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Posts posted by paulyts50




    This guy seems to be the only one that has any logic on this thread about the update. Kudos to you.




    For anyone who was able to profit off of this supposed "bug", good job. I don't see why everyone has a problem with ingenious work in this game. Anytime someone uses a flaw or bug or the sheer ignorance of others to their advantange, they get insulted and flamed for using their mind in a game. I just wish I could have profited off of this because the Saradomin Godsword is my favorite of the four.




    Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh you sound like the cheerleading squad for those who were applauding the Lurers for their 'intelligent' manipulation of players. Madman knows full well it was wrong but is not allowing his conscience to guide him. I can tell by the way he is trying to justify his actions over and over, trying to sway anyone who disagrees with false logic.




    If you guys ever wonder why there are so many rules in games and in life...just take a look in the mirror. Just because you 'can' doesn't mean you 'should'.

  2. This is a serious reply...




    You forgot the best food in the game that is actual food!




    It is red and delicious and tiny and easy to carry and to drop if you don't actually need and have good drops. What is it? The strawberry! It heals 5 (or 6) times 5 as they are carried in baskets.




    A must have item for slayer or combat where eating a bite here and there is all you need. Being you really don't need the expense of Guthans for low level monsters, this is an overlooked and extremely inexpensive food source.




    EDIT: (figures qeltar beat me)

  3. It is a forager and foragers do not need to be in battle to collect...scrolls are to use the special combat ability....the egg you get when you interact. In fact only the scrolls need to be used in battle for any familiar. Most of the familiar uses are actually outside of multi and their passive cb skills are for all fight areas.




    They yield one to 2 eggs on a low timer (mine is 3 minutes) and this will increase as your timer gets higher...for now they are self replicating as you get one egg per pouch at low level summons.




    It gives better yields?? Didn't know that! So do i use the boost while planting the crops, or when picking the crops?




    I use the compost boost (right click) boost when i pick the crops. It is 1 plus 2% of your level. I noticed a marked improvement on yields and had record yields. The randomness of the herb crops would make it difficult to tell, unless you did a long term study of it...say 100 batch comparison being range is 4 to 17, but with strawberries and watermelon it boosts yields significantly. Another player who use on RSOF says the same.




    Don't take my word, try it!







    Since when has farminglvl something to do with yield? It had not until early last year and I never heard about any changes in this.. It's nice to see some positive posts about summoning, but please let's keep comments realistic ..... To me the compostmound is useless for a (high lvl) farmer, though seeing the needed summoninglvl , I'm not surprised about it.




    and btw, your remarks about using normal compost frequently as a lvl 97 farmer are completely incomprehensible to me. Perhaps a reason for your 'slow progression'? :?






    Oooops! You forgot to read how I like to farm and that anyone can get 99 farm by buying tree seeds! Sorry, but you asked...




    As incomprehensible as it may be, I have taught hundreds of low levels to farm and enjoy it as I do and they appreciate that the extra xp in making compost and that using both reg and super on allotments is free and fast xp, means better yields (Yes I said better yields!) and often for lower levels seeds, no need to pay the farmer or have a special flower growing. (I have NEVER grown anything but limps, til now, I grow marigolds for summoning)




    Furthermore, I took a yield count from when I was done with potatoes to the magic secateurs nerfing yields to make it look better. EVERY yield. I now just keep track of my best yields for a crop. AND having said that, I will again reiterate that my best yields have come from using the boost on the compost. Whether this is a silent boost for yields that accompany the compost familiar or built in to the guy himself I still have not determined.




    As I said, I have noticed a boost in my yields of crops and it was significant. As my herbs range from 4 to 17 so randomly I cannot tell if this is effected. BTW has anyone picked more then 17 herbs? Has anyone gotten more then 70 watermelons on one side of an allottment? My computer is down, but I think the strawberry crops was 46.








    (yes, i know you have your cape and i know you are 99 ++++ farmer. Point was, I could be too, chose not to rush, chose to use the whole skill and to cook and eat corn and use strawberries rather then buy guthans, choose to use tree roots for other uses, choose to use watermelons for super compost, choose to use both reg AND super compost every time, and iI still saw significant yield improvement with the compost boost, including my best yields and choose not to argue, so are we done?)

