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Posts posted by stevo575

  1. at rs main forums it says the course has a no grapple lap...




    i didnt have much time and couldnt find it, since i kept running towards the grapple option. can someone tell me how to do the non grapple way.




    i wanna test is new course is faster xp then ape atoll








    btw im 87 agil

  2. as i would deserve 10M because i never was very rich i would like buying a full set of dharok ar something or start merchanting with it to save up on phats, at least i consider i would have chance like anyone else and btw thats really generous of you just donating 10M to someone wish i could do that. and on the other hand i'm a noob p2p and need some cash like this to raise me p2p skills so it would help me alot welli'm gonna wait now on ur result and man man man lucky you :P








    owh yeah almost forgot tell where you give it to who maybe i'll pop do to small drop party :P i have pked soe rune sets last time

  3. here it is what do you think???




    check my avatar for other forums as well












    this is my signature








    so ignore this siggie now












    this is my avatar only too bad here the avatars need to be so small








    haha done my new siggie check it out!!!
















    let roll in some serious ratings


    ok thx








    so here's the form












    Quote?:the sara killer




    Color's:white and blue




    Stats(2max):1000+ total f2p and 80+ combat




    breif description if you want: character with full saradomin and white phat and a rune scimmy








    thank you very much at hand




    oh and that 1000+ total i have next week so thats why i want that allready








    cant do the picture unless you get me one but i doubt it will look good anyway so ill leave you on hold for a bit kinda

    i try and get you one now
  5. ok thx








    so here's the form












    Quote?:the sara killer




    Color's:white and blue




    Stats(2max):1000+ total f2p and 80+ combat




    breif description if you want: character with full saradomin and white phat and a rune scimmy








    thank you very much at hand




    oh and that 1000+ total i have next week so thats why i want that allready


    could you pls help? i want a pixel with char with saradomin and white phat and rune scimmy no stats needed just place 1000+ total lvl and f2p




    my rsn is stevo575 if you could also place that on it ty very much








    no cause i dont do pixel or make for people who rip sigs




    can you make me a normal then? and srry but that sig id from ernestoo man hes my friend srry about that

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