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Posts posted by Emporer_Dave

  1. i pity the guy with the last p hat, the headlines in tip.it, endless interviews, the swarm of noobs who follow from yanille to varrock... and worst of all... screams of "REPORTED" "NOOB HAXXORZ!" "[omg] AUTOER" :ohnoes:




    He he. Yeah. He'd probally be able to sell it for a fortune though - even though I personally wouldn't; the idea of having something that nobody else in the whole of Runescape doesn't would make me happy :)

  2. Its not rare, but yesterday i was in varrock general store and someone had sold 100 steel plates.


    I bought 80 of them for 600 ea and alched for 1.2k ea.


    and kept buying them until they reached 1200 to buy.


    made about 50k. :lol:




    You should have stopped when they reached 900gp. Because the nature runes are worth 300gp each and therefore you are losing money in material value once you go over that.




    Still... not bad. The most steel plates I ever saw in a F2P world was 22.


    It would be nice for Jagex to create a "group" system where me and my friends could do quests and share drops together. Infact, this might encourage teamwork in the game and prevent so much of the flaming and... dare I say: "newbish" behaviour.

    They would have to actually make good drops every drop for this to work. Otherwise it would be pointless.




    Well. It would make things like Kalphite Queen'ing and killing other high level monsters in groups easier, because people wouldn't be able to just run away with all the good loot when they find it - leaving their teammate to become annoyed.




    Might also help wilderness fights. To help everyone get a fair share of all the leftovers.

  4. I personally don't get to quest too much because my friends usually either don't have the requirements for a quest that I have, or that they have already done the quest. But I do quest with my cousin when I can, because I find it much more fun when you have two heads to finish a quest.




    It also makes you feel better at the end, because with two people, it decreases the chance that you'll have to end up looking at a quest guide because your stuck.




    It would be nice for Jagex to create a "group" system where me and my friends could do quests and share drops together. Infact, this might encourage teamwork in the game and prevent so much of the flaming and... dare I say: "newbish" behaviour.

  5. I always thought that the only way to make some decent money with farming was to do the well heard of method when you buy some rannar seeds, plant them, and then sell the herbs that you get back from them and make some profit. Though it is said that is a sort of "side money maker" while you do other things.




    I'd say the order would go:




    Woodcutting > Fishing > Runecrafting




    Myself, but it's all debatable I suppose.

  6. Yeah. A couple of days ago I saw of horde of about 8 autoers, all preforming the same actions at the exact same moments. You could definately tell they were autoers. I tried to report them all but apparently I was "misusing" the report abuse function.




    All of them were level 3's and all of them wore exactly the same clothes.





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