  5. The intrinsic flaw here is the assumption that players who are high level or who had invested time and money into their characters do not real world trade. There are a number of different types of player who do rwt...but greed and need...are the motivators. An example of need being the Asian person who cannot get a job and greed being the person who hires him and gets most of the cash. (some goldminers are paid with room and board)




    If you were to look at any of the popular video sites, you would see that most goldfarmers play the game and their characters outside of the grind of their 9 to 5, because they enjoy the game and because they are less likely to be caught. Being caught means they have to make a new character and some are punished by being withheld pay for being banned.




    As an example of an individual, I met a player... level 116... when i first started members. He seemed like a decent person, was an adult and he said he played every minute he wasn't sleeping. I eventually asked how he could afford to do that and he said he made a living rwt on this and 2 other games. I was pretty naive and had to ask what that meant. :oops:


    The person was banned soon after and of course had several other accounts from which he probably did the same.




    These are just my examples of why this may not be "the" answer.

  6. Any parent who lets a pre-teen surf the web without supervision is asking for trouble. Come to that, most teens need a lot more internet supervision than they get, and as a parent of a teen I've had to take some drastic steps from time to time




    Why would you have to take drastic steps if you have looked over his shoulder and watched everything he ate, looked at, wore and played with since he was a baby. (My sarcasm stems from your reply on how to parent 101 below*)




    Vlad's metaphor of leaving a kid alone with a loaded gun is very appropriate -- there's a lot of stuff out there on the internet that's not suitable for adults, let alone kids.




    No it is not and yes there is a lot of inappropriate stuff on the internet. In this case Runescape looks pretty innocuous when you play with your child and seems far more so in the Runescape Official Handbook and that was the point.




    Jagex's policy is in compliance with COPPA -- which they need if they want to do business in the US, even though they're a UK company. (Failure to comply could cost them their US servers, as well as huge legal bills and fines.) It's not their job to make their game "safe" for players outside their publicly stated age range. Andrew has said that the game is written for "people like us" -- i.e. Jagex employees, most of whom are in their early 20s. So it is a game for teens and older. (Much older in some cases! Embarassed )




    The compliance with Coppa was so Runescape could be played in the US...not for any other reason. Andrew's statement that the game was made for people like us was made as we parents were creating an internet uproar over the luring issue and the fact that their official handbook was marketed to anyone but teens. But I guess if 'Andrew says so , it must be true'.




    (You forgot to add nyah nyah. But if you were aware that that statement and the addition to the Knowledge base of that statement was a direct result of the articles you are now bashing...does it make Andrew's statement valid? Also, that Andrew admitted to the collaboration with Scholastic, which primarily markets to pre-teens just days before on RSOF, does that make any difference?)




    Jagex did make a huge error of judgement over the luring issue, and was soundly taken to task over it by many of the fansites as well as the PMods -- although I wasn't privy to the discussion, I've heard that there was some serious talk in the PMod forum. I don't think qeltar should be claiming the glory for getting Jagex to change their mind on this one -- he was just one of a very large number of voices in that particular outcry.




    Ummm Qeltar gives credit to the parents and we in turn give him credit for having given us a site to refer to for the media, parents and parent sites as well as player and gaming sites.




    Jagex's job is to provide a game for their customers to play. They do that and do a pretty good job of it. It's not their job to do anything more than provide a game and kick out rule breakers when they catch them.





    They have horrible customer service (refute that) let players find the bugs in poorly planned and executed updates and take forever, if ever, to correct (refute that and look for the 900 pages of rant on the assist option alone)




    The rulebreakers have 15 black marks and are still playing because the auto responses from Jagex allow the their slate to be cleaned, while they permanent ban innocents who give gifts to friends or shared loot from a drop. I reported thousands of bots which are still in play. I reported hundreds of lechers who said things that should have given an instant ban yet I still see many in play and not muted. I reported 2 deviates who were targeting children and one conversation of an adult who admitted having cyber sex with a young teen. That last person is not only still playing years after but is now a player moderator. So what rulebreakers are they catching...Please, I would love to know.




    Caveat Emptor applies -- perhaps even more on the internet than in real life.




