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Posts posted by 666thanatos

  1. Well, I had my first experience with this powerful stuff today. I put a little bit on my hand to see what it was like. As it turns out, too much Icy Hot=ÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¢â¬Åber pain. Half an hour of my hand burning before I got to the bathroom to be able to wash it off. Well, yes.




    Discuss Icy Hot.

  2. Only if you want a visit from this guy,





    yes please!


    =0 Not Paedo-bear!!!!




    OT: TS, that sounds like a great idea. But it's possible you would have the problem of people receiving gifts and not sending any in return, as aforementioned above (or maybe the last page, I'm too lazy to check). Also, there could be the problem of some terrorist browsing this website, seeing adresses, and sending anthrax or something to you guys.




    Edit: Sorry, I missed the thing in the first post about contacting through PM's or MSN. :wall:

  3. Some level 116 was quitting and giving away a free set of full Verac's to the first person that gets to the Falador party room. I already had the runes on me and was like "YESSSSSS!!!!!!" I hit tele....




    "_______, Surprise Exam!"




    After I finish that, I get to the party room, and I'm still only the second one there! I saw a lvl 34 trading the 116....




    He proceeded to show me his full Veracs.




    Never been so mad at RS in my life

  4. Well, the most scariest moment in my life...




    I had a friend over at my house and we were watching the Metalocalypse season 1 dvd. Anyway, we are sitting there and there is a creaking noise. We're sitting there, eating out Lucky Charms when I catch something out of the corner of my eye. The disc drive on our computer was going in and out. I turned off the computer- It turned itself back on. I unplugged it-It still frickin managed to get back on and do it. Anyway, long story short, we waited outside in the dark for 4 hours waiting for my mom to get home. :(

  5. aVYlagS.jpg


    Do you like it? What should I replace the red text with?




    Wow man, that is perfect. Pretty much exactly what I am looking for. Thanks :D And for everyone else who tried, I thank you for your time and effort, but it just wasn't exactly what I was looking for.




    Okay, for the red text, where it says "your name here," please put Bananaman301. For where it says "Said text here," please put "Shred is not dead."


    And feel free to put your name somehwere on there.

  6. Hello Tip.it,


    I was wondering if any of you good computer techies out there would be willing to make me a sig. Here is what I am looking for-


    -A snowy forest


    -A silhouette of a guitarist standing in that forest


    -An erie blue glow around the guitarist




    If any of you guys can make me that, I would appreciate it very much.

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