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Posts posted by Deaths311

  1. and deaths, in the end, i think we were mates or something, but you were not that good as you thought you were. Yea, alot above average but not that much ;)




    None of you were that good lol...




    You were level 80's pking at level 13, in fact better yet, you were level 80+ pures pking at level 13. When adx was a lvl 80 impure (and i was always mega impure) i pked higher level lol, i made Jupita a castle pker and when he'd gotten to 80 combat i was going to hobs and rune mines... In fact i took Shr3k up there too lol.. N he was like 65 combat.




    I still remember killing Max333 with Jupita when i was about 77 combat because he kept logging on site of Adx.

    I know you're not speaking of me like that. And to the person above you, just ask around about RSC and my name. I wasn't just at the castle; I was all over the place.
  2. Thanks to whomever suggested the Java tip, although this would be out of my hands anyway as I do not have administrator privileges.




    JAVA SOFTWARE for Your Computer






    We detected your Java environment as follows;


    Description Your Environment




    Java Runtime Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.


    Java Runtime Version 1.5.0_10










    You do NOT have the latest version of Java software.


    The latest version of Java software = Java Runtime Environment Version 5.0 Update 11)

  3. If you can't offer any insight, why bother posting?




    Because you already concluded you have no spyware, you have no virus', you claim to be playing on a T3 line (which I very much doubt) and concluded on your own that it must be a network issue.




    Claiming you have a T3 pipe tells me you are either wasting money on a line you can't use (since you don't know how to troubleshoot something simple like RS) or you're pulling it out of thin air to look cool.







    Its either T1 or T3. I'm playing from a college university, therefore I know its one or the other. I don't need to brag about an internet connection to look cool, nor would I go out of my way to make one up. As to the person who mentioned the java update, would Sun prompt me if an update was available or should I just go to the site?

  4. There are so many reasons why it could be running slow that perhaps, oh I don't know, you should give more details?








    And just a few of them:








    - Internet connection




    - Spyware




    - Virus




    - Too many other processes going on








    ect. ect.












    T3 lines




    No spyware/no virus




    Not many processes








    -My guess is that its the network.








    So the question is, what would you do with your life?
















    Everything that everybody else couldn't do. Everything would be mine.








    So to map this out...








    Raid a supermarket, a bar, an electronics store, a porn shop, a sports store, a video store, and then live in an amusement park. Yeah, thats what'd I'd do.

  6. I've been playing on and off for six years. I started as 311 Freak. There was only one server when I started playing. I tried the whole mining and smithing thing, which everyone seemed to get into. It just seemed like thats where the money was, but unless you were bluerose or some of the other high smithers; you never really caught a break.








    So we always just used to have fun killing each other. I miss the days when you could PK anywhere except for cities (And even then you could get away with it, so long as the guards weren't looking). But they catered the game to those who whined about getting killing while trying to skill and make money. Thats not how life goes. There isn't a specific place you can fight and a specific place where you are free of harm. And given the time period this game appears to be set in; the stronger tended to survive. I personally think they took a lot of fun out of the game when they added all these restrictions.








    We only had cash banks, so we had to create mules to carry our excess items.








    And PKing seemed to be ruled by the archers back in the day; because nobody really got into magic it seemed. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong - but I always remember archers like Graffixetet, Messiah 14, and Crushed (who I later teamed up with) trapping me in a store and ranging the [cabbage] out of me. I hated walking back from lumbridge.








    So I created my pure, 311 Deaths - Thats when the fun really started. I miss murdering you all and the people I killed with. And the wars. That was when pures ran the wild, right before P2P RS2. That was probably the most fun I had playing the game. Killing became an addiction, lol.








    But in my opinion, I think they ignored the people who have played this game for so long and have turned it into glitz and glamour. Not to mention, the game has been really tainted from the start.








    -Around-The-Clock Char Sharers
























    Especially what seemed to be the work of botting or around-the-clock char sharing.








    It was odd, because the math work involved in experience would add up to playing for days on end for certain players, but nothing was ever done about it. As a matter of fact, my brother did the math recently and Zezima (Being the highest experience in the game) would have had to play 18 hours a day (making 50k exp an hour - solid) for 3 years S T R A I G H T (Meaning 18 hours - out of a 24 hr day; completely devoted to Runescape). Although s/he has been playing longer than that - the time still adds to ridiculous amounts. I'm not saying it ISN'T possible; just HIGHLY improbable for one person simply given the time needed. But hey, if you find a way; take that way, right?












    So now I just play the game every so often when I get bored for its PKing factor. Although I have yet to master this new pk system; so I'm stocking up a little and training before I do any damage. Hopefully I can find some of my old crew.

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