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Posts posted by Katryna




    Why would an italian, living in italy, choose to host his website in the states?


    Please stop loving ur country so much, sir :lol:




    If you do a trace you will find that tip.it is hosted in Canada. :lol: and why is because it is way way cheaper.




    Also if anyone cares to read the 1st amendment:


    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.




    They will note it say Congress. Jagex is not congress so they can't abridge your freedom of speech while you are playing their game. Just like a theater can make you be quiet.

  2. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm the only person that this has happened to. Some time ago, Bwareofmef, one of the most respected players, was stripped of her mod position.





    This has nothing what so ever to do with you being banned. I know from high sources that you aren't telling the whole truth and as soon as I can get hold of Bware I'm sure she will be giving you an earful for the shameful use of her name.

  3. Well I guess this is "what goes around comes around" times. Light, Remember people like Rab and me? You stabbed us in the back and never though twice about it. You let us do all the work and then took all the credit. Guess the new people didn't understand that you were the center of the Runescape world.




    Sorry to see you go but in the end you got the same thing you gave.

  4. I believe banning his pixels and not giving back his green phat pixels is just fine. He had no regard for anyone else's pixels when he was doing this why should anyone care about his?




    He knew he was breaking the rules, he had played long enough and was old enough to know that if he could kill outside the wilderness and without others retaliating that it wasn't suppose to be happening.




    I don't understand why he wants his pixels back I mean he didn't care about anyone else pixels.




    Maybe he will learn and other will learn that actions have consequences even if it is just a game and he will grow up to be a better person. He may even learn that there are real people behind all those pixels.

  5. So funny that all the pixels he killed didn't matter but the fact some one took away his pixels is bad.




    Double standard of the internet "I'm real and everything else is just pixels. This means I can do what ever I want but everyone else has to respect me."




    Now you can break the rules if you aren't told to stop? That is so full of it.

  6. I so hope "Durial" is perm banned. Maybe he will learn that his actions have consequences. He sounds like all the idiots who kill someone on the road drinking and driving or racing. They loss control kill someone then cry I'm so sorry but anyone would do it.




    Only think he is sorry for is that he got banned and lost HIS green phat. Who cares about the other people who he hurt, but hey they aren't as important as HIS RUSH.




    Anyone would do it? No just selfish, self-center little boys.




    Hope your next rush doesn't come on a freeway when you kill a family getting your next adrenalin rush.

  7. The flaw to all of the arguments become defining at which point human life starts and what it is, also in defining that you also must define when it ends.




    Now if you define human life as when there is DNA that is "human" but different that the woman who carries it. Then it become perfectly okay to use cloning because that DNA will be the same the donor and they can do what they want with their DNA. You will also have to define which part of the DNA is "human" or you may not be able to remove a tumor or a mole pregnancy.




    Now if it is when a fetus can live outside of a womans body you also need to define how much medical intervention is allowed. A preemie can live earlier and earlier but takes massive medical intervention and may end up with no quality of life.




    This also comes back as to what is quality of life and how much the government is responsible for it after it has defined it.




    Now if we define it as self awareness we have the problem of those who are severally [developmentally delayed]ed and may never see themselves as anything. Those who will remain "babies" for all of their lives with no awareness other then hunger and discomfort.




    Maybe higher brain function? Then the brain needs to be fully formed before it is human. Medically we have to find out when the higher brain starts to function.




    Comes back to when does life end. When the body can't function? When the brain quits functioning? When higher brain activity stops? How much medical intervention should be allowed to keep someone alive and again what is alive? Who has to right to decide when to pull the plug? The government, the person, or the people who know them?




    Also if we allow the government to decide who can and can't have an abortion then that government should also be responsible for the full care of the human that results. Government definds murder and is responsible of keeping in from happening and also catching who did it.




    Once I see all the people who want abortion illegal agree on what is human life and when it starts and stops. Then we will have a real debate.




    After the last couple of days I'm really thinking about all of this, too. I still come back to the point that until everyone agrees these things belong in the hands of the people involved not the law.