    As for the infamous flier. I doubt if that was anything to do with Jagex -- Scholastic puts them out all the time. I used to get them send home from school with my son when he was that age. I've seen several things advertised in them that I found questionable, though he stopped getting them before the book was released so I never saw that one. If you want to do anything about that, then complain to Scholastic -- they're the one's pushing the book. And Caveat Emptor applies here too.





    You doubt it because you care not to read? And you found things questionable so you complained to the school and scholastic yourself, right (see your guide to be a perfect parent again*)




    But being you have not seen the kiddie pictures and the cutesy children's 'book' that was the only 'Official Runescape Guide' ever to be sanctioned by Jagex and you have not seen this infamous flier it must not be reality? It was designed and marketed to and for little children. It is a book for little children and Andrew has admitted to writing most of it, even though the full credit was given to Ms. West. (Again in response to queries in the RSOF)




    We all did complain to Scholastic and their lawyers , the schools , the libraries and of course Jagex. Scholastic markets to children and Tracey West the children's author was chosen to write it. But I guess Jagex had no idea with whom they were dealing with? :roll: Please be sure to reread what you wrote below in your guide to being a perfect parent. Ask yourself if it is true. I think you may have tried your very best, which is what any good parent would do.




    * If you're a parent, then it's your job to make sure that everything your kid does, all the toys and clothes he/she has, the food he/she eats, etc. is suitable and safe. (It's not a job for wimps, let me tell you!) It's no one else's job to tell you how to bring your kid up, what books he/she should read, what TV shows to watch, music to listen to, what time to go to bed, what to eat and drink. You have to take time to get involved in what your kid is doing, and make sure that they haven't strayed into dangerous or dubious territory*.




    It's not Jagex's job, nor is it qeltar's, nor any other "concerned citizen" to bring up your kids. Most of you are probably too old to remember Mary Whitehouse and her campaigns against "obscenity" or Tipper Gore's campaigns against bad language in music. But these sorts of crusades are totally bogus. They're much more about making a name for the crusaders than they are about really making a difference.





    You may insult me and call me a crusader. I consider myself a good parent, just as you do and I am a concerned citizen. I do not sit on my laurels and spout off rhetoric after the fact, I act and strike when it counts to make a difference. This is rehashed nonsense months after the articles made the difference they were intended to make. I would think that because you are part of the 'team' here, you would made bloody sure you were 'right' and not simply righteous before spouting.




    If you want to make a difference in Runescape, then don't scam, don't lure, don't cheat, don't attempt to avoid the censor, don't buy and sell items or accounts for real money. In short, play by the rules. And of course report anyone you see breaking them. You don't need a huge crusade and an ad-supported website to make a difference, you just need to play right.




    Really? So sitting on your laurels makes a difference? I think not sir. Playing by the rules makes you a good example and a good player, but that's is about it. The Truthscape site eliminated many scams as Jagex has changed coding after years of player complaints and is the perfect alternative for kids who play to turn to to find how to play as a good player. It is also a good way for parents to find out about all aspects of the game and to make informed decisions.




    As it is, the vast majority of players are decent law abiding people -- like the vast majority of people anywhere. It would be a terrible waste to break the game because of a few cheats.




    There are more then a few cheaters and thousands of cheat sites, gold sites and gold farmers. If your statement above were true, tell me how those sites are able to stay in business please. Truthscape is a healthy and honest alternative and I will applaud it as such. May I reiterate I do not know Qeltar in real, we are not friends on Runescape, but I respect what he has done and the changes he has made in the game.

  7. Although no one here seems to actually read anything other then their own commentary, I will try reach the few with sense so you may have some truthful replies.




    The original text in those article stemmed from the luring fiasco and the original thread was hashed out at that time.




    I met Qeltar as a concerned parent who disapproved of the non-compliance with rule 2...luring sticky RSOF. I am not on his friends list and he is not on mine. We do have the interest of the game and those playing it in common, however.




    Qeltar has posted numerous times in this thread that he is the author and that has been virtually ignored. He was insulted undeservedly many times however and mostly by those who did not care to read his posts here, the articles in question or go to his site.




    Lord British is his own entity and is a separate character. Resorting to silliness and pettiness does not make points, although in this forum it seems to be a reason for posting.




