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Money Wasted

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Posts posted by Money Wasted

  1. I'm not sure if it's a mistake but there seems to be a slight contradiction with the examples in this part of the accompanying article:


    "you take a pretty big hit to accuracy if your weapon's class doesn't match your armor's class, 17% if your weapon is strong against your armor's class (for example, melee armor and a ranged weapon) and around 30% if your weapon is weak against your armor's class (melee armor and a magic weapon)."


    I was a little confused by that so if you could clarify that for me that'd be great. Thanks :)

  2. Alright thanks. I'm assuming that you won't be able to finish an adventurer's story until you unlock the last region?


    Right now I'm doing trade good>scroll>xp>resource>story as I can only make scrimshaws as my other levels aren't high enough and I've heard that it only takes ten ancient bones to make one. I'm sure the first ones made will sell for a huge price so hopefully I'll be able to make a nice profit off those.

  3. Are they worth doing? I've been doing the scroll, trade good, xp, and resource missions over story ones for my two adventurers whenever they visit. I've heard people talking about these missions and saying that they are good to do but what are the benefits? Should I prioritize them over certain missions? If anyone can give me a general guide to the priorities that would be helpful. Thanks :)

  4. Grandmaster quests are grandmaster quests based ONLY on their requirements. Nothing else. Jagex confirmed that on their game update faq thread on the forums. Maybe it should be labelled by difficulty or length instead but at the end of the day, it's only a label and does not affect the quest in any way. I think it's pointless to complain about what the quest is labelled as because Jagex should be able to label their quests whatever way they want to.

  5. I think godswords are still useful in some situations, just that there are less of those situations now. AGS is still very useful while pking. SGS is useful where familiars are not allowed, like fight caves or barrows. ZGS is useful for sara gwd and BGS is useful for bosses with quite high defence.

  6. I read article #1, about "The Evolution of Weaponry"... IMO, the only thing that can really come next is Range/Mage weaponry that can parallel (and potentially beat, because it would make the fight fair) godswords and other similarly powerful melee weapons. Further, better melee-blocking Mage Armors need to be released to help balance mage vs. melee fights. Until that's done, combat in RuneScape will remain forever unbalanced. 'Nuff said. -.-


    ~D. V. "Has to be for Range/Mage... Melee's got beyond enough, now." Devnull


    A well prepared Mage can easily outbeat most rangers and warriors. Crossbows have a 9 square range, whilst mage attacks have 10. All a mage needs to do is successfully kite and he shall win, albiet rather slowly unless he has a Arcane Stream and other boosts available.


    In my opinion, there should be a magic special attack, perhaps like a dragon dagger special with 2 magic attacks at the same time


    The ancient magic spells are basically a special attack happening every cast so it would be very overpowered if magic got something like that

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