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Posts posted by Fudgy999

  1. When killing mith dragons I think the most important thing is maintaining your inventory so that you can pick up ALL drops. All bones, mithril bars etc. I found the best way to be ruby and diamond bolts (ruby till half hp or so). Depending what BoB you use, you should aim at 6-12 kills per trip.


    Disagree, you want to kill them ASAP to maximise XP as it's for a slayer task.

  2. i played rune scape classic late '03.. does that count? :rolleyes:


    No, it doesn't.


    Feb 2001 - sup.


    Just was mainly curious. I have seen gunar, stompfest, Fook-A-Ji, WeatherMatt, and a few various people have either replied, and/or atleast appeared in Tip.It's userlist in the last Day or two. As such, the idea for this post was born...


    I seem to remember something about the name Fudgy99 and a rune kite shield I believe. Didn't you die with one back when very few had them?


    Highly possible.

    I'm in the logs of MrAndrew on the IRC logs that used to be on the Gower Archive if they're still around anywhere....

  3. This is just an excuse to make another thread for the computer thread.


    Really, I don't think anybody shifts their gear around just to play some RuneScape. Gamers will have the same setup all the time, if not always similar.


    RuneScape isn't a hardcore FPS-style game which requires loads of snacks and in-reach sanitisers.


    That first picture of yours was fine. The other two were merely to show off your Guitar Hero props or whatever the hell those were.






    Actually no, if it wasn't for the fact that I played Runescape I'd proberbly have a very different set-up. I'd have no reason to have a TV next ro my PC or my Guitar Hero if it wasn't for the fact that Runescape is such a dull AFKable game.




    Without all of my stuff for me to do while scaping, I'd be bored out of my mind whereas other games I wouldnt.




    Now then, if you choose to lead a life where repeatedly clicking is enough to keep you entertained for hours on end then thats your loss :)

  4. Isn't this thread basically just the same as the one here? viewtopic.php?f=45&t=764548




    Anyways I just use a basic 16inch laptop that sits on my desk with a wireless mouse. It's nothing as fancy as you guys have.




    I probably wouldn't change anything, except possibly getting an extra fan to keep my laptop from overheating. My desk is mess free with lots of room; I hardly have any wires. ::'




    Not really, this thread is so we can discuss which set-up we use to utilize the resources we have to make playing Runescape more enjoyable, pictures just give it a more visual feel ;)

  5. So, we generally spend a lot of time playing Runescape, what set up do you use to play Runescape? What would you change about it if you could?




    Heres is my usual set-up:










    Its been too hot recently and I wanted to watch TV with Xbox so I am downstairs at the moment:





  6. I would think my account is worth ~$35,000. I've chosen my approximate wage (for my future career) and estimated my hours spent on here, and it's come to around $35,000.




    oh right yeh, so all the time ive spent not in college or at work, i should be paid a wage for?




    He's saying in the time he spent playing RS, he could have made that much money if he had worked instead of played.




    Could he have really spent those hours working for that much money?


    Did he HAVE the chance to get the job during the time he was playing?


    Was he even old enough to GET the job at the time?




    The "value" of your time is not how much you WOULD earn assuming you worked in that time, but how much you realistically COULD earn and how much you'd actually be giving up.

  7. I'm waiting for RHQ to post their clan with over 1,000 active members :lol:




    Jagex said there will be "no limit" in these minigames, therefore will their be special servers made do you think? With a "team password" to login to it?




    I don't think they'll give "unique" rewards out, as noobs will just complain. I think they'll probably just give like 50K coins or something to each member of that clan upon completing the minigame.




    By "no limit" do you mean the:




    10 People per war for Skilling Cup


    100 People per war for Combat Cup


    20 People for Combined cup?

  8. Jagex have just opened registrations for the "Jagex Cup", A competition which Jagex intends on running to find out which is the "best" clan in Runescape, information about it below (Quoted from official forums)




    QFC: 102-103-0-58502800 (What is the Jagex Cup)


    http://forum.[Please Use QuickFind Code].ws?102,103,0,58502800


    QFC: 102-103-4-58502828 (The Skilling Cup)


    http://forum.[Please Use QuickFind Code].ws?102,103,0,58502828


    QFC: 102-103-3-58502827 (The Combat Cup)


    http://forum.[Please Use QuickFind Code].ws?102,103,0,58502827


    QFC: 102-103-2-58502826 (The Combined Cup)


    http://forum.[Please Use QuickFind Code].ws?102,103,0,58502826






    Do you / your clan intend on entering the Jagex cup?