  8. I've come back after a couple of hours of sleep to explain myself a little. I came home from the hospital to see the posts with talk of human life being DNA and all of this other junk. My reality today is that my husband who I love dearly has had another mini stroke. One of the things that we had to discuss and talk to the doctor about was when treatment was to stop. There is a very real chance that maybe not tomorrow but some day in the future I will have to let him go even if he still has all the human DNA, major organs and everything else you are talking about but has no brain function. If his body is just going through the motions but his mind is gone I will be required to sign the paper to let him go.




    So you see all of this talk of DNA and cell with potential for live but lack of ability to live on their own really doesn't hole a whole lot of water to me at the moment with what I Know I look forward to someday. This may not be proper debating style to you but it is my reality.




    God bless you all as you try to decide what is or isn't human life and I pray you will never be faced with the reality of having to decide it about a person you love. I'm also sorry if I was harsh in my last post. I will now leave you in peace to believe what you want.

  9. I don't care to argue any more. Let abortion become illegal let the women die on kitchen tables. Let them try to use knitting needles or coathangers. Let women fear to have sex, let them stay second class citizens because they take time off work to have babys they don't want. Let them be dependent on the will of me. Doesn't matter to me I helped fight to allow women to have full reproductive rights but who cares.




    While your at it why don't you make birth control illegal too I mean ever sperm and egg should have the chance to be a baby. I don't care.

  10. So you're basically saying your long drawn out attacks one someone who knows EXACTLY WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT is somehow civilized?


    Believe it or not, what I posted is a hell of a lot nicer than what you did to her.




    I can't see how calling unborn babies parasites to justify killing them is a nice thing to say.




    I'm sorry you feel that way, but I believe that if you're going to present an opinion, you've got to be able to prove it. She tried to do that, she did a pretty good job! But GhostRanger pointed out some inconsistencies with her arguments, and all of a sudden we're "uncivilized cockblocked *".




    Problem is you want to start from the given of a fedus is a human and has rights of it's own that come before the mothers. From this point there is no way to prove anything. Your point is the give and all others have to disprove it.




    My next question for you is do you also believe that a mother who is drinking, smoking, not following doctors orders and putting her fetus at risk should be jailed for child abuse?

  11. We still keep coming back to the rights of a woman to her own life and body. During pregnancy she can't drink, smoke, take some over the counter drugs. She has to give up activities that she may want to do while the fetus develops. She is uncomfortable and feels ill at times.




    Does a fetus really have more rights then the woman who is carrying it?




    As for calling a man a mammal in order to kill him it would be okay if he was breaking into your house. Kind of like a fetus breaks into a womans body.




    A man breaks into your house because he is hungry you can chose to kill him, have him removed by the police or feed him.

  12. "Fewer than 1% of abortions are performed after 20 weeks, and they are extremely rare after 26 weeks of pregnancy" [ibid]. Typically abortions provided in the third trimester are limited to cases of severe fetal abnormalities.


    Arguing about having an abortion one day before birth is a red herring, it just doesn't happen and is being stated just to get an emotional response.




    Calling a fetus a parasite is no different then calling it a baby. Reality is to a woman who wants it then it is her baby but to a woman who has no desire to have it then it is a parasite. Using baby is just a way to get a emotional reaction it isn't a reality and on a scientific level it really is more parasite then baby.




    Now a baby or a child isn't a parasite because it isn't living in or on anyone. Anyone who wants to can take care of it not just one person who feeds it off of her own body.

  13. A fetus is just a parasite that grows inside a woman until it can survive outside and at that point becomes a baby. There is no reason that anyone should interfere with a womans right to seek medical help to remove a parasite from her body.




    No human should ever be forced to maintain a parasite within their body for any reason.




    A fetus is nothing but a parasite by definition. Biology. An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host.




    No way should that ever be a law saying that any human should have to maintain a parasite.

