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Posts posted by goldhawk

  1. well...for now it appears that merchanting is temporarily dead...


    with the prices on MOST player made items falling by 5% per day there is no way to merchant as a f2p atm.




    Merchanting will be just as easy as it was be4 when this whole thing blows over and prices stabalize..which they will..probably in arround 10-12days,considering the prices on player made items will have fallen by up to 50%. Then ppl will buy up all the items they had be4 and still ahve lots of $$ left over, thus inflation will fix the slump in item prices.




    Merchants will always be there. I have found effective ways to make 500k in 10 mins just from merchanting from player to the GE. This is effectively a filter which separates the noobs from the pros.


    Im I right assuming that this method involves being p2p?

  2. I think it mainly depends on the level and how much play time the account has.


    As I have suggested before players with higher levels should have thier reports/apeals real more carefully and have thier experience and past report history taken into account(they dont actualy take you offence history into account currently).


    Also as you have said Black marks should go away after a period of time, say...1-2 years? After all Have you ever heard of a scammer/Bad player who stayed with the same account for 2years?, I know I havent.




    My accounts is victim to the report system, i got 2bms for saying "lol, you can hack jagex", when i meant to say "can't", doh :wall: !

  3. As several others have pointed out...THERE IS NO WAY TO MAKE DECENT CASH AS A F2p, unless you merchant or mine runite ore, it may be ok for members who can still make 500k+ / day without merchanting...but not for us f2ps. So think of us be4 you say "woohoo merchanting is dead... take that merchants" think of us f2pers.




    Now on to my actual point.


    Jagex made a minor oversight in the grand exchange's market prices, it is that if one of the prices happens to be off by a resonable ammount(EG. waterfilled vials 155-170)... the price will not adapt.


    Since the changes in the maket prices are based on the prices trades have been done at...if the prices are off no one will do any trades. thus the price will no correct itself... jagex need so fix this.




    Well... at least I finaly have the motivation to get 85 mining, wohoo -.-

  4. They are doing this out of good... finaly ignoring what the money tells them.




    First they killed staking, which FOR SHURE they knew they would loze big bucks on.




    Now they kill merchanting... they are trying to turn rs back into what is was several years ago.




    Even though I merchant quite a bit I support them doing this :thumbsup:

  5. It would make a lot of sense judging by thier current actions.


    They allready killed staking and thier trying to kill merchanting, they are cleaning up runescape and trieing to turn it back into what it was a few years ago. Killing rares would logicaly be the next step they take...but i doubt they will suddenly just make them untradeable...


    more likely they will replace them with thier monetary equivelant.

  6. Just like everyone else I agree, 3k is nothing.




    Even thought I personly dislike stakers, I agree that this is rediculess. Mabey 100k / 15mins would be more like it.




    And for those who say to join the tournament system, its 90% luck in there. A lvl 90 combat can get paired with lvl 110+ players and if you're neerly out of food and you happen to be paired with someone who has plently your dead even if you're better than them by quite a bit. Are stakers realy going to risk up to 1m on those odds?




    But, is jagex going to change this back? Probably not unless they loze a hell of a lot of money. So if you're a staker you're out of luck

  7. This ones from carts (I examined the one in the drill demon random), i'm not shure if anyonse has mentioned it yet as I didnt read all of them




    "one horsepower, wooden suspension, a beauty"




    Wooden suspension :lol:




    *edit*, I dont see the examine for a puffin either "i'd rather if it were a muffin"

  8. Have there been any posts on any thread about this where all the information is in one place? Ive been reading quite a lot on this and i cant realy draw and oppinion, ive decided to sell all my merchanting goods for now and train mining and fishing till i see how this turns out




    Ps. I have a feeling there could be some serious glitches with this..be wary.

  9. well...


    this is a very hard thing to speculate on but I have my theorys.


    Merchanting will NOT die there is no chance of that, but the pretty much every item in the game will see some changes in value, ups and downs.




    Items that are easly obtianable by low-medium lvl, semi skilled players willl drop quite a bit in value because the large ammount of cheap goods supplied by them will directly available to buyers rather than being supplied through merchants who often make a fairly large mark-up.




    I'm currently considering what the situation will be for high value harder to get items will be and i'm leanding towards saying that the cheaper the item the more the price will drop, and the higher the price the more an item will gain in value.

  10. Well I dont think theres much more to be said here.




    In the BTS released today is sais that the "grand exchange" will be soon released. There is a lot of conterversy over what it will do to prices and merchanting. As soon as it comes out i'll give u a call(Pm) so you can clear things up on that.




