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Posts posted by Archerty

  1. In my oppinion Rs2 came out because of the macro problems at RsC


    they used it to move to a "Better" Game but they failed


    The graphic is lame ( even worst than rSc )


    The battle combat is just ridicolous you can just follow and hit


    The level system its impossible to pk with a guy having 60 Str 50 Mage and being only level 30


    They have ruined the game and i think the autoers would be flooding Rs2 and maybe give a choice to Jagex to bring back Rsc

  2. I have something to say




    I think a few of you is worng . yes there were alot of pkers in Rsc


    but you cant forget they were all in a team


    even me and other few of you . The training in RsC is exhausting but when you reach the target is fulfilling . at Rs2 u can reach to level 80 in 20 hours of gameplay in RsC it would take maybe weeks and months for sure .




    Another thing is Pking is Rsc was always great since the battle combat was fun and you could stay there for hours without getting tired




    3. The Graphic


    In my oppinion Rsc was alot better than Rs2


    one of the things that i think most people hate about rs2 is the graphic its just lame and pathetic


    at RsC you had fun even if you thought the graphic was lame




    There is alot of people playing Rs2 that if u ask them they would say that they are dieing to RsC to come back -




    Rs2 Is an alternative that has more features - armours - quests


    and there some people that like it just like others like pking




    I had a hope that one day i would click http://www.runescape.com and RsC would be playable again but i see now that there is no chance if jagex doesnt want it to come back - it wont i think only a mircale can save us in that part

  3. We can always try to write a heart touching lettter to JageX staff ..




    I grew up with runescape ive been playing since im 10 years old


    back at 1999




    There were times that pking was so much fun .. staying up all night trying to hunt , like u pall i cryed alot when i lost something that has high value at the game . We have a story that has alot in comment i always enter the website of runescape with a hope that maybe there will be a topic


    " Runescape Classic IS BACK " but each day passes and the flame hop goes to asshes

  4. Hi ;X




    Ive been playing rsc over 6 years and pking alot ... i choiced to give rs2


    a chance




    So here a few questions ( if you want you can call me stupid afterwards )




    1. Whats the best pking weapon for now ( Melee )


    2. Does Rs2 takes 3 levels to level up a combat or 4 Like rsc ?



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