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Posts posted by Lynyrd_Skynyrd

  1. Long hair is alot better, if you listen to rock and metal like me you can't headbang properly without it. When Metallica cut their hair people saw it like they were betraying their routes. Who looks better Angus Young or some Gangsta with a shaved head, no contest LONG HAIR FTW.

  2. Hey I just wanted to get an idea of what kind of music people like on this forum in a debate. So what do you listen to and why is it better than pop?




    Because I hate pop music, people can't play instruments and are just in it for the money really, without putting thought into their songs. Btw you don't just have to like metal, because I like all kinds of rock etc. But why is metal and rock better than pop crap?




    Let's make this a mature debate as possible so no flaming.

  3. Lord Krohn, you don't understand that women need emotional support and because of society they can become very insecure about the way they look. If you ever want to get a girlfriend you have to appreicate them fully or else they will leave you. You need to have a heightened sensitivity to their emotional needs, because women aren't just for cooking and sex we can learn alot from them. You're too busy telling sexist jokes to appreciate the female form and the way it moves physically and spiritually. All women are beautiful which you need to understand.




    I didn't laugh at anything you wrote.

  4. You share your thoughts to the Internet and what do you get? Cynical people that either like to feel superior to you by making out I'm going through puberty, people that just see it as an opportunity to crack a joke or females that call you a dork and imply that I am not man enough or some such.For those that did, such as kido14, serepherus and defender thanks for being more reasonable and not associating me as a creepy.

  5. If Pakistan ever collapsed I think that their would probably be open war with India. The U.N would probably help India if we are saying Islamist extremists took power. But I don't think it will happen as the Pakistan Government I think is quite pro military and is "handling" the situation with public support I am assuming.




    Well the UN is doubtful to intervene in any full-scale war, as it implicates the rest of the world.




    However, I'm curious as to why you think an internal collapse of the government would cause violence against India?




    Well the U.N backed the Korean War against China and North Korea, if they were willing to back that what makes you think they wouldn't back a war against Pakistan?




    It would cause violence because Pakistan has always hated India, a more extreme Islamic country would probably have more chance of attacking India than the current government.

  6. Well thank you for all the comments, I am glad that people took the time to respond to my posts.But it appears many people are concerned that I am talking about women as if they are objectives. This is true, but I did not do it in a derogotory manner so why is it bad? Why is it a bad thing to see the best in women for what they have to offer...I do find them all beautiful even my own mother. They have a heart and soul and have the power to embrace you on another level. Men are too proud and arrogant, settle problems in fights and generally have lust motives. Women are the opposite.




    If you catch a woman on her own she is generally much nicer than with her friends and much more genuine and easy to talk to. Oh and for the last time I am not going through puberty nor do I have a girlfriend!

  7. If Pakistan ever collapsed I think that their would probably be open war with India. The U.N would probably help India if we are saying Islamist extremists took power. But I don't think it will happen as the Pakistan Government I think is quite pro military and is "handling" the situation with public support I am assuming.

  8. Woah I checked this thread in hope of some nice comments instead...well I feel kinda miserable now. Some points that need to be addressed, I am 18 years old (male) and am not late going through puberty. Besides, my post contained more than just sexual thoughts I figured it was deeper than that (I'm talking about all women). I am not in love either, I am just making a humble observation like William Blake an English Romantic. You can make jokes at me or laugh but they are just some thoughts I wanted to share.




    The discussion points I wanted to address and sorry for not being clear were whether or not females are more superior than males? Not just in intellignce but the majority of things. I don't need personal attacks, because although we are over the Internet they can be offensive. Comments like 'women will eat you up'...women won't eat me up if I am clear to them about my feelings.




    I just think women are nice I'm not going to talk to my dad because he views women more as objects, would you rather me speak of a woman with a nice rack or appreciate their spirit and physical attributes.




    P.S if you feel I didn't address your point in this thread just private message me please and I will edit.

  9. Anybody that can't really be bothered to post more than a line of post on such a deep discussion can exit the thread. The discussion is about women in all of their splendor. I pity you guys....really what good do you achieve when you put others down?

