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Posts posted by autoersbane

  1. I think there could be a way that jagex could stop the autoers and that is to up the power of player mods.


    What they would do is the most trusted of the current mods and some staff to have the power to "Freeze" or keep an bot logged in, but unable to aquire new items or discard old ones. This would mean that it would appear they are working, but the trick would be on them for a change.


    This next one would be core staff only, but if they saw those groups of bots, just ban them out right, as well as a temporay ban on anyone who had traded with them, a zero tollerance policy :notalk:. Also this would block all comunication to that Ip adress.


    While it is commendable they have so much forgiveness, but these are trying times and this is the only way I feel.




    But on the idea of makeing raws untradeable, I love it, but I have a twist,


    On the next big update, make it so. Leave it like this for about a month, and then make a note of who is still on mambers and what not.


    Then once they think most of the autoers have left, change it back, and make a note of who comes back, and watch them closely. That would make pinpointing the bots much easyer. :thumbsup:

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