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Posts posted by Saradomin_Warrior

  1. just incase u dont know, the prices for masks and phats are constantly raising. some people want them because they look cool (ex. I really want a red mask cuz i want full zammy later and they look cool together) however, most people that buy them only do so so they can sell it for more later. it always feels good to buy something for 20k and sell it for 50k but its getting rediculous. i'm assuming that runescape wont just suddently stop, i think it will keep going on forever. In 5, 10 or even 20 years, the price for phats will be like 300mil and masks 200mil. lots of people starting rs will be like, "wow that's a cool mask, how much do they cost" and the person will be like, "200mil, but i bought it when they were only 900k and i dont feel like selling it" people starting rs in the future will never have a chance at these and to me that seems unfair. post what u think here and if u agree with me, send it as a suggestion to runescape and maybe they will set up some shop that sells them for like 20mil for phats and 3mil for masks so ppl that own them now wont be upset. they should also make a black mask, that would be awesome. what do u ppl think?






    r u crazy? "Yay saved up the money for a blue phat!" -two days later after shop update- "[bleep] jagex! [bleep] runescape! 4 years of working for a phat then looseing it all"






    Worst idea i ever heard,

  2. egamer"]





    i felt some of your comments on the rant were more noobish then the rant itself. Did you post on it? If so, maybe I should post your post onto this topic.


    what i love is how where he circled "cesnor noob", he wrote, "then your name woulbe be sensored". he mispells it right where it was spelled correctly...




    not my best idea XD LMAO :XD: :lol: :lol:




    and you spelled would be "woulbe" XD And im a bad speller!!!!XD XD XD XD








    What i like is this: (its a tad convoluted) you (Sara) mocked someones post and mispelt the word censored. Lenin pointed this out, but also mispelt the word censored (as cesnor). Then you(Sara) countered by saying Lenin mistyped would be as wouldbe. Finally Lenin came back with a general broadside at your(Sara's) spelling and grammar, whilst using the ; sign instead of the ' sign. Neither of you can spell or type perfectly, stop beating each other over the head. Although the irony of you both mocking each others spelling while misspelling is humorous to me because i am a man of whimsy.




    ok........can we move on?

  3. egamer"]





    i felt some of your comments on the rant were more noobish then the rant itself. Did you post on it? If so, maybe I should post your post onto this topic.


    what i love is how where he circled "cesnor noob", he wrote, "then your name woulbe be sensored". he mispells it right where it was spelled correctly...




    not my best idea XD LMAO :XD: :lol: :lol:




    and you spelled would be "woulbe" XD And im a bad speller!!!!XD XD XD XD

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