  10. Women are beautiful, this is what recently I have come to notice, they really are. They have many characteristics which when looked upon, can only be appreciated! I really do not understand how males became the dominant gender when looking upon the power of a woman.




    Everything about them is really superb. Firstly they are not afraid of their feelings, unlike me as a male. You see as I write this message I have to keep minimizing the window from my dad and brother, if they saw what I was writing I cannot imagine how mocked and embarassed I would feel. My dad would look what I am writing and probably burst out laughing because when you're a man you have to worry bout your ego and pride, women are just out in the open, mellow and accpeting!




    Looking at women they are also beautiful, to gaze upon a womans breasts or thighs have a mesmerizing affect on me, not necessarily sexual but hynotic and stunning making me cough and splutter if I see them for real. The way they move knocks my brain around, not arrogant but knowledgeable of their own beauty.




    They are not like men in any way, they do not smell bad, I doubt anybody has ever smelt a bad woma. They care about how they look and can look incredible unlike a male. The scent is enough to knock me into oblivion I feel. They are not arrogant or self absorbed but they care about the good things in life and are not controlled by sex and lust. Our history has been forged by men, and how has it turned out? Awful, a vile history mankind has been shaped by. Nowadays are history is still shaped by men, how many male business tycoons are there and how many female, females don't care about superficial things like making money but stronger more deeper things.




    They keep themselves healthy and strong often alone raising large families when the male has had sex and left knowing he got what he wanted. They mature earlier and know what they want in life, their emotions are powerful but in a good way as they are sensitive to what other people like and dislike. When I hang around with my male friends they don't appreciate me but laugh and make jokes at my problems, women are caring and understanding.




    What I am trying to say to fellow adolescent males on this forum is that women need to be appreciated for what they are!!!! Immensely exotic creatures that need your every minute of affection!!! If we could all be like women this world would be at peace and people wouldn't die.




    Do like me gentlemen and HAIL every woman, lady and godess that you next see because they are truly beautiful and intense that I would gladly bow down to their all mighty power and divine sexuality!!!

  11. Well, partly in all seriousness, partly to play devil's advocate; Is a primarily capitalist system the best way to combat environmental issues, or does a socialist/communist system work better?





    I don't think it matters, powerful governments are motivated by what the majority of its people want, but that is nowadays. It wasn't the case with Marx at the time. Nowadays we have the Internet, education, the media. Governments may try but its the people truly with the power. Really communism can't save the earth anymore than Capitalism can.




    It's currently irrelevant to my argument but why do you say socialism/communism, they're both very different.

  12. This topic stems from something I have been wondering about the last week or so. You see my parents are divorced and every summer I spend with my dad while the rest of the year I spend with my mom. They're very different people and my mom has obviously been my primary influence. Lately I have been wondering which is more important in my upbringing?




    I used to think that I have lived with my mom and I turned out OK, but lately I have been thinking otherwise. My mom is a very negative person and is always looking on the down side of life, she "mothers" me alot if you will and it naturally irriates me somewhat. My dad however is very different he is sociable and humorous but not half as responsible as my mother.




    I spend my time with my dad eating steak and drinking beer. If I hung out with my dad more I would be a much more racist, homophobic, sexist person but confident and easy going. With my mom I spend my time doing homework and...well I don't want to say being a doormat because that is harsh but true. I have been wondering recently what is more important in a family. (like I said) I used to think it was mother hands down but now I am questioning. Through my example it is pretty obvious that in an ideal world the fusion of my mother and father would bring me up right, but naturally that isn't always the case.




    Anyway (I'm not specifically focusing this on me) but who is more essential in a family? If you HAD to chose between your mother and father who would it be?

  13. Also should the media inform us in as neutral way as possible what has happened or will happen? If people don't wake up from it, it's not the media who we should blame for it. I personally was against the whole hype of how this little girl got kidnapped. However people got interested in that story and of course companies threw more fuel for fire.




    However if we wanted to make this world a better place, we should first get more moral leaders, gun manufactors, car manufactors and basically many other things before we should go for more moral for media. It currently works well enough for our needs as we got many non-political news sources.





    Point taken however I see the media as an awesome weapon that over time could be used to do so much (I'm talking about good things here). We disagree in discussion about the little girl, although I'm not sure you might agree with me. That the problem lies with the media being a company in search of money and power.




