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Posts posted by Denimpje

  1. Well.. i just came up with this idea when i was walking in world 2.. I saw sooooo much auto talkers over there and i thought.. There should be a solution for this!!! And in my eyes.. this is it:




    If you type sentences with a minimum of lets say 55 (need suggestions for this amount) letters and all stuff spaces and shift+... In 7 seconds or something like that and that 2 times.. so if i say this: I am totally l33t p33nage omfg roflmao hax0r lolar omfg selling 1337 stuff. And i say something of 55+ letters spaces etc 7 sec after that sentence.. You will be muted for 90 sec




    I hope ya guys can understand cause im dutch so my english isnt like wow...




    Greetings, denimpje

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