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Posts posted by hcriorix

  1. What came first, the chicken or the egg?




    lol...this just gave me an idea...




    maybe for next year's event, they will have 2 things for the event, and you have to pick which one you get. If you pick the chicken, you get some chicken-related thing, if you pick egg, you get some egg-related thing.







    Don't be so sure. They could surprise you next year...




    As for chickens and Easter, the connection is simply the eggs, in my opinion.opinion.




    Hm...maybe a ring that turns you into a chicken? I would love running around lumbridge with that...

  2. I picked "new skills".




    Me, being the heavy skiller that i am, i always enjoy a new skill to waste my time on...lol.




    Going off topic - my least favorite type of updates are the graphical changes. I like runescape because of the quirky "cartoonish" graphics...by trying to update the graphics, they are tying to replicate what other MMOs have, which they just can do within a browser...

  3. Actually, for the past 3 years.




    2005: Rubber chicken


    2006: [Chicken] Egg ring


    2007: Chicken costume




    I have no idea why they use chickens. Why not just make a rabbit costume?




    yeah, thats what I'm trying to figure out...whats up with all the chicken theme, why not use something else related to easter?




    Personally, i think that they will have to do something different, because they have ran out of chicken stuff.

  4. For the last 2 years, the easter reward was something related to a chicken. I dont really see the correlation between a chicken and easter? Could someone please explain? lol.




    Also...Discussion on wheither they will continue the trend of chicken-related items next year

  5. Hey yall, im HcRioRix, but most people refer to me as "HC" (Like an Acronym).




    I represent the african-american side of Runescape...ive never met another black person who plays (IRL or ingame), so im still searchin.




    I bounce back and forth between f2p and p2p, so theres no telling what world im on




    love skilling, and i hate combat, especially p2p.




    Im trying to start a group of skillers so we can find someone to merchant all of our stuff, so if you are a merchant or skiller, PM me ingame or on here (i use the same name on both)




    Also if you are in a combat clan and you need a fletcher or runecrafter, i'd be glad to join up to provide supplies.




    thats about it.

  6. :shock: The kids on Rs are really wierd..








    Lvl 3: Hi




    Me: Yo




    Lvl 3: How old are you?




    Me: 15...You?




    Lvl 3: 9 years old




    Me: Cool




    Lvl 3: Do you want to be Lesby with me?




    Me: Ok \/\/tf leave me alone plz?








    And I ran away... jeeze








    lol sure it was a kid?

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