *show* you? Newbs and their funny stories. And stupid ideas. :roll:
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