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Posts posted by Exe16p

  1. Do falconry till 59, then grey chinchompas till 66, then catch red chinchompas.


    Although I would advise you to get at least 70 hunter, before catching red chinchompas, as they may be a bit slow, which I found.


    The Omni-Talisman (Members Only)


    The omni-talisman is a remarkable object created by Elriss to enable the devoted runecrafter to access almost every altar freely. If you are able to show her a talisman for each of the Runecrafting altars that require them (so there's no need to find a talisman for the Ourania Altar, for instance), she will grant you a hefty chunk of Runecrafting experience for each, as well as the omni-talisman.




    To craft an omni-talisman into a tiara or staff, take it to Wizard Korvak, who can be found staggering about in the Runecrafting Guild, jumping at shadows and being generally terrified of everything.




    Hope this help. :)

  3. Hi,




    What is the code for HTML which i can use to allow users to click on a section of text and it will expand via a text box to display more information about the link they've clicked on.




    The image version is like what they use on this page: http://www.jagex.com/corporate/Press/imageAssets.ws. Where you click on the images, and they expand. I would like to use this feature but only so that instead of images, its text.







  4. Hi,




    Whats the best way to get 70 magic? Along with 70 Defense. I would prefer to level them both at the same time, and as runes are cheap this would be the ideal time. Please note i don't have access to God Spells as i haven't done the arena thing yet.




    If it easier to alch, then fight later then i'll do that but whats the best items to alch, while making a profit, while buying all the items, eg natures and that specific item.





  5. Hi,




    I was recently craft a lot of laws, and still have to sell a load, but why are they taking a sudden drop, they seemed quite stable a while ago, is it due to more people training rc, less people training magic, or due to the rc guild?



    Laws Current Price







  6. Wouldn't Guthix not have the power to destroy the world, seeing that the Elder God's made it. Surely if he destroyed the world the Elder God's would be mad and would kill Guthix? Thus making another God Wars possible?

  7. Hi,




    I going to get 20k tokens on the new Rune crafting mini game so i can get 10k pure essence and enough law teletabs to craft all those 10k laws into runes. Then i can ether sell the 10k of laws, after achieving 60 rune crafting, and get 3.2 million coins. OR i can use all the runes on Camelot to get to level 73, where i basically haven't lost nor gained any money.




    So which one should i do? Money or Magic?





  8. Hi,




    I currently have a medium and a small pouch but how long would it take for me to get a large pouch from the abyss creatures. I will be using the alternative abyss, as it's easiest, but also whats the best setup for my levels? (levels in Sig)





  9. Maybe it could be a huge update revolving around magic and rune crafting. Possibly at certain Runecrafting levels you can harness the power from the stone to be able to use magic without using rune stones?




    New Runes as well?


    [hide=New Rune 1]Also i saw this strange rune flying around. Possibly another Rune crafting Update?






    It looks like a water rune but with a triangle and an oblong inside.[/hide]




    [hide=New Rune 2]newfirerunexx3.png




    And also this one. It looks like a fire rune, but it has two red flames and an orange one.[/hide]






    Could we be in for an extension to the normal spell book and be able to cast rune less magic, at a high rune crafting level of course, with the stone of Jas.?

  10. Hi,




    I'm thinking about training and using my points to buy a mage book of which i will sell to get the money its worth, but is the cost of the runes greater then what you get in return, as the books only worth 3.5mil.








    Edit :I mean by does the cost of buying the runes cost more then the book itself.

  11. Hi,




    What is the best item to alch, which can easily be brought of the GE. would steel bars be good. As i can buy the bars smith them into a steel body plate and then alch them. Is there a profitable way? i will be doing 3300 alch's, so idon't mind if there a small loss, (0 - 50K)


    Note, i will be buying the nats not making them.





  12. Hi,




    I currently have 66 magic and the price of barrows is steadily on the rise according to the GE, so i don't know whether to by my Ahrims set now, then sell later and use the profit to level my magic or whether i should just use the money which i would use to by the set to level up my magic.





  13. [ ] Signature


    [ ] Avatar


    [ X] Banner


    [ ] PSP background


    [ ] Other (Please specify)




    Size: 600X190


    Render/Picture: must fit in with this backgroundhttp://rune-power.webs.com/Background%20Images/bg_scroll.jpg (towards the centre). and the text effect and style from this logo http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-13592


    Main Text:Rune Power


    Sub-text:Where Runers Relax


    Credit: Name will be put on the webpage. And no need to be written on the banner. We would also offer you a place on our website team.

  14. Hi,




    i thinking about doing Lunar Diplomacy, but i not sure whether i can complete it. will i be able to defeat the aggressive level 111 Suqahs (to get the hides and the tooth) at only 81 combat or will i have to train a bit more? (to level 90 combat (not including summoning levels))? [stats in sig (summoning - 22)].




    Also whats the best way at killing the suqahs? Mage (using a safespot), or Melee?





  15. Dimensions: 600X200


    Colours: Any colours which go with this background (http://rune-power.webs.com/Background%20Images/bg_scroll.jpg)


    Render: (confused :oops: ) doom 3 logo [http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-31499] and also Eragon Logo [ http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-13592 ] (i thinks that right for renders if not pm and let me know what a render is fully :oops: ) (i like the effect of those two :P )


    Text:Rune Power


    Subtext: Where Runers Relax


    Other: The text should kinda be in the style which they have for the main and sub RS logos.

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