    The flier that is referred to and is being refuted was brought to his attention by me. I was disturbed that it was directed to even younger children in my country. (Canada) In our school, the k to 6 are the only ones to whom that flier was given. A similar flier was distributed throughout North American schools at book fairs that occur 2 to 4 times a year.




    The name of the book has changed several times. It was Andrew's baby as he has admitted on forums. He and Scholastic collaborated to make a Runescape manual. It was originally called an Official Runescape Guide. That had to be changed as it was a guide solely for newcomers and as such was incorrect. They were obliged to change the name to the Official Runescape guide to the free world. The name has changed twice since then and I have no idea what it may be called now.




    The inside cover of that book has the official Jagex logo and copyright info. I imagine my having seen it first hand at my son's book fair will not help matters anyway. You will all just say I am a female version of Qeltar! :roll:




    May I recommend that you read not only the articles in question, but the forum conversations that followed on that site, as well as Qeltar's amazing Runescape player information and parent guides at Truthscape .com.




    My Disclaimer: I am not a male although Pauly is the nickname of one in the show "sopranos". I am not Qeltar even though I support him fully in this thread. I am not allergic to nuts, but I tend not to post here often because of them :lol:

  8. All the nice people didn't quit, we just quit trying to always be nice.




    It is tiresome and aggravating to be kind and not be thanked. I have helped with thousands (yes thousands) of quests and many times for not so much as a "thank you" when i was done.




    Tiresome... to hear plzzzzzzzzzzzz instead of please, to be asked in such a way that it sounds like begging...as you did, to be begged from and then have the begger show you his 20 million, to be be interrupted over and over and over because I am a female and considered a pushover...so people try to push me over. And yes I do go over the at times and yell and get upset now because it happens way too often.




    If you do not wish to be considered a begger, offer to pay! Don't expect free stuff! Giving to people who ask for free stuff, is not being kind...it fosters more begging!

  9. Very well done and full of useful information, as always, Qeltar.




    It is truthfully what myself and other non-wildy lovers wanted. It isn't perfect but it works and I will be happy for a new way to rc. The randomness is a pain, but once you get used to the trips it is wicked fast xp.




    Try all the methods and see for yourself. The naysayers should try to do at least 1k ess before deciding you hate it. And if you hate always giving up the pure ess, mine your own at lunar when you need a break. Fill the pouches then mine the ore and gems there.




    *sees sparkles above head for runecrafting* Yay, nice change.

  10. For any bot hunters out there, here are some wc autoer family names that are seen on most worlds. Feel free to report any with the name followed by a number.




    All have numbers after the name and are bot ARMIES, to repeat... I checked and none are characters names...I ERASED any that were:




    ailei, arrq, asds, aszx, aookk, binene, bued cctt, ctct, ctvm, cocole, cvdf, dgtek, ding, dsrwe, fcfc, ftty, haoff, haonn, haojj, home, hghg, ingtu, ingwol, jmwe, jmww, jhhg, jinli, jjhhg, jnhs, junli, junyi, kissby, kissld, lifett, ljf, lkjm, lkmk, Lonao, meihao, Mmnnb, mtgf, nfc, norl, Oreiw, phic, Ppooi, qqlk, qlbb, qldd, rdx, rici, royss, royyy, sella, sdwe, shuns, skyou ,tarly, teagu, tfc, tfct, tftc, tuiyou, vnfh, vvlk, wwlk, wdwd, weishuai, wjmwe, wrrc, wuqu, Wwjm, yewu, yfd , yo--p,Yybbdd, zhouhong, zuiniu, zztt, zzlk, zzxxxa.




    If you are going to add any that you see in your worlds, make sure they are obvious succession named bots in a family, and Not names of actual characters. Naming players is not allowed.

  11. Well this person is being sensitive, but I understand the motive and feelings. I am female and an adult. I do not allow my son to play games where there is blood and where you see the bodies being blown apart or any body part removed, because seeing that level of violence does desensitize.




    I don't kill calves and I seldom kill any npc humans and I would never kill a farmer because i was a farm girl. Having those feelings is one thing, but asking others to agree (especially here where forum goers would rather rip you apart then have empathy) is pushing it a little too far.




    Seems I am a bubblehead


    I took these screenshots today.. What yews are you talking about?