    Yay for my first thread to actualy get any replys( besides ones from flamers ).

  11. OK




    you've managed to convince me that prices arnt changing any time soon, good job =D> .








    I have to completly dissagree that the prices would be the same if everyone forgot all the prices in rs.


    The supply and demand would not change at all if all the prices were forgotten, thats a fact. Now with nats what determines theer price, mainly that is? The price the supplies for yew long alchers. They need to buy the nats the bs and the yew logs and still come close to breaking even.




    If all the prices were forgotten, the people who were currently buying and selling the items for alching would have to base thier prices on something, with no other peoples prices to go on, the would look at the shop price and..."wtf thats way to low"(I think yews are about 90gp shop price ).


    They would go to what? judging by supply and demand, since there is a huge supply, easly enough to meet the demand, so the price should be low. Lets say 300ea. Now bs...with all the bots there is and even larger supply and an even lowwer shop sell price, the price would probably go to about what it is right now, arround 200ea. Now..the nats...runes armour and arrows are the few things that have a fairly high shop price, considering the supply of $$ in the game. People would see the very high shop price at a shop where you can actualy buy them, not just sell. When people alch yew longs they usualy buy the materials for around 900gp..that leaves 400gp after the nats...people would only pay the 375ea shop price max though...so the logs( being harder to get than flax/bs )would be more like 325. With the crafters brought into the equasion they would probably sell at about 10gp less than the shop at the most(AT FIRST).




    Materials being bs 200ea yews 300ea and nats being 360-370ea at first the poeple who only want xp would drive the prices up so there would be no proffit margin. And yews being once again being harder to ger would gain value. Ending Prices(about 2months after prices are forgotten):




    BS200ea yews350ea nats350ea




    You keep going on about supply and demand setting prices so, you shouldnt have a problem with bs and yew logs being lower than nats.


    Autos supply so much supply to the yew log and bs markets.


    Yet there a precious few Autos making nats(I know there are lots of runners but there is still less supply).


    There is even or less supply of bs and yew logs than nats thus nats shouldnt be lower than yews or bs.




    srry if I repeated myself a bit in that last paragraph #-o




    P.S. I dont think rs could Qualify as a market economy, to be one wouldnt the shops have to be owned by PLAYERS and have PLAYER set prices, rather than preset ones? I think runescape would be more of a Mixed economy.

  12. ok, I see you points.




    after this and a thread on (other popular runescape website)I have a new thoery.




    consider this hypothetical situation, if everyone simotaniously forgot all the prices is rs, and the market had to be reformed. In this situation the nat price would be based on the shop price...so around 350-370ea?




    What i'm saying by that is that the price is kept down by the fact that poeple belive the price is what it is, and want to stick to the old way of doing things...not because the price logicaly makes sense.




    In otherwards there is no logical reason why the price wont go up, simply that poeple are used to it being at 300ea.




    Ps. sorry if i'm misuseing some economic terms and thoerys, i'm just going on what ive learned in rs and on these forums.

  13. As i have said in my edit maybey 374ea was a log shot..consider it changed to 370ea.




    From all the replys I think i have a conclustion that the main price cieling that's keeping the price from going up is the yew long alching market. In which the prices of bs and yew logs would have to drop to allow nats to rise.




    so if nats are to go up one of two things must happen, the yew long materials must drop in value, or a cartell of rich merchants COULD change the price by all selling mass quantitys for a high price causing all the other people to say "hey look the top 10 threads are selling at 320ea..i think i'll seel for 315ea", I have seen it happen before for iron ore. A group of 6 merchants each put 200k+ iron ore on the market for 140ea and kept thier threads bumped well, for about 4 days they had the average iron price in world 1 and on the forums up to 120-130ea.




    In conclusion either the price wont go up, of we'll have to wait a long time for it to do so.

  14. When the shop update was first released I thought that the nat prices would skyrocket...


    How wrong I was.




    The price before was based on two things...


    -the price in shops being about 280-300ea at decent stock keeping the price up to 300ea.




    -The large surpluss of nats from runners keeping the price from going higher.




    Now the shop update raised the price barrier up to 375ea, so theoreticaly the street priceprice HAS to EVENTUALY go up to 374ea, and I have yet to find someone with a decent arguement against that.




    If everyone simotaniously changed thier prices to 374ea, buyers would be forced to pay 374ea unless they could make thier own. Now realisticly it would take a long time for the price to adapt and start rising due to the surpluss of runes from runners who only care to get 300ea.




