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Posts posted by fasterthanU1

  1. Just to note, I have played since the begining, and this is the first update that has ever even made me consider quiting.




    I have never before quit and I never planed to but the inflexability of this is to much. If they wanted to get rid of Bots/RWT all they would have to do is make it so trading under lvl 100 was resticted. Since investing time into making a character lvl 100 is to much for both bots and RWTers it would have solved this. The limit of 3k and what 30k? with quests?! I hate quests theres no way in hell I would do them.




    The limits are why they think we are noobs, that kinda limit is for very small trades, If you want to do big trades the limits are far to imflexable.


    Um that's the worst suggestion I've EVER seen. Just letting you know I'm glad you aren't working for Jagex in the development department.




    umm yep i defintaly aggre with you this guy needs to take a chill pill lol

  2. oh cool this is a awesome topic


    heres a good one: Did you know that when you are in the s.o.s. /the sucurity stronhold if you eat and than run at the door and click on it you will not have to do that annoying question






    also if your in the s.o.s. that a large monster can hide behind a rat!!!! and than attack you while you cant see what is hurting you :wall: :wall:

  3. "expressed my opinion about the update moron. Contributing doesn't necessarily mean saying it's an awsome update.Why this update sucks It screws over monster hunting, companies, and a bunch of other stuff"




    hay common no need to call people morons :mrgreen: also i dont think this will runin all of those things beacuse like people have said they are going to fix those things soon anyway. so in the end the good is bigger than the bad side of this change 8-)

  4. Aren't steel bodies 1.4k+ on G.E? I mean it's not like you have to buy on G.E, but it could change things
    oh btw steel plates on ge are 5k+ so that is out of the question




    also if there is any way to alk somthing it would have to be get the matearals your self than skill+alk with it

  5. in essance this is just a share your experances with the revants what they did to you, how much did it hit, stuff like that and pictures would be awesome 8-) 8-) :P :P








    heres my story: i was walking that 2 revants attacked me at greaters one was the 126 knight and the other was that lvl 75 werewolf. so the knight attacked me he hit a 35 and than a 30 both hits I was praying aganst mage. so now i run south like a good ittle coward eating lobbies as fast as i can. well that the other werewolf jumps on me and hits double 20's than i run away. now in this whole thin i have used a full invertory of lobbies and all my prayer points




    well any way share your stories \' \'

  6. ohhhhhhh they do more than this mostly evrything that was said was right and they change attack styles when you pray aganst them and guss what you know the knight it maxed a 40 on me with pray now wtf this is compleatly insane !!!!!????!!!!!

  7. actully im f2p and i was in the wild today and i fought one of those rverant knights im making a topic about it but it hit a 40 on me with mage no prayer than with pray it hit 30 now realy no 1 in free to play can hit anyway neer 40 so there is allmost no chace to kill these things

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