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Posts posted by catastrophe

  1. Is the talisman even needed? Couldnt you just run and get jailed, then sneak out of the jail and into the monkey area? Makes more sense, and requires less work :thumbsup:




    with the greegree it'll be alot easier. but the apetol tele u will tele right to the second floor of the temple, so thats the fastest way of getting there

  2. Good outfit, but bring a god cape for the extra mage attack, you dont need defense. Bring only 4 monks, and more anti-fires. either turn on your sound and you can hear when your potion wears off or just wait until you start getting hti to drink another sip of potion.




    i think that is a god cape. zammy right?

  3. You call those the "good old days" of runescape?... wow...




    Heres what i see as the good old days of runescape:






    (Ignore the weird font lol)








    Ahh yes... Back when you had to click for every time you fished, when you couldn't retreat from combat before 3 rounds, and when you couldn't eat in combat. Back when mage pures that were level 30 could own level 100s in stakes of phat sets. Back when you could have 99 range and 10 hp. Back when santa hats were 200k, and blood runes were 1k each. Back when there were no notes, so you either had to trade everything 12 at a time, or make certain things into certificates. Yep, those were the good old days...




    ah i remember those days where u had to use sleeping bags, a rune dagger looks exactly the same as a r2h :XD: , theres no running, and equips are still in ur inventory. oh and the great party hat dupe when the pink party hat became the least expensive.




    and when rs2 first came out some great merchanting got me a white party hat for 3m, which i sold for 8m and never dreamed it would be in the hundreds of millions #-o

  4. i just hit 99 mage which i wanted for a long long time \' , and good timing too cause my membership will end pretty soon cause it canceled it. didnt have a party cause i just couldnt wait lol :XD:








    and this was when i hit 99 fletching a while ago ::'






    and plz rate my bank. organization ftw!




















    and rate my stats its in the sig :thumbsup:


    According to the Grand Exchange




    stop there, theres your first mistake. alot of prices on ge are way off, especially for godswords.




    i just bought my bgs yesterday, if ur patient u can probably find one for 41m. and bgs is only 500k-1m more expensive than zgs, and zgs's special is pretty useless tbh. so bgs is definitely worth it.

  6. for range unless u like how it looks or u actually need the extra mage def, blk d hide is as good as its going to get.




    for mage ah a good choice and its pretty cheap. as for how much ull get off with smithing lvls its ur lvl divided 2. so lvl 70 would be 35% off. this is only for repairing the armor at a POH not at bobs.

  7. if u barrage in cw u will be killed really quickly, so it getting annoying. doing onyx enchant will probably be the best way to go. plus u can buy some of the cosmic back from the reward and the points u get.


    For personal opinion, I found it far easier to shoot for 50-100 tickets a day, spending only an hour or two at the arena. I didn't see any results for a while of course, but the boost from cashing 'em in finally was so much nicer than 1 level at a time. And I found it was slightly more entertaining training there.





    this guy knows what hes talking about =D>




    agility courses will be mind numbingly boring! with the brimhaven arena u can chat, alc or do some obsticles in between ticks for extra experience. from personal experience, getting 1000 tickets is like getting a 99 u feel some sort of achievement which is nice \' , so unless ur a hardcore agility trainer or want 70 agility really really bad go with the arena! and i believe theres is a good guide on it the AOW

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