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Posts posted by Squeezle

  1. Hey there Riors,




    You should check out the Gladiatorz, we are a warring/community clan that offers a diverse spectrum of events ranging from F2P pk'ing, fullout wars and PKRI's to Trouble Brewing, Stealing Creations and Boss Hunting (Godwars, Corp Beast, KQ, KBD and more). Our member base is primarily EST/GMT although we have members living all around the globe (Australia, Hawaii, and the Netherlands). If you have any more questions feel free to drop by our IRC (see image below) and ask.








    The Gladiatorz Recruitment Video:






    Note: For our full length recruiting topic, follow this link: Gladz Recruiting Topic


    Courtesy of The Gladiatorz PR Team

  2. A few days ago CR approached us asking for a fight and we gladly obliged seeing as we always seem to give eachother a run for our money. As usual, they did not disappoint.




    The rules were fullout non-returning fight, melee+range+binds only.




    The fight started in our favor since we had the number advantage but CR was able to bring it within two before long. Refusing to give them any hope of victory, we gritted our teeth and took the fight out of their reach with a series of KOs aided by our diversity in combat styles and binds whilst our members were able to tank. Before long, it just became a matter of finishing off thier survivors. Good Fight CR.













  3. I am fairly experienced in clans and so am trying to find a clan that isn't like everything I have already seen before. I want a experienced leadership staff that are fun and friendly but not afraid to bring down the e-hammer when necessary ;) . I'm also looking for a clan that actively wars. 2+ wars a week would be preferable. An active IRC channel is a must because this I find is the best way to meet and interact with your clan mates. I'm not really into 5 hour long PKRI's but shorter fights. Also don't bother with a copy-paste because to me that screams out that I'm just going to be another number to your clan and you don't care enough to put the extra minute in to give me something a bit more personal. It would also be great if you could give me your IRC nick or MSN to contact you for questions etc.




    Thanks everybody.




    If you are looking for a unique clan experience, you may want to check out the Gladiatorz (107+ f2p). Our leadership is active and friendly and some have been around since the beginning of RuneScape. As far as events go we usually have at least a war and several pk trips over the course of the week. We can also be found fishing, doing trawler, playing trouble brewing and a host of other fun events. If you are interested in chatting with us drop by our IRC channel (/server irc.allianceirc.net #thegladiatorz). I know you said copy and paste screams impersonality but I'll just leave you with our recruiting poster, so you can get a better idea of what we are about.





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