  14. The choice to abort should be available to all. Denying that choice is forcing one's beliefs on another.




    Comments like this don't make any sense. I'm pretty sure that you would be in favour of us FORCING Hitler to stop killing Jews, right? Well, that's forcing our views on him. Forcing views on someone else is legit when their views are detrimental to society - and what this entire discussion is about is whether or not abortion is detrimental. Seems you missed that. Not to mention aborting a fetus is forcing your views on it.




    Calling a woman who doesn't want to have something growing inside of her a Hitler is pushing it way to far. The Jews did nothing to Hitlers body. There is nothing remotely similar between Hitler killing Jews and a woman having the right to her own body.




    Lets get real about what being pregnant does. When I was pregnant I had no energy, my chest hurt, I had heart burn, my ankles got swollen, I got stretch marks, I throw up on a regular basics for what seemed like forever, I couldn't bend over to tie my shoes, I felt like my emotions were totally out of control, I couldn't sleep because of the kicking, in short I was miserable a lot of the time. I wanted a baby so I put up with it all but is it really fair that a woman has to go through all of that because of something she doesn't even want?




    I some times think the real reason is people want abortion illegal is to punish woman for having sex.

  15. I find it interesting that on the one hand so many people feel that the right of the baby comes before the rights of the woman but will still say that if the baby is cause by * or incest or threatens the life of the woman then it is okay to terminate.




    If abortion is wrong and every baby has the right to be born regardless of the rights of the woman then why make any exceptions?




    I will explain that, since I am one of those people.




    If both partners consent to have sex, they should both be willing to deal with the repercussions of thier actions. In this case, I believe abortion is wrong.




    In cases of * or incest, the woman did not make the decision to engage in sexual intercourse. Therefore, she should have the choice whether to keep the child or terminate her pregnancy.




    So then it is about punishment for deciding to have sex rather then the rights of the baby?

  16. I find it interesting that on the one hand so many people feel that the right of the baby comes before the rights of the woman but will still say that if the baby is cause by rape or incest or threatens the life of the woman then it is okay to terminate.




    If abortion is wrong and every baby has the right to be born regardless of the rights of the woman then why make any exceptions?

  17. In an idea world every baby would be wanted and no woman would ever get pregnant that didn't want too. This isn't a perfect world. Babies born to mothers with not enough money and to much stress to often end up abused.








    Babies born with health problems and not wanted by their mothers end up in foster care or institutionalized with little personal care.








    Fathers aren't always there or even pay support even if they have the money.








    Many children end up neglected for years until they are put into foster care where people only take care of them for the money and don't even bother to buy them Christmas gifts.








    Not all children will be adopted. Those wanting to adopt don't want drug addicted babies, those with health problems, older children, or even mixed race.








    It is easy to say that if you don't want a baby don't do anything to cause one but that is a silly and short sighted answer too. Males don't have to spend nine months with all that changes that pregnancy produces if they don't feel like it. They don't have to give up anything for the nine months they don't feel like.








    No abortion isn't a perfect answer but we don't live in a perfect world.

  18. Stories I know that happened to people I knew. One friend thought that the man she was with planned to marry her. He seemed very nice and honest. He told her that he had a vasectomy and she was safe. She was stupid enough to believe him. She ended up pregnant and he vanish faster then ice on hot pavement. She didn't have the money to take the time off to have a baby she couldn't afford. She had an early abortion.








    Another wanted a baby very much she and she had a beautiful little boy. Sadly she sat by it's crib for a week watching him die a slow painful death because he was born with a rare genetic disorder. There was no way that a baby born with it could ever live. She still wanted a baby and when she got pregnant again there was only a small chance that the second baby would have the same thing. The test to see if it had the disorder couldn't be done until the second trimester. She had the test and would abort if it had the disorder not wanting to watch a second baby die slowly and painfully. In this case she was lucky and the baby was healthy.








    No law can take all cases into account and only the person who must spend 9 months pregnant can decide what she will do.

  19. The real medical fact is that over half of all conceptions end in spontaneous abortion. I believe that every persons has the right to their own body.








    The idea that a group of cells that can't even live is a baby is just emotional reaction. Good law shouldn't be based on emotion but on reason.

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