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Posts posted by Somnambulism

  1. Continuing with facism;




    Unit 731 was a unit of the Japanese Army that performed human experimentation during the Sino-Japanese War and World War II.




    What they did - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731#Activities





    I've got the horrible film made about that; Men Behind the Sun. Said to be one of the most disturbing films ever. They have autopsy footage of a real boy in it, along with a cat being killed by hundreds of rats.




    I haven't watched it.




    DId u know that you share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world?




    It's probably more around 16 million, if distribution is even.




    There is a 50% probability that two players (of either side) in any given football match have the same birthday.

  2. But i'm curious, when did police stations like close down? Isn't someone always there?




    It depends entirely on the size of the station. The one in my small town closes at 4:30PM on weekdays, after which point the police from the large town ~8 miles away take over.

  3. Do you get emos riding around on illegal mini-bikes? Or mugging people? It isn't because they're the largest group, it's more to do with their socio-economic background. They have uneducated parents who don't enforce decent values and standards of behaviour.

  4. The law says no underage drinking - what reason is there to break the law other than "I want to drink"? There is no moral reason why the law is unjust, so it ought be obeyed.




    I don't think this, but surely if one thinks there isn't a problem with drinking under a certain age then it raises the greater moral principle of not restricting peoples freedoms unjustly.




    Or is drinking a priveledge that should not be exercised without permission?




    Why would doing what you want to your body (in the cases where it doesn't affect other people) be a privilege? Is having sex a privilege that should not be exercised without permission?




    I do agree with drinking ages existing, and I did when I was underage too.

  5. Your life actually doesn't seem that bad.




    You'll get over the girl.


    You can find new people to play in your band.


    Tires are nowhere as near as expensive as other things people could have messed up.




    Just playing devil's advocate here:




    You won't get over her. She was the only person you were truly compatible with, and now she's going to be with someone else.




    No one will want to join your band.




    Tyres are pretty damn expensive, that means less money spent on your upkeep. If things don't go as planned, financially speaking, it may be a cardboard box for the lot of you.

  6. Most ISPs will charge extra per GB you go over the limit. A stupid price, too - like ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã2/GB at a guess. The bandwidth caps are not normally used for this sort of service - they're normally used in accordance with an 'acceptable use policy' or 'traffic management policy' on an 'unlimited' connection. I put 'unlimited' in quotes because the very existence of this limit means it's a lie.




    If you don't download media - music, video, or games - then you have nothing to worry about. Text MSN chatting uses an absolutely negligible amount of bandwidth.

  7. I would choose an HP machine over a Dell if they were similarly specced, but the point is you seemed to ignore the specifications entirely - and that is what matters the most. By a very long way.




    That's why you can't say "an HP is better than a Dell for Vista" because you could mean a ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã300 HP machine and some ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã2,000 Dell XPS.

  8. HP's are better than Dell's from what I understand. I'd definitely get an HP. They are better computer's overall, I think it will Vista more efficiently.




    ...Care to give any rationale for what you're saying? Or is it just pure "omg dell sucks lol".

  9. That's why you do not do something retarted like cite wikipedia; but you actually cite the reference(s) which applies to the section you used ;)




    Indeed, and it's quite good for that. In the past when I've not known much about the subject but had to write a technical report on it I've used wikipedia to get pointed in the direction of some good journals to look at, simply through the article citing them.

  10. What amazes me is the amount of research people put into writing certain articles on the most obscure of things in the first place.




    It helps them learn. In the past I have written things on there to help reinforce my knowledge.




    Anyway, wasn't there some experiment done where it was found that vandalism was reverted within an average of 5 minutes?

  11. Yeah it's weird isn't it? People make a big fuss about the smell of smoke but then everyone loves the smell of a bonfire. It must be what's burning.




    Would you like to smell a pile of burning hair? Or plastic? Or plastic hair?

  12. I have no idea what you just said but i know about 10 people that have done this.


    Sure it's probably better to quit smoking weed through willpower though...




    I said that it's stupid to try and quit something that only your mind is addicted to by starting something that both your mind and your body will be addicted to.

  13. Yeah i know loads of people who smoke cigarettes to help quit weed,




    Start smoking a physiologically addictive substance to help stop smoking a non-physiologically addictive substance? Interesting tactic.

  14. If it's just simple grease then a microfibre cloth should do a good job. For slightly more stubborn marks I normally find just breathing on the screen then wiping it with the microfibre cloth will do the job.




    Other than that, I know plenty of places sell LCD cleaner sprays. Just make sure you use it sparingly.

  15. Cruel? That's nature.




    I'm not taking either side in this topic, but that isn't nature. Nature would be the lions coming across the cow in the wild, or the humans using a bolt gun as the most efficient way to kill the cow. This is humans taking a tame beast and just using the lions as a killing device, because it's more entertaining to watch.




    It's not me showing empathy for the cow, I'm just disagreeing with what you say about it being nature.

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