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Posts posted by Reesesaregood

  1. I'm wearing a grey t shirt with white sort of scribbles along the top half (some random design) and dark blue jeans, im also sporting a nifty little hat that keeps my ears warm. <3:




    Black sweatpants


    Pink tanktop




    And uh, that's it lol. I just woke up and threw something on. :D




    I'm guessing you're american, what the hell are 'sweatpants".. trousers you purposely sweat in so they go a different colour :-s




    I'm guessing you're europeon, what the hell are "trousers"...sweatpants you purposely sweat in so they go a different color :P




    ..Wow, lol. :lol:

  2. I would pick my mom definitely.




    My mom has always been there, and she sacrificed so much for me. She pretty much raised me, until my parents finally decided to get married later on. She understands me and helps me with any problems that I have. She's a hardworker and makes pretty much all the money.




    My dad, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He's lazy, doesn't care about me or my sister, and is completely cheap. He has no pride in himself, and has been unemployed for 4 months now and hasn't even looked for a job. When he does something for someone else, he does it because he has to, not because he wants to, and does it like he's being tortured. He likes to sit around and play poker online all day and throws a fit when he's interupted.




    Thank God they're getting divorced. :|

  3. Heh, lately I've been playing waayyy too much. During the school year, I would only play like 3 hours a day at the most because I was so busy. But now, I'm stuck at home with my friends all on vacation and my parents at work all the time. So it's pretty much the only thing for me to do now.




    But I still work out and get out and do stuff every day, so its not too bad, yet. :lol:

  4. 1. Whats your favorite outfit?


    Black cav, whip, legends cape, and sara book.




    2. Coolest looking cape is...?






    3.Your Bored, what do you do?


    Hangout with friends.




    4. Whats your favorite room in your house?


    Game Room




    5.Where IS your house? (IN GAME NOT IRL lol)


    Rimmington, but I never use it, lol.




    6. Favorite Color of naval clothing? (from trouble brewing)






    7. Whats your favorite magic spell? (can be from any type of magic)


    Ice barrage.




    8.Did you do the Achievment Diary?


    Not yet, and it'll be a long time 'til I do.




    9. Did you beat karamja's tasks? (ALL)






    10.Whats your favorite way to thieve?


    Master Farmers.




    11. Whats your home world?


    98. <3




    12. Whats the funnest quest you did?


    Not sure.




    13.Whats the funnest skill to do?






    14.Whats your favorite town?






    15.Whats your favorite random event?


    Maze, it's the only fun one.




    16. Whats your favorite weapon special?


    Dds special.




    17.Your at the barrows, what brother do you go to first?


    The first one there.




    18. Whats your favorite song on runescape?


    I don't listen to Runescape music.




    19.Whats your favorite dragon weapon?






    20. Whats your favorite way to hunt? (pitfall, net trap ect)


    Falconry. ^^

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