    Well I was talkjng about yesterday. My first post was obviously premature and hopeful. I did say they were back somewhat today, but not in droves...yet. A good lot have been banned and are removed from hiscores, but the users and abusers are making new ones all over again.




    It would help if people gathered their own resources to curb the flow, but that isn't going to happen. Players are just too lazy and 'train 'til i drop or get 99' crazy.




    I quit the game in February and came back to check out the game now that luring and scamming are in check, but autoing certainly is a huge problem. I am not sure I want to come back, especially to pay members, unless autoing is curbed to a trickle. It certainly shows the greed that exists in this world!

  13. is it possible to run out of random names for bots? I mean the 'families' are at ct____ now




    There are 170581728179578208256 possible usernames in 12 digits with 36 characters per digit




    EDIT: Actually it's closer to 243569224216081305397 possible usernames since the space is also a character, so it's 12 digits with 37 characters each .




    Actually, it's more like 6,582,952,005,840,035,281 possible user names :o :shock: :? :ohnoes:




    Ok ok i get it , sigh. I know it feels useless but i am hopeful that there is a solution to keeping ahead of them. Seriously, yesterday i changed worlds 4 times and draynor and the lummy yews were free of bots for awhile.




    I think the idea of capturing players and having the bot stopper that you see in sign ins (the squiggley letters not in regular font and always changing) would be a solution. Anyone who cannot do this would be held (in a hell llike dark place) until the correct letters are added.




    It will not stop the gold farmers, but will stop the botting until the 'user' frees them. (not sure why Jagex feels players would be upset by the random...it seems less innocuous then Bob the cat.)

  14. Well I am back again to report that this morning a lot of bots were back. None were those i had reported before, but certainly many were from the same family. I kept record of the bot names that I reported in the past for reference. The ones who have the bot family name I report first.




    Although strato thinks I am naming names, the bot families are the most obvious bots and I have no qualms about using initials and you can add the numbers, so I am NOT naming players and not giving the full name of the char! Some of these are newly made and will not show on highscore but the initials with numbers are wc bots, so if you see at the trees feel free to report.




    All have numbers after the name and are bot ARMIES, to repeat I checked and none are characters names...I ERASED any that were: ailei, asds, aookk, binene, cctt, ctct, ctvm, Dgtek, fcfc, haoff, haonn, haojj, home, hghg, ingwol, jmww, jhhg, jinli, junli, junyi, kissby, kissld, lifett, ljf, lkjm, meihao, Mmnnb, mtgf, nfc, norl, Oreiw, Ppooi , qqlk, rici, shuns, tfc, Tuiyou, vvlk, wwlk, wdwd, Wuqu, Wwjm, yewu, Yybbdd, zztt, zzlk. If you are going to add any that you see in your worlds, make sure they are obvious succession named bots in a family, and Not names of actual characters.




    To make the bot armies in succession, the owner finds a name which has not been used, then they make chars 1 to ------ that they need, and add more later. They don't even need to do tutorial, but the chars are all there to add and train as others are banned. Jagex has a long road ahead, but unless they become judicious and spend man hours constantly, they will immobilize in great numbers.




    !FYI! : the bot owners have taken to 'dressing up' and adding hair and one or 2 levels so that the bald, green pants are not a dead give away. At the very least the huge amounts of armies are gone so keep up the reporting!

  15. quote stratotanker

    Omg, send a message to JaGeX to monitor that player's IP address...or MAC address, if they can. If they find the slightest inkling of that person hacking, they need to send down the hammer, and cut that person off. Permanently. Those kind of people are just losers, and need to be cast out using a catapult and beaten with a reaaaaally long stick.




    Also, many people who beg, also scam, hack, bot, etc. Just because they are a lvl 15 doesn't mean they aren't rich. Don't give the noobs money if they beg for it. Although, if you can get them to get you stuff, they deserve cash. Nonetheless, keep an eye out.




    They know his ip address....and both his chars are banned.




    On a lighter and on topic note, today the yews were almost clear of bots and not one new autoer walked by in draynor. When they asked us to help report, I guess they really weren't just appeasing us, because a lot of fcfc are banned and off highscores, so perm ban. So the last week was worth it. I am so pleased!

