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Posts posted by Lebewohl

  1. Hon cenadwri has a 'n bybyr Cymraeg acenna!




    Hon cenadowy has a 'ieyen biebirier Camroyg acenna!




    Translates to: This message has a strong Welsh accent!




    The second line is roughly how you should say it.

  2. Whenever I'm PKing in F2P worlds, I always see people getting called safers because they eat when they aren't in danger of being K0ed. But, why is this bad? Don't you have the right to use your own food in the manner you so choose? I think if I took the time to fish, cook, and/or buy the food, that I can eat it whenever I want during a fight. People act like it's bug abuse. Discuss.




    It's used by immature pixel huggers who just want phr33 st0ffs. Yes, you have a right to eat whenever you like, no one's stopping you.




    Unfortunately the f2p wild has been going downhill for a long time, so there's not alot anyone can do, I'm afraid. :ohnoes:

  3. Any of the people on the front page.


    Combat are also skills so saying they're not as much 'skillers' is stupid imo.




    *waits for flames* :ohnoes:




    Scopey is right... Not training combat just to look cool or gain "respect" is a [developmentally delayed] imo.






    MrSScope: Yes, combat skills, are, well skills. I have nothing againt people who wish to train combat. :)




    mEb: I chose to remain at 3 combat because I dislike it. It bores me and I think that skills are simply more fun. :wink:




    In my opinion, Eternal Dad is an awesome pure skiller. He keeps a low profile which takes a lot of skill to do if you're high up on the high scores for some skills.




    Zzzamorak is probably the most well known.




    But I would say, Errr Ok was a pretty awesome skiller. But now he owns even more with combat.

  4. Woot! Person Record!!!




    Reported 19 macros in under a minute! God I'm good!




    No you didnt...




    You can only report once per minute.








    According to Duke_Kaleb's signature, I see a PMod crown next to Duke Kaleb.




    PMods have no wait limit for reports.




    Ontopic: I try to report as many as possible. They ruin the game.

  5. Mine's original. :P




    It does take a while to find original names. Mine took about 10 mins of thinking, and then it came to me, why not use a German word for your name? Thus, Lebewohl was born.




    It means "farewell".




    It also happens to be the name of a Beethoven piano sonata. \'

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