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Posts posted by Kapajean

  1. My other problem - my bank account has never been my strong suit. At a lvl 91 I know I should have dragon armor and carry a whip, but sorry, I'm just a run of the mill player who enjoys the game and hopes to acquire such merchandise one day. I would love to have dragon armor and carry a whip, but alas, I guess I will just have to forge on and train up the skills. Thanks for the advice, though. Any others got any tips?

  2. I have never finished the Haunted Mine quest because the final monster infuriates me to no end. I started it a couple years ago. I thought I would wait until I was a higher level. I am now combat level 91 and thought I'd give it a go again. Got extremely close to killing him before all my food and prayer pots were gone. Then I died, AGAIN!! I am equipping rune armor and carrying dragon battle axe. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??? I have tried to follow all suggestions from many fansites, including this one, but I have just have the worst luck with this quest. It is supposed to be a medium quest, but to me it has become my nemesis. Any suggestions, thoughts, etc.

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