  16. I quit in February, due to the luring and scamming not being cleaned up. A friend asked me to wc in free and i saw just how many autoers there were...read the rant sticky to read more on that subject. After finding literal bot armies I came on for awhile each day to target report the armies. I found...and this is no lie...more then 2k bots in one name alone. There were many more I just got tired of looking.




    The patterns were also apparent and i guess Jagex has cleaned up the largest 'families' because quite a few are not hiscores anymore. There are not hundreds of autoers walking by draynor and the yews are clear. I actually filled my inventory in no time , whereas i got one log a tree ...or none.




    So it appears Jagex is truly not just blowing smoke to appease the masses...they really are banning en masse and it is starting to show. SO try the yews again people! They are a lot less crowded :D

  17. Jagex won't stop bots no matter what. They updated the tiles which caused most bots who use [Caution] tiles to figure out where to go and what to do to mess up and stopped the bots for a day. My friends easily figured out a way past it and now bots will rise again. Who knows when jagex will update their system again...




    Seems you have slimey 'friends'. Being they arenot playing the game and are cheating and you are condoning it by remaining their friend and not reporting them, you are helping make the game what it is today. Full of scammers, hackers, autoers and beggers and a few honest players interspersed.




    It is sad. And please don't say 'I don't rat my friends'. If he is willing to cheat the system, it is a safe bet he is like that in real and would happily cheat people and friends as well. I consider it ok to rat on a rat. One of my former 'friends' said as I reported him, you are so lucky to be on my friend list, because I don't hack friends. Wow, lucky me.... :roll: and my friends that I introduced him to were equally thrilled, as now we knew why so many of my friends were being hacked. -.-




    i also got some good luck one time, some new guy(maybe lvl 16..can't remember) showed me 1mill, and we were upstairs at varrock east bank, suddnly he was attacked by a swarm and told him if you were to kill it i well give you free stuff...so he tried to kill it, and he died and i got his 1mill....




    another time was when i was mining in mining guild seen a guy with a santa, and jsut for laughs offered him all my rune weapons for it...he said no caz he hadn't played for awhile and didn't know the prices(back when santa was worth 1.2mill) then i said 100k and all my rune weapons..he mined a couple coal and i thought he ignored me are something, then he said, "ok i well do it". right after the trade i logged out and went to world 1 and sold the sanata for 1.3mill....i feel really bad about selling it now that its worth like 20mill....






    You sound like a vulture and a scammer yourself...Lying for gain is scamming! You feel bad about selling the santa but have no quams about lying about the value and gouging the guy for his santa? Pretty sad that you say you have been scammed and yet don't see how nasty you are....and the reason the community is in the toilet....money over dignity and conscience.

  19. Pauly, if you focus on the immaturity of players then all you'll get is negatives.




    umm did you actually read the 2 articles? The point was that the immature, young and vulnerable should perhaps not be playing. It also tells parents the complete information so they can make informed decisions.




    Charles/Qeltar's article is purely biased, heck I know player mods ingame, great for asking questions.




    Indeed it is partial, but not unfair. Everything he wrote is factual. He is writing an expose as a parent and player... not a fairy tale. Jagex's parent guide is purely biased. It contains little about the actual game and veers toward the 'educational' aspects of the game, which are miniscule at best.




    The player mods who answer your questions are nice people, so that's good you found a rare friendly mod. I had 8 player mods on my list and all were great because I only had good people on my list, yet I still think the basic player mod does little and can do little to police runescape.

  20. I saw yesterday, a J Mod and around 5-10 P Mods going around Yew Trees in F2P yesterday south of Falador, and they were banning autoers. I hear people always complaining about Yew Autoers and how Jagex is doing nothing about them. Here is a picture for proof: (names taken out for privacy)





    j mods have gold crowns and you can name them as they are staff, not players. I have never seen a j mod in game for almost 4 years of game play and I see no gold crown in your picture as proof.




    I see they are reporting a cctt of which there are hundreds and hundreds. It should only take that one mod a few weeks to ban a few in that 'family' and meanwhile his ccttaa army will be ready to rise. Unless Jagex gets serious about bots and their detection it will only get worse. No one in free is getting any logs and for those who say bots provide a service, well, the players would be cutting them if they could!