    When you mentioned the little girl I don't see that as so much as a bad example although yes it was blown out of proportion as hundreds of children die everyday but it is the joke stories about the lemonade stand and trivial pointless things that irk me the most.




    However it is difficult to enforce my beliefs that the media is a good weapon that could be used for good instead of crap, as it is inevitably down to the media tycoons. Naturally though I strongly disagree with Lenin64 the communist, as I would want the government to stay out of the media. But the BBC is a perfect example! I think other media companies in the US should take heed from the British.

  14. Did somebody say rain? Over here please...I'm parched...




    Something like 85 here with 69% humidity. I'm actually sweating while I type this so you know...that I envy you.




    85? That's not hot...






    It's getting to 95+ almost every day here (it was until today actually, just cooled down)




    Ok well I just checked the humidity and it is actually 83%, humidity makes the air feels alot more thicker and more stuffy making you sweat alot more. It really depends on the humidity at where you live because if it is high humidity it makes you alot more tired and drowzy.

  15. I don't think the media should be about making money, but should be for the public like the police service etc, they're there because it is necessary to uphold the law or in this case democracy. Anyway you are right but I'm just an idealist...




    It's not free at all to run a news company. They need to pay salaries for their reporters, get expensive equipment, in some cases print stuff and so on. To get this money (and no1 ever says no for some extra either), they need to also need to add stuff that may not be informative when it comes for domestic or international situation or get it from taxes. However tax paid magazine could really easily turn into a propaganda machine like said earlier.




    Also you seem to forget that news are about things that we are interested in. If no1 was interested in Paris Hilton, she wouldn't get the attention she's now getting. If people weren't interested in cases like 9/11, we'd read as much about it as we did from various attacks in places like Africa. If people are interested in it, it's worth publishing. If not, then it can be dumped.




    You have a point however as Evrae mentioned earlier the BBC comes from tax payers money and as he said that is very non biased and nothing close to propaganda that you implied.




    I very much disagree with your second paragraph because of ethics, the media controls what the people can think, if they didn't make such a hype about Paris Hilton then and only then would people stop paying attention to her. It is not a case of whether it is worth publishing or not because the media is an incredible tool at swaying public opinion. If companies were more ethically minded I'm sure they could increase interest for proper stories that actually have an affect on people's emotions which could be used to do good things, like raising awareness of problems over the globe. Not just trying to make the news an entertainment progam in which people can be fed fairy tales that everything is alright in the world.

  16. I don't really get your point.




    Your problem is that some news channel put unrelevant news up?




    News is meant to be news, when something about a lemonade stand being burgled is placed on par with a plane crash something is wrong here...how can you not see that though?




    It's the only way they can make money when there's nothing more important that Paris Hilton's latest escapades to report on.




    I don't think the media should be about making money, but should be for the public like the police service etc, they're there because it is necessary to uphold the law or in this case democracy. Anyway you are right but I'm just an idealist...

  17. Recently I am really starting to hate CNN and other media companies because all they seem to be doing is competing with eachother over rating regardless of the public interest or interest atall infact...




    I watch Robin& Company every morning and some of the trash they have on their is hilarious...really. This morning for example their headline was of course the suspected "terror" attack in Manhattan. But other headlines were the 200 people that died on the plane crash in Brazil aswell as two kids that stole a puppy in Wyoming , a cat that got stuck up a tree and something about two girls having their lemonade stand burgled???? Reminds me of that episode in furturama "We have some very tragic news to report....but thankfully very far away" and she smiles... kind of the same here, CNN doesn't care about MORALS just RATINGS.




    Another thing is Robin herself, the only reason I watch the show so I can dream about my future wife. CNN have no credibility, they put a smoking hot girl with great legs in front of the camera that spends her time stuttering over big words and saying things like "two thirds is the same as three quarters". Robin is packing and everything but CREDIBILITY ANYONE?




    Anyway...to make a point of this rant, what are media companies like outside the US and who agree's with me that the media has got out of control.




    I'm not a hippy or anything, I am listening to free bird though so you know....hmmm I havent introduced myself yet *runs to the appropriate sticky*

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