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Posts posted by ArcaniteValley

  1. lol its ALOT less than $5m going in their pockets (salaries server costs etc etc)




    =D> to rs for finally hitting the 1m mark though




    There are taxes that hit them very hard (thank the government for that), than they have the salaries as you stated, server costs, website hosting and the basic fees for their companies building.




    But, still after all of that, they make a ton of profit.


    Please, just because someone is naive, doesn't mean they are 8 years old. I work with people that have never played an mmorpg, they could fall for something like that if they played no differently. Not knowing that there are people out there that would actually want to steal imaginary items.




    There was a wilderness sign that pops up every time you go near the wild entrance. If they willingly choose to ignore it and still go inside the wilderness, it is as their own peril that they do so. And THEIR OWN RESPONSABILITY. No Jagex's or anyon else.




    Just because someone has experience in game and knows the scams, doesn't make them smarter, just more knowledgeable about the game.




    Oh, but it does not take much knowledge of the game. It just takes common sense.




    RS, in my opinion, is a beginner sort of mmorpg. Meaning that most players first game is going to be something like RS (because of the F2P aspect). Why shouldn't Jagex try to educate players that have never played this type of game before?




    They can educate them all they want, but not by FORCE. EVERYONE must suffer the "password block". The forced censor, the ditch. EDUCATE them at their own will by providing them with the tools and means they require to learn more about the game.




    IF THEY DON'T choose to learn about it to save their own hide, death is their own fault.




    As for the "leeching" or catering to the "fools". No, it's actually teaching them the same lesson, just without the loss of items/account aspect.




    You're not teaching them anything, apart from telling them that they can get anything they want because they are the majority and as such control the flow of content.




    You learn by experience, not words.



    EXAMPLE: Player uses "helmet" as their password. They like to talk about helmets. So everytime they type that in, they get the message "blah blah blah, said your password, account security blah blah blah". They then LEARN, to use a less common password as they won't be able to talk about helmets until they change it. And they'd see that changing it to another common word would do the same thing.


    End result, they figure out to make a more secure password.




    That's not learning. That's just avoiding the censor by changing the password. If someone is so stupid to choose a password as obvious as "helmet" I see no reason why Jagex should focus their resources and time on protecting them EVEN MORE.



    As chris1216 said, with this, there will be more time for CS to get to other reports faster. Which will benefit, the "non-fools".




    I'd bet you that it will hardly change at all.

  3. Some people here really dont have a clue. This is a good update, if you are using common words as your password then any real so called 'hacker' would know that a dictionary based cracker would take your password out with ease.




    I really think that 'high' levels are selfish and just looking to complain. Most 'high' levels have passwords that will never come up in conversations so whats the problem with it; it doesnt affect you. Grow up 'high levels'




    Maybe we would just like a choice instead of having a forced censor that many of us DON'T want on our hands. A toggle option would be great, perhaps with a password lock system. Parents would be able to insure that the censor is on, but those that don't want it could turn it off.

  4. So what if they are trying to help out,more naive people?




    The only people it will affect is:




    1. The "foolish" who fall for these things


    2. And the ones who use it against them.




    If you're not in either category, then why does it matter what Jagex does to safeguard it's players?




    Because it's like FEEDING the leechers on your body. Only in this case, the leechers are the brainless baffoons or eight year olds that really should not even be playing the game.




    The more they PROTECT them, the more they will want to play. But that's jagex goal after all, because they have such a wide range of young players; financially this is the best move for them in the short term period. In the long-term run, the game will be dead within a few years unless they do something to fix it.

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