  21. I don't need to read this article but I decided to anyway..




    There are 2 articles...part one and part two and ultimately Qeltar made Truthscape which is the guide for parents or players wishing to learn more about the game.




    There is NOTHING in there about player mods or forum mods or the fact that luring has been banned for months at the time of this article. However rude the players of F2P are, I quite agree with that as I've seen it several times. But not ALL players on F2P are like that (unfortunately the guide never says this). Some players (a lot actually) at least log off to take a break.




    Charles does state that player mods have little power and that J mods are not in the game enough to make a presence and none have a significant impact on the game. The few good and honest players are far outweighed by the beggers and scammers and other ne'er do wells. The Runescape parent guide and knowledge base does not touch upon the negative aspects of the game and so, Charles has exposed the underbelly.




    Luring had not been banned for months. It was as Charles stated. Shortly after the first expose was up, Jagex changed their decision. The fact that the second article was about to expose luring and that the Truthscape site was about to come online rattled the cages. (I also credit dedicated parents and players who kept the pressure on Jagex in a non- moblike manner)




    to quote Charles in part 2:




    "Fortunately, on March 29, 2007-over five weeks after the initial decision, but only three days after the publication of Part 1 of this editorial-Jagex pleasantly surprised me and the other ethical players of RuneScape. The company reversed their February decision and made luring into the Wilderness illegal"




    Again, nothing about player mods or the fact that some players are mature and it mostly focuses on the immaturity generation




    That was the intention...to focus on the immature who may not be ready to play the game. Did you know I met a 5 year old playing? She really didn't belong in the game, now did she?




    I am not sure why you are emphasizing players mods. They really have no teeth and most just play the game and do not report much of what they see or hide with friends. They are not paid and thus you get what you pay for. Player maturity is not how player mods are chosen. It is the cleanliness of their own game play. Choosing forum mods is a much better system in that they can see the kindness , helpfulness, maturity and grasp of the English language. After all, I hear an 8 year old was chosen as a player mod. Maturity and ability have nothing to do with the player mod choice.

  22. How the heck am I supposed to put the responses where I need to, then?




    The way I am doing...the correct way. You press quote from the thread you wish to reply to, add this...............>

    to the end of the first paragraph you are quoting...then highlight the remarks further on that you wish to quote...press quote....and then add your reply.






    You dare flame me?




    By telling you that quoting me and adding your junk within my quote had to stop? That is not a flame, that is a fact.




    A quote is placed around a person's comments to quote the individual. Otherwise it is NOT a quote




    All I am saying, is that you can't use that method. IT DOESN'T WORK.




    If it does, I want to see an algorithm that filters through all of the people on the hiscores for just bots


    Then, I want to see him prove that they are bots.


    It's not a sound system.




    I am female...and you have 900+ with hiscores around 62...but you think there might be a legit in there? Then the legit will have other scores that Jagex can see. They have more then a hiscores list in their data base.




    And, I'll quote as I please. Here's a suggestion for yourself. Get a friggin grammercheck.




    No, you won't. Learn how to use the quotes and you have no excuse now that I advised you how.






    Now, I am not saying that don't go after them all, I am saying be careful, and don't get ban happy.


    For those kind of things, you have to do your homework. You NEED absolute evidence that they are bots. It's hard, having all these bots, I know, but you need to cool down. There ARE going to be innocents, and the last thing JaGeX wants is to hurt their PR, what little they have. What would YOU have us do?




    What would I suggest? There should be paid mods who are soley devoted to removing bots. Jagex should be closing down sites where their items are being sold, if they truly were stopping real world trading. Advise google and other majors that the rs gold and item sale sites are illegitimate and have them removed on a daily basis. (Yes this can be done) Set up new detection systems at least once a month (not just once a year) by having anti botters on staff that reverse design the codes of any new bot system, not just one.... The present system is an appeasement, that does nothing to stop the armies of botters.




    And, IDC if my suggestion is silly, it IS possible, hmm? I've done the same with a friend, we're racing to get the hardest hitting pure within X amount of time.




    Your reply that 3 of those 900+ are racing to get 99 together is...hogwash! And I did do my homework; I looked them all up...something which Jagex needs to do. The person made quite possibly thousands at a time by finding the name no one had and making them all at once...no trip thru tutorial needed and all were saved for when he needed them. BTW I reported the hundreds of fcfc I saw, some on the same tree and they are still there. What a great detection system and report system hmmm?