    Do you think it is a succesful way to promote clan activity, if so to what extent?




    [hide=What is the Jagex Cup]What is the Jagex Cup?




    Hey guys,




    What exactly is the Jagex Cup? It is, really, three different cups to try and capture all of the different aspects of the warring community within clans. The three different areas are Combat, Skilling and a combination of both. Each Cup has their own rules and conditions to stick by, they can be found under each of registration stickies. Here is a quick summary of each.




    Combat Cup


    The Combat Cup is a Cup held in the Free-to-Play Clan Wars minigame. There is no cap, no returning and is all action. Set on a level playing field where everyone with a good combat level can participate, it is going to be closely followed as a spectacle. GL & HF.




    Skilling Cup


    The Skilling Cup is a Cup to find out the best bunch of skillers within Gielinor! Set on an average based points system, not only will it find out who can skill the most but also who can skill with finesse. Set over 2 weeks, with a different skill each week, you will have to set aside 5 hours of the most hardcore skilling you have ever seen!




    Combined Cup


    The Combined Cup is set within the Stealing Creation minigame where both skillers and PK'ers clash to the sound of... thick clay! A game that won't just test how well you can either slay an opponent or chop the trees the fastest, it will also see how well your communication and team working skills are too. So grab 20 of your finest skillers and PK'ers and let the best 'Player-Skiller-Killers' win!








    What is more rewarding then knowing that you are the best skiller, PvP or combination of the two clan in the world? :)




    We're looking at a whole host of different rewards but, as always with future updates, we're playing with our card close to our chest! Anything is possible and we'll be sure to keep you updated on this as the Cups progress.




    Still interested? Then what are you waiting for! Click 'Up to Jagex Cup' at the bottom and register your clan for the Cup that you think you will win. Myself, and everyone at Jagex, look forward to seeing you compete.




    Any further questions should be directed to the 'Jagex Cup Q & A' sticky at the top of this forum. We will answer anything that isn't listed here or anywhere else.[/hide]


    [hide=The Skilling Cup]Skilling Competition!






    Hello and welcome to the registration thread for the Skilling Competition. This thread will remain open for 2 weeks and will close on 23rd March - 10pm GMT. Below is the way that the Cup will work and rules on registering members.




    It's easy to sign up! Read all of the rules and if you want to sign up, hit 'Post Reply' with the template copied, paste the template in to the text box and fill it out. Go on then, what are you waiting for? :)




    The Rules:




    There will be two 1 week skilling sessions. Each week will have a different skill for the clan to work on and will be chosen live in-game.




    All clans wishing to participate should register in the registration thread within the next two weeks.


    Each clan must submit a list of 10 names prior to the first skill being named in the Skilling Cup thread. We will give a time of when we will be announcing the skill to give you time to get your members listed.


    The skills may consist of one of the 'Resource' skills. These skills are Woodcutting, Fishing, Mining, Thieving, Agility, Hunter or Runecrafting.


    You will be able to use the Grand Exchange in order to help you with the skill but not directly earn any experience.


    You must not use any Stealing Creation items or Brawling Gloves during your hours of skilling towards the Cup.


    Over the week, at least 8 of the registered 10 names must spend at least 5 hours on the selected skill in at least one hour blocks.


    During that session, the majority of XP gained must be in the selected skill.


    Before you start a skilling session, equip a chefs hat (that will identify to us that you are starting a skilling session, this is essential).


    We will then take an average of all the time spent skilling and the XP gained to give each clan an average score per hour, the highest clan over both sessions wins.


    The week will run from 00:00 Monday to 23:59 Sunday in GMT.


