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Posts posted by WiivilYoshi

  1. Hi,




    My friends real life birthday is coming up and we usually get each-other runescape presents. But this year I have run out of ideas. I'm now a member and my friend is F2P. If you guys could post some ideas for presents and ideas I would be really greatful.




    Thanks. :D 8-) :lol: :P :idea: :!: :mrgreen: =D> \:D/ :thumbsup:

  2. Hi,


    I was thinking, I need a new outfit, something that looks good. I researched to by some elegant but a 700k per piece it doesn't stick the budget. I am a female character and I have a cb level of 60. My Budget is around the 300 - 400k mark, I need this outfit to be practical have ok combat stats but not for player killing. Thanks for any help you can give.

  3. Maybe i exaggerate slightly when I say a crime but it is certainly annoying. I myself come across it all the time, in private chat, public chat and in forums and it is starting to bug me. Some of you reading this will be saying "lighten up" whereas others will be completely in agreement.


    I am aware that people have medical conditions that prevent them from spelling adeqautely but these are not the people that bug me, it's people who just type things without them making proper sense. The spell the most simple words incorrectly and I am starting to find annoyance in the text speak, I am less likely to trade of help someone who does things in this manner.


    I would appreciate it if people left further comments and whether they find this annoying.


    Please excuse any typos!


    \' 8-) :D =D> :P

  4. And now for a parody . . .






    I'm Bob stonesman reporting live for the BBC news here in London, where popular company Jagex is being sued for encouraging animal abuse in runescape.




    The plantiffs first got angry when jagex allowed players to capture and kill animals . . . that did not exist (except rabbits). But now they are taking action after Jagex released an update that lets you tell dogs to GO AWAY! They claim that telling dogs to go away DOES INDEED COUNT as animal abuse. They also suggest that runescape's incredible graphics makes it hard to tell the difference between a real dog and a fake dog. Strangely Peta does not want to get involved because they quote "don't want to look like nutcases" whatever that means.




    Wait a minute, I'm getting reports that you could tell CATS to go away in the game for at least A YEAR. That's just amazing Brian, who knows what would've happened to animal abuse if these people hadn't brought it up.




    Wait I'm getting reports that the judge is laughing himself into a coma as we speak, an astounishing development we'll cover it more as we contin . . . Wait a minute I'm being told that paris hilton is being arrested again so we won't be able to cover any other news for at least a week I'm sorry to say that.




    Ok sorry false alarm on the hilton bit. Anyway in other news, the makers of mario kart are being sued for responsibility in a traffic accident, claiming the game caused reckless driving and that a 8 year old was supposedly imitating mario kart when he crashed his father's car into a street light.




    Very Funny!! I think you've put it perfectly, well done. haha i'm still laughing now.... =D> :lol: :thumbsup:

  5. Isn't it funny how we don't repect any life form on rs? I can see what the thread creator is saying but if we are going to open up this debate we might aswell go the whole way.


    You Kill the in game animals ,don't you?


    You kill the fish, don't you?


    You Chop down the tree's don't you?


    You kill other players don't you?




    I personally couldn't care less about in game things as it is in game not really life. Any one who is 13 or over (which you need to be to play the game) would understand that killing a person rs doesn't mean you are going to do it.


    I am a vegetarian in real life but that doesn't mean i don't eat chicken in game, i eat the meat as it is the best hp healer out there. The point is that it is a bunch of pixels not real life.




    Lighten up!

  6. My issue with this is deciphering genuine cases and actually beggars. We can't shun someone because they are asking for help. This is what I do when someone attempts to beg off me.


    I am A, the beggar is B




    B Hey can I have some money?


    A Not really


    B Aww come on I got hacked (the most common excusse! lol)


    A I'll tell you what I'll give you something worth more that money, my time and advice. I'll show you my trade.




    This is when you find out whether they are genuine or not-


    So a beggar would go


    B- Omg you noob I bet you don't have any money.




    And a Genuine person would say.


    B- Ok thanks I really appreciate it!




    I may well give this person a job if I think they are a competent worker.




    You then get a worthwhile feeling inside and you've helped someone. I agree with the forum's creator in that expecting other people to give you things is completely unacceptable, but next time someone asks you for money or advice don't just ignore them, spend some time finding out whether they are legitimate or not. You could be in their shoes one day.


    Thanks for reading my post.




    Oh and advice for beggars, who are willing to learn not just after the money. If you sound mature, sensible and respectful people will see you as more genuine and more willing to help you.

  7. I am usually quite a competent person on Runescape, but I now find Sarcasm is the only way out instead of saying something I'll regret. Sometimes people have me banging my head against a brick wall :wall: as they reply with (, wot , ur crazy, omg you noob ect ) sometimes I just take my anger out on the NPC's of Runescape. I wish there was a sarcasm emote on runescape though, and you have to do a sarcastic related request, but that's another one for another day me thinks......




    - -.- - see even this little guy/gal wants a sarcastic emote.....

  8. Definately get Vista but don't nessecarially assume that hp and dell are good. In my experience smaller but still well known amoung the computing world companies such as , Evesham, Mesh also check out PC world. Some of the Dell Pc's i've haven't always been the best deal around. Hp is good though, but expensive for what you get. Try before you buy, do your research, you might want to consider a Macintosh or linux, just keep your options open :D

  9. This could be a case of adware and cookies (no not the kind that fluffy monster on sesame street ate), if it is under warranty then return to store, if you are a month over you can usually get them to give you store credit or something.


    Back up all important files onto a disk or storage device, do a system clean up. If this fails system restore and start from the begining.


    Maybe get a pc with a good warranty next time or don't listen to the smily salesman/woman (lol). Computers change big time, maybe get mac or lynix next time?



  10. Ya there is a company who do a blog/ Im spell checker, i got it from my Pc magazine so not sure how good it is, they gave it 4 stars mind.


    Called iespell I think.


    Or use the trusty old dictionary, or use Ms words built in one.

  11. Hi,


    In the U.K spam is now illegal though some still manage to get through. Here are my tips for avioding spam:




    Some anti-virus programs have bulit in spam filters. Be careful about the "free" spamfilters on the internet, these can have encrypted files that make the problem worse. I suggest downloading only from reputable companies or buy one from a shop.




    Add all the adresses to your block list (most email providers have them)


    Junk them straight away.




    If possible start a new email account, but if this isn't possible then try the above.


    I used to have huge problems with spam but I changed email and now i'm very careful about the sites i give it out to.


    Hope the advice helps :D

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