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Posts posted by Benton_38

  1. Welcome to My Goals!!


    Well after quitting runescape about a month ago and giving all my stuff to my brother, I decided to start playing again. Unfortunately I gave all my stuff to my brother so I have to start making cash first of all to get back on my feet. Although he could still be persuaded to give me it back :)




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    Well to get me started I mined 1k pure ess and made some runes so I could tele about and stuff and I got 57 runecrafting!. Then started fishing sharks so I can sell them for some cash, when a friend saw a picture of my bank asking to buy some addy ore. So I mined a few of them and sold them which got me a mining level!


    Decided I'm guna try and aim for 80 woodcutting. So I can use the logs to finally get 70 firemaking and beyond! Once I get some armour and stuff back I will probably get 80 defence to finish off my combat for awhile and then just focus on mage and range and skills. I'm hoping to get 70 crafting soon as well so we shall see how that goes!




    Got 57 Runecrafting while making some water runes! Now I can make 4x waters, I missed the screenie though :(












    Thanks for reading and I will post level up pictures and stuff when I have some :D




    Thanks to Penderwyll for the Rune Pick :wub:

  2. Apparently my friend who lives in Holland or somewhere met this girl on Runescape who told him she was the daughter of the foreign sectary in the UK and she would be able to get him a VISA if he gave her stuff (She built up his trust over time)




    Sadly to say, but he fell for it :-#

  3. I pced my range from 67 - 70. I don't know how I managed that though, I find Pest Control really boring and I love my hit points experience <3:




    The only time I would do Pest Control now, is either for Magic, Prayer, Hitpoints or the Herb Packs. :thumbsup:

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