    Now I know that the price change would not be instant, far from it. I guessed that the price would adapt to about 350ea within two months, and here we are..neering the end of two months and the prices havent budged. I'm asking, WHY??




    Is ther that large an ammount of runners, that do not relize everyone could be charging 374ea, that the price will not change for months, years?




    Post your theorys/thoughts on this here.




    *edit* maybey saying nats will eventualy go up to 375ea is a long shot..more like 370ea as 1gpea less even over 50k runes wouldnt make buyers buy from rcers

  15. Just because you cant log onto your account dosnt mean your account got deleted, it may have been hacked and banned or you may have forgotten the pass.




    I have sent a letter to JaGeX on the issue, they specificaly said they currently do not delete accounts although they used to for about 6 month after rs2 came out though.


    PS.I have a screenshot of the letter that I can post here

  16. Wow, 10k feathers in 20mins.


    what world(s) and time were you on?




    If feathers works that good now that might be a good way to get starting $$, but with 600k it would get very tedious, 100k feathers would take a while to buy/sell -.- .




    Err but can't you buy unlimited feathers now? Why would people bothor buying them in shops when they got unlimited supply?




    The infinate feathers are more than 10gpea though so you can still merchant at a price under that.

  17. Contrary to popular belief superheating mith bars is actulay the same xp / hour as alching, and you dont spend any $$, AND u get smithing xp as an added bonus.




    The drawback to superheating is that the materials are harder to purchase, and you need to sell the mith bars afterwards.




    Buying mith ore 450ea coal 190ea and nats 290ea


    Then selling mith bars 1.5kea you break even, if you can buy lower and sell higher than these prices you even make a proffit.

  18. Smithing doesnt have to trail mining, if you superheat it's acutlay quite easy to keep smithing even with mining, at least untill a pretty high lvl like 70.




    The reason you powermine ores to get to at least 30 mining be4 you start banking is that the ammount of ores to get you to 30 mining is so small the if you drop them it all not have much effect on how far behind smithing is. EG. if it takes 200 copper/tin ore and 500 iron ore to get lvl 30, those same ores could probably get you 28, if you do dorics anvil you will only be 1 behind in smithing.




    Ps. I got from 1-40mining and did dorics anvill in 5 hours, its a snap ::'

  19. The price is entirly dependant on supply and demand as many have explained before, the merchants controll the price.


    If they decide to not sell much before halloween the price will go up durring halloween, if they sell durring haloweeen the price will bottom out.


    So you realy have no way of telling unless you know a whole lot of rare merchanters.




    As trends go u'd probably be better to wait untill a few days after halloween to buy thats USUALY when the price bottoms

  20. You dont ever need to be members to get 99smithing and mining, you can get them at practiacly the same speed as a f2p.




    Mining: the best way to get 99 mining would be to powermine iron ALL the way, allthough sum people say that granite is faster at lvl 70+ My tests show that granite is only a bit faster, such a small ammount that it wouldnt even make much of a difference over the 13m xp to 99.


    If you are getting smithing too you might want to bank the ores you need for smithing, but only after you get 30mining.


    The best place to powermine iron is in rimmington (for f2ps).




    Smithing: To start off do dorics anvill quest(u can do it at lvl 3, i did on my smith pure, you just need good food) this gets you 29 smith. Now mine enough iron ore to get 50 smthing, as I said w8 till you get 30 mining though. Once you have 50 you can use the following method if you are willing to get 43 mage as well.


    You get to start superheating Mith bars, YOU WILL NEED 1.5m THOUGH, and you will get 100% return on the $$ so dont worry about losing $$.


    Buy the coal at 180-190ea the mith ore at 400-450ea and the nats at 280-290ea, buying at the higher prices makes u break even, the lower prices you make proffit. after you ahve superheated the bars you will sell them 1.5kea on the forums, it may take a while to find a buyer but be patient, it helps to have a frind buy them and make a thread to sell them.


    With this method i got 67 smith on my main in 10days and spent no $$ on it ^.^ .




    Phew, I'm tired of writing for now, i'll put the non-superheating method here later.




    *edit* The Edgeville furnace is still worse than the port phasmatis one because of the door you have to open, unless you are making iron bars with rings of forging or goldsmithing with guauntlets.If you are making steel mith addy ore rune it's quite a bit slower than phasmatis.




    Add me, Pseudo death ,ingame I want to see how you progress on your smithing/mining pure goes.


    Untill later, good luck ::'

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