    ! Besides, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO NAME PEOPLE. I've called in a mod to edit out the names (Rule 1.6, look it up, genius), and if you put them back....well....GL. I myself am editing out the names you've posted out of the times I've quoted you.




    And I was not naming one player I was naming a bot army! Get it removed by all means...they are leveled around 62 and most show up in hiscores. I have found 900+, none with any other purpose then to bot or standby for when the next one 'might' banned because Jagex does nothing! Each world I was on had 2 or 3 fcfc botters.




    Personally, I have p-mod friends that come over, then ask the suspected bots a few questions. Even if chat is off, and the p-mod is ignored, they still get to them. That way, there is no excuse.




    Ummmm, who cares about your one mod friend who gets 10 players banned a day! What does that have to do with the poor detection system? A few mod reports are a spit in the bucket and most mods are not at the botting sites or on ftp where they are being made.

  23. stratotanker, how dare you put your comments into the field that states it is my quote!!!!! And your silly answer to 3 fcfc all in the same name who might be friends all wcing to 99 is so silly! This guy has 900+ so far bots i have found in hiscores who have no other skills. You are saying there may be some legit in there so don't try to get them all? What a load of garbage! Jagex has the data base and does nothing and players like you are condoning their lack of attention to bots.




    Once again don't you dare quote someone and place your own junky reply into the quote!


    And as much as you may not want to admit it, not paying attention happens a lot in business.




    I would comment on the rest of your reply to the guide, but it full of assumptions and that last comment is laughable. Jagex didn't pay attention to whom they sold the license? Yes they had no idea Scholastic...who is known throughout north America and the world as a children' publisher, would sell to children. You are saying Jagex and their lawyers abdicated all their rights and responsibilities? Jagex did that so it is ok, because they weren't paying attention? They didn't do it to make much money? And the little kiddie format it is written in and Andrew helped write was intended for teens? Hogwash! In this litigious world you better be paying attention in business!




    Your comments on the article are typical of a young man who sees Jagez as some Godlike figure and sees parents as the culprits. Well I read the article as a parent . The resulting site , truthscape, is a great guide for parents. Unlike the supposed 'parent guide' Jagex has written, which glosses over the negative or excludes it altogether, parents have a place to go to read about the game. Just how can parents do their job without reading what the game actually entails?




    The parent's guide and knowledge base were changed as a direct result of parent's complaints and the articles Charles wrote. The inclusion in the KB that the game was meant for 13+ was changed following the last expose article...before that, it stated the game was for 'everyone'.

  25. *sighs* Can't we let this die?




    He says lets let this die then goes on and on....




    Please indicate where I put words into anyones mouth.




    You were saying Qeltar was i9nsisting all readers agree with him, yet, what he was saying was many people here have presented facts and yet some have tried to argue past them...like yourself.




    Anyway Yes Jagex sold the liscence however they never indicated an age range so they cannot be blamed for 8 year olds buying that "guide".




    Jagex sold out as we said. So the fact is either Jagex reneged on its responsibility and conveniently 'forgot' that the publisher was a children's book publisher and excluded it from the contract or they didn't care...either way Jagex sold out for money. So yes, Jagex can and will continue to be blamed for the target audience of 8 to 11.




    Also regarding that Disney could make you take down a disney poster in your room, its wrong, they use their liscence on the product, you buy the right to use it. Anyway they are messed up enough putting pr0n on by mistake.





    They put an unlicensed picture up obviously, not a licensed poster (putting words in people's mouths again) ...sheesh! Quit finding non-arguments to prop yourself!




    And that remark about f2p was that he focused on that aspect.




    I've been a member for a year and have rarely seen [be quiet] noob, unless in extreme circumstances (annoying greatly). However I go to a f2p world and am bound to see the word noob used very often.





    I have been a member for 3 years and having been called noob many times ...even now at 113. I heard it used 50 to a hundred times a day in members...and hated it. I have never called anyone a noob...I find real words to make my point and use them in context. Your reply of ftp still has no relevance in spite of your 'explanation'. The noob name calling is rampant and ridiculous.

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