    Any conflicts should be made in writing within 24 hours of the results being posted in the Jagex Cup Management thread.




    Things to remember:


    - A player must only be registered to one clan.


    - The players registered will belong to that clan for the duration of the competition.


    - Members can be added during the competition, as long as they weren't previously registered to another clan. In order to update your memberlist, make a post on the 'Jagex Cup Management' sticky.


    - You must not edit your registration post. If you want to update your memberlist before the end of the registration period, make a new post.


    - You can register a clan on behalf of people who can not post here. Please make it clear at the beginning of the post that you are posting on behalf of another clan *AND* you have their permission to do so.[/hide]


    [hide=The Combat Cup]Combat Competition!






    Hello and welcome to the registration thread for the Combat Competition. This thread will remain open for 2 weeks and will close on 23rd March - 10pm GMT. Below is the way that the Cup will work and rules on registering members.




    It's easy to sign up! Read all of the rules and if you want to sign up, hit 'Post Reply' with the template copied, paste the template in to the text box and fill it out. Go on then, what are you waiting for? :)




    The Rules:




    This will be a knockout competition with the opponents drawn from a hat live in-game.




    All clans wishing to participate should register in the registration thread within the next two weeks.


    Fight to be held in F2P safe Clan Wars


    There is no player cap


    There is no returning


    Time and date of fight should be decided between the clans before the deadline for that round


    When time and date of the bout has been decided, both clans must post a member list in the Combat Cup thread.


    J-Mods will be refereeing every match to ensure the rules are being upheld.


    No one can enter the arena who is not on that member list.


    Any conflicts should be made in writing within 24 hours of the finish of the fight in the Jagex Cup Management thread.




    Things to remember:


    - A player must only be registered to one clan.


    - The players registered will belong to that clan for the duration of the competition.


    - Members can be added during the competition, as long as they weren't previously registered to another clan. In order to update your memberlist, make a post on the 'Jagex Cup Management' sticky.


    - You must not edit your registration post. If you want to update your memberlist before the end of the registration period, make a new post.


    - You can register a clan on behalf of people who can not post here. Please make it clear at the beginning of the post that you are posting on behalf of another clan *AND* you have their permission to do so.[/hide]




    [hide=The Combined Cup]Combined Competition!






    Hello and welcome to the registration thread for the Combined Competition. This thread will remain open for 2 weeks and will close on 23rd March - 10pm GMT. Below is the way that the Cup will work and rules on registering members.




    It's easy to sign up! Read all of the rules and if you want to sign up, hit 'Post Reply' with the template copied, paste the template in to the text box and fill it out. Go on then, what are you waiting for? :)




    The Rules:




    This will be a knockout competition with the opponents drawn from a hat live in-game.




    All clans wishing to participate should register in the registration thread within the next two weeks.


    Fight to be held in the Stealing Creation minigame


    There is a cap of 20 players


    Time and date of the contest should be decided between the clans before the deadline for that round


    When time and date of the contest has been decided, both clans must post a list of 20 members that will attend the contest in the Combined Cup thread.


    No one can enter the minigame who is not on that member list.


    J-Mods will be refereeing every match to ensure the rules are being upheld.


    Any conflicts should be made in writing within 24 hours of the finish of the fight in the Jagex Cup Management thread.




    Things to remember:


    - A player must only be registered to one clan.


    - The players registered will belong to that clan for the duration of the competition.


    - Members can be added during the competition, as long as they weren't previously registered to another clan. In order to update your memberlist, make a post on the 'Jagex Cup Management' sticky.


    - You must not edit your registration post. If you want to update your memberlist before the end of the registration period, make a new post.


    - You can register a clan on behalf of people who can not post here. Please make it clear at the beginning of the post that you are posting on behalf of another clan *AND* you have their permission to do so.[/hide]




    [*]There either will be a new skill released by the end of 2010 OR they will have simply began work on it by then.





    Q) Eirikjoh - Will there be new skills by the end of 2010 and are you working on one at the moment?




    A) Paul -Yes




    There will be "new skills" <-- More then one skill and they are currently working on atleast one of them at the moment.

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