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Posts posted by 99pulse99

  1. ^Woah, how about taking other peoples opinions into consideration instead of just throwing mindless insults at people because your opinions differ?




    And i do kind of agree with 99pulse99, if you did complete the game within the rental time you probably do need to go outside more often, as it took me about 2 weeks (playing a couple of hours a day) to "complete" the first one.




    A rental is 3 days. [2 Nights] ... So no thats a long time to do a game ...Not my fault its patheticaly easy.






    Wait so you play none stop? lol for 20 hours over a weekend?




    Well done for shooting yourself in the foot and proving my point further :D




    Actualy you just proved 9 out of 10s ppls belifes that rs players are stupid.


    Do maths. 24hrs a day...x3...Thats 72 hrs. .. Go do the maths yourself ...






    I never said anything about how long it was, i was in fact pointing out how you would play for 20 hours over that period of time, which is pretty sad.




    Very clever that you know your times table though, really well done =D>




    And you play/played rs yourself so well done with that statistic.

  2. ^Woah, how about taking other peoples opinions into consideration instead of just throwing mindless insults at people because your opinions differ?




    And i do kind of agree with 99pulse99, if you did complete the game within the rental time you probably do need to go outside more often, as it took me about 2 weeks (playing a couple of hours a day) to "complete" the first one.




    A rental is 3 days. [2 Nights] ... So no thats a long time to do a game ...Not my fault its patheticaly easy.






    Wait so you play none stop? lol for 20 hours over a weekend?




    Well done for shooting yourself in the foot and proving my point further :D

  3. Enter Shikari


    Blink 182


    Avenged Sevenfold(old stuff is best)






    Shiny Toy Guns






    Crystal Castles










    Cradle of Filth


    Kill Hannah








    Sorry i started with 10 but its just too hard.





    The original Mercenaries was amazing, and quite long. I'd expect this even better.








    Ive read and wathced alot on this game .. Looks rental only nothing more .. =/






    You'd barely break the surface on a rental,




    Quite a lot to do on the first one, and this is sure to be a lot bigger.

  5. The 360 will be forced to switch to Blue_Ray or it will most likely be left in the dust.









    Why would Sony let 360 have Blu-ray? They made a lot of sacrifices to get it on the ps3 i doubt they would ever let Microsoft have it.




    Sony didn't make Blue-Ray...


    Microsoft could use Blue-Ray but instead stupidly choose HD DVD.




    Actually Sony are one of the creators of blu-ray along with a few other leading brands, they all form the Blu-ray disc association.




    But i was wrong about Microsoft not having access to it, i think it's possible for them to join.

  6. I don't see why they didn't take the kid to the hospital in the first place if a paramedic recommended it. Sure in this case it turned out he didn't need any special medical help, but what if he suffered some sort of brain damage from the injury?




    A lot of parents are over protective of there kids, maybe she preferred that he stayed at home.

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