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Posts posted by pkinyou

  1. I was actually hacked for the first time EVER earlier in the week... I logged on and I was in Lumbridge, no items on me and my bank pin reset. Luckily they didnt see that I had 44M cash on me, probably why they reset the pin, but yeah- I was honestly shocked, I have NEVER told anyone my password, I rarely go to any sites or download things, nobody I know even plays anymore (seeing as I'm 21 and I've been playing since i was in 6th grade lol).


    But anyways, i reset my password and thought that was good.. WELL I tried logging in again and I noticed my password (my new one) didn't work either! Ugh, so annoyed... So I had to change everything again.. When I finally did log on I saw the IP address was from somewhere in China, reported everything to Jagex but I highly doubt anything will come of it. I'm just annoyed and mad that I actually got hacked.. Sigghh..

  2. I met someone and (without them trying to change me or anything) I like felt the need to lose weight, surprisingly it was super easy! I was around 175-180 all thru high school and up until my weight loss journey I suppose. But I found it quite easy to lose weight, especially when I wasnt doing it just for myself.

    Funny how that works, eh? Its damn good motivation having a lady friend and wanting to get in shape for her.


    Lady friend

  3. I don't think that it would be a difficult decision to kill a burglar on sight since he would be a threat anyway (they could be armed).


    If a best friend got into a fight with a sibling, it would depend on my relationship to my brother/sister which side I took.


    I agree with the sibling/friend thing, seeing as my brother and I dont have the best relationship I can already tell which side I would take. But anyways, I constantly have those kinds of thoughts run through my head, especially at night and stuff like that. I dont think i could actually *kill* someone, but i would def hurt someone badly lol. Like say there was a burglar in my house or something, I (not even kidding) have things strategically placed throughout my house in case of said event (most of which my mom is aware of so she knows not to move them lol). But yeah, I have no problem with defending my family or people i like :^_^:

  4. I'm 5' 10" and for the majority of my life (middle school thru high school) I've alwasy been mildly overweight, like enough to where I'm uncomfortable with my body, but I never really tried to lose it. I mean in high school I was on my schools swim team and I worked out everyday, but I never really went anywhere- I guess I balanced it out by eating a [cabbage] ton of junk food at the time or something. Anyways, about... 9-ish months ago, around Jan I guess, I met someone and (without them trying to change me or anything) I like felt the need to lose weight, surprisingly it was super easy! I was around 175-180 all thru high school and up until my weight loss journey I suppose. But I found it quite easy to lose weight, especially when I wasnt doing it just for myself.


    It was weird in the beginning because I was always kind of embarrased when my mom would see me working out or know that I was trying to eat differently, idk why really. But yeah, after awhile I wasnt doing it so much for this other person but for myself, which I guess is better anyways lol. But I guess for the majority of my life I didnt really care too much what I looked like, I mean i was never really morbidly obese.


    But in conclusion (:P), I managed to get down to 145ish (fluctuate around that) and I feel great, I didnt think losing it would do that much to me but I mean my back doesnt hurt nearly as much as it used to and I (just recently realized) havent had any fits or whatever of sleep apnea that I used to as well. I feel great now, i feel more confident, idk- maybe all I needed to do was lose weight all together YEARS ago. Idk. But yeah, thought I'd contribute to this discussion :P

  5. Let see...


    Middle school... I went to like after school detention almost every single day in 6th grade that was about it but then in 8th grade i got 3 days in school suspension for "fighting" that was the category it was under but we weren't fighting at all!~ My friends and I used to play this game where you put water in your mouth and someone would try to make you laugh- anyways the janitor caught us and we went to the principles office who then told us, "someone couldve slipped on the water and blah blah" it was really stupid tbh BECAUSE they were irrigating the feilds that week anyways >_>.

    EDIT: Also once this girl kept banging her head on my desk (she sat in fromt of me) she ike get banging it back so I put my pencil under her head and she slammed into it, THANKFULLY she didnt get hurt, just started bleeding and she didnt rat me out, just told the teacher "Idk what happened". Bless her <3. lol


    High School... My freshman year, it was like the first day and I put every single one of the locker-combo locks, I put them all together so it was a huge jumbled mess. I didnt do it all myself but I was blamed for it and spent the rest of the week undoing them one buy one ugh. I deleted one of the class files that was essential for my Biology class and they never knew what happened so we skipped a giant portion of our assignments for that year. Other that i never did to much, I'm a good kid :wink:

    EDIT: I would get in verbal fights with my orchestra teacher all the time over the dumbest things. Like we would yell or I would SIGH loudly at him.. He was like 24 at the time and I was 18, puh leaze, you're like my older brother or some [cabbage]

  6. I LOVE magazines haha lol. I buy them as gifts for my freinds every now and then since they're really cheap lol.


    But i'm pretty much only subbed to Rolling Stone.


    But I always buy something off the rack if it looks good, I always need my celeb gossip mags haha lol- I read People, Star, Us Weekly junk like that lol

    I have to know what Brangelina is up to!!!!! :P... my life is sad.. :D



    P.S. In my defence I used to read MAD and some gamer magazine I dont remember lol. OH YEAH when I as younger I was subbed to Disney Adventures and Nick lol

  7. This is what I get for logging into World 66 Falador. I was doing a farming run, go to Fally square, and find I've been muted for no reason whatsoever.




    After 8 years of playing the game with no mutes or bans this is what I get for being an honest and polite player. Thanks Jagex, you really made my day. Not only did I do nothing wrong but you ruined the economy and now I'm quitting because of this unfair mute. Why should everyone be muted for just being in a world? I did not spam @@@@@@@@ruinedscape or anything. This is so wrong and they have really done themselves a disservice by muting anyone and everyone they see at Falador W66. Goodbye. I will now cancel my membership and that be the end of Triquos.


    A sad day for Runescape.


    I wouldnt worry dude- things like this happen all the time. It will clear itself up in time.


    Anywhoozle- I'll meet you halfway. Now I understand what Grinding truly means. Here i come 99 def!!



  8. I always try to control my dreams like this! I'm totally gonna try this next time, I've controlled my dream 100% only once, it was crazy- its a weird experience, its like im a wizard or something lol. I can control every aspect. it is really and truely amazing to be able to control a dream

  9. Things like this scare me, I mean ust look at the whole Hurt Locker controversy. The majoity of the downloaders are college students, if they couldnt pay for the movie in the first place what makes you think they should have to pay hundreds or thousands... I know a girl wo was in this sorority at my college and she got caught downloading music illegally- she was forced to pay 8,000$, i think it was like 2 dollars for every song she illegally downloaded.


    I purchase the majority of my music legally, but having serious penalties towards those that cant afford it is ridiculous, I know people are going to be like "Stealing is still stealing" but the people prosecuting those downloaders should work more towards getting the sites that provide the downloads taken down! In my mind its like taking down the drug dealer not the junky.

  10. I'm excited and scared at the same time lol. I starte college in 1 week so im kinda stressing lol. Im hoping everything goes smooth my first week =D> . Ahh, I feel worse than when I was in middle school getting ready for high school lol :mrgreen:

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