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Posts posted by gameguy500

  1. arch, please tell me you're being sarcastic.




    What I hate about updates that let us get expensive items easier is when a hundred wannabe merchanters immediately jump on the "Oh noes, pricez r guna dropzz!!!1!!1!eleventyone!! Teh econemie is guna colapz!!" Real merchants with legitimate merchant skills can and do find ways of making up the loss of income in other areas.




    Besides which, there's waaay too many gold coins flowing through the economy, so the drop of a few thousand gp on a single item that's worth a few million isn't going to make any kind of significant difference to the economy in the long run. If the economy crashed every time an expensive item dropped in price, the economy would be crashing two or three times a month for the last three years.




    Since that hasn't happened, I don't think getting d chains from BA queens is going to be the doom of the RS economy. It would take something far more catastrophic, like deleting p-hats or making them untradeable.








    Um.. I think that he was joking =P~ =P~ =P~

  2. ... whats a macroer?








    lol, a macroer is a person using a computer program to gain levels, why did that person come to this thread if he didn't know what a macroer was in the first place?








    Now that that's over with, omg I went to a (f2p) world and saw a herd of macroers, so I went to another world and there was no one there but then right after I started to chop wood, the macroers striked again! After that, I went to EVERY SINGLE F2P WORLD, and guess who was at every one?








    If you couldn't figure that one out, there were macroers.








    Also, a short term solution would to be to not allow any new users that looked exactly like the macroers (you know what I mean, the ones with brown pants, bald or [bleep]y brown hair and a green shirt) and a long term solution would be to ban certain ip adresses that have close to a hundred identical characters...








    Anyway, that is my rant...








    that feels better \'

  3. Hi... My in-game name is darkmagi500, not to be confused with darkmagi 500 (with a space) and I say that because I have been mistakenly identified as him at least 50 times already.








    Anyway, the html on my signature is probably wrong :oops: because I am a total newbie to html and other computer languages. I hope this works... :ohnoes:

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