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Posts posted by redonionmage

  1. This was a great article! I never really had a defined goal in Runescape, or at least I never had any urgent ones. (I did have a goal to get 44 runecrafting when I was f2p, and I did, but I got that over the course of doing quests and training other skills.) As I see it, Runescape is a was to relax, and for me I play Runescape in order to take my mind off of school, work, and the ordinary pleasures of life for a little while. Crunching skills or trying to make as much money as possible doesn't relax me at all, and I can't even concentrate on one skill for very long before I get bored or frustrated.




    I'd have to say my only real goals in playing Runescape are that I enjoy myself, make friends, and do whatever I choose in the game. Of course I do have some other goals (I'd love to have a skill cape at some point!) but I can work on those whenever I want to. It's a game and I can play it however I want to, and therein lies the beauty of it.

  2. The actual question is: If your best friend quit and gave you a p-hat then you would so on and so on. I would definitely keep it as it was a friend's gift to me, and considering how rare p-hats are I would not want to lose it. I'd probably keep it in my bank and walk around Varrock and Falador in a crowded world, and end up having everybody running around asking me for free stuff. After all, having a p-hat makes you look really rich. :P

  3. (I'm F2P)




    I hate going to the boneyard, wearing absolutely nothing (or the weakest armor possible) and collecting big bones and having someone try and PK me. I once had the misfortune of having someone in full rune chase me back to the chapel, where he couldn't fight me anymore because of the wildy level.

  4. 1. Bank space, bank space, and for a change of pace, more bank space. My bank is constantly crowded with quest items, random event items, and raw materials that I need to raise skills. It's basically impossible for me to add a new item without throwing something else away. If even P2P has trouble with bank space, than at the very least F2P, with the limited items we have, should get some more.




    2. Chaos altar. That's in the F2P world, and for mages like myself only making minds doesn't cut it. Since nobody in F2P can make chaos runes, nobody has them and even buying them from someone else is more difficult than it should be.




    3. Better ranging weapons wouldn't hurt. Bows and arrows are nice, but why can't F2P at least get a taste of the other weapons that are out there? At the very least, better versions of crossbows (now that they've been improved) would be great to have. Rangers don't really get much in F2P, and they could really use something a bit better.




    4. I may be the only person who wants this, but I would really like better bones. Perhaps some of the monsters in P2P could be brought into F2P? Having Green Dragons to kill to get Dragon Bones wouldn't be all that bad.




    5. Bring some of the P2P quests to F2P! Not all of the quests need P2P skills, and for the people who really like quests this could really cause more interest in the game (and maybe bring more people to P2P?)




    Chances are Jagex won't do any of this, but it would be nice.

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