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Posts posted by Omg_Imba

  1. Im sorry, but I have to reiterate what those above said.




    Either 1 Defence, or 40 + Defence.




    IF* you really want to be a good Pker with Defence above 1, but lower than 40, become a member and then become and Initiate Pure.


    ( 20 Defence)




    Alternatively, you can become a Range\2h Hybrid and Level Range to about 72, allowing to raise HP but not Prayer\Defence.




    I can only say, if you get prayer, make sure it is 31 for F2P but personally I would not reccommend it.




    Im sorry if you don't like this advice, but as those above have said, it's unfortunately true. :?

  2. I would say get 99 Range first, then try Pking and see how you go.


    Leave Attack/Strength alone, allowing for XP from quests.




    If you dont like Pking w/ 45 Def, I would recommend that you do all the prereq quests for a Barrows Pure ( Range ) and then post questing level


    Defence to 70.




    If your going to get 52 prayer, get 60.




    Then Perhaps PC Hitpoints to 99?




    Im sure there are people far more qualified than I to answer your questions, but thats just my $0.02.




    Whatever you decide, your stats are already amazing. :wink:

  3. Over the years I have created a vast horde of F2P 1 Defence pures,


    this time I though I might try something different;




    A F2P Tank Ranger.




    No, not one of those limp wristed, 40 Defence, Varrock Level 1 type 'tanks' but one with decent Defence.




    Currently Dragon Slayer is Done, and my account has the following;




    Attack: 40


    Strength: 50


    Defence: 40


    Magic: 37


    Prayer: 1


    Range: 60


    Hitpoints: 55




    As you can see, my Defence is still 40, and I could still transform this account into a Rune Pure. However, my planned stats if I become a Tank Ranger are:




    Attack: 40


    Strength: 50


    Defence: 60


    Magic: 60


    Prayer: 1


    Range: 80


    Hitpoints: 70ish.




    This build also has the advantage of being able to transform into a P2P Range Tank/Barrows Pure.




    Personally, I love the idea of a true range tank for F2P. <3:


    But in your mind, am I wasting both my time and Gp?




    Also critique of actual 'Tank build' is appreciated. ::'

  4. Mmmm, yes. Ther's always a lack of post in GH&A..




    I would recommend the P2P Mage\Range Hybrid. However, there is a lot of quests etc to do in order to make the account viable.




    Stats I would recommend are:








    Attack: Don't train this, just use stats to level it.


    Strength: Same as attack.


    Defence: Well, I'm going to assume 1, if your going for 70, please post and I'll do my best to advice you on getting that.


    Range: 82


    Magic: 82


    Prayer: 11 ( From Desert Treasure Prereqs )


    Hitpoints: Around 70.




    * Quests/Why *




    These are just my opinions, feel free to do other quests, just make sure they dont give unwanted stat levels.




    Recipe For Disaster, {Up to Mith Gloves}




    -Obviously for Mith gloves, which give Range AND Magic attack bonuses, as well as being able to use Culinmancer's Chest.




    Desert Treasure, Prereqs




    -Most probably the major quest of your accounts career, enables the use of Ancient Magic, of particular interest are the Ice Spells.




    Monkey Madness, Prereqs




    -No real reason to do this, but if you change your mind and want to become a Rune pure or something, being able to use a D Scim helps. Do not finish quest! Just kill demon.




    Lost City/ Same as above, except for DDS.




    Horror From The Deep




    -Reason to get up Agil ^.^ Also, enables use of unholy book which helps when training with Crossbow/Knives/Darts.




    Roving Elves OPTIONAL.




    -This is an obscenely large quest, however, being able to use a Crystal Bow for training is a very nice benefit if you can afford it. ::'




    * Equipment *




    - Pking. -




    Helm: Gnome Hat


    Torso: Ghostly Robetop


    Legs: Ghostly Bottoms.


    Weapon: MSB/Karils.


    Shield: N/A


    Boots: Gnome or Magic.


    Ring: Recoil


    Amulet: Power or Glory Amulet.


    Arrows: Rune Arrows/ Bolt Racks.


    Cape: God Cape.


    Gloves: Mith Gloves.




    - Training. -




    Helm: Hopefully Robin Hood Hat, failing that, Coif.


    Torso: Leather Body


    Legs: {X} Colour Dragon Hide Chaps.


    Weapon: MSB/Knives/Darts/Rune Cross Bow


    Shield: NA/Unholy Book


    Boots: Range or Gnome.


    Ring: Wealth or Life.


    Amulet: Glory or if your lucky, Fury.


    Arrows: Whatever suits your weapon.


    Cape: Obsidian/God




    Hmmm, I'm all typed out.




    Hope that helped. ::'

  5. Hmm, considering I am not currently a member, my ideas could be outdated and/or useless. If you have the time and money, I would reccomend something like:




    Attack: 60


    Strength: 63


    Defence: 70


    Range: 50


    HP: ?


    Magic 82


    Prayer: {Hopefully low}




    This would be a mage staker. I'm going to assume your cash flow is not huge, so *if* you eventually decide on this build, I would reccomend staking casual melee stakers with Movement On and Prayer,Food,Drink and Range Off.




    Basically, if your staking against melee accounts,








    Because Ice spells freeze them, and movement is on, You can run away and just Farcast them from a distance, without fear of retaliation.




    Dont take my word for, as I am most probably wrong.

  6. Urgh, what are you thinking?




    If money is a worry, don't make a mage staker!




    99 Magic costs around 20m High-Alching. If you want HP xp, alch to about 90 and then train with Ice Spells at PC, using the PC points on HP.




    While I respect that you already have your own ideas about making a mage staker, please do not act so arrogantly towards those offering advice, or in the future you might not get it. :?




    Alternatively, you could always train up HP by training defence.


    I'm not too sure about how much benefit it offers vs Combat Level increase, but it can't be that bad?

  7. I hate to disillusion you, but I really would not recommend that build.


    Try something like;




    Attack: 60


    Strength: 80


    Defence: 1


    Prayer: 34


    Range: 50


    Magic: 94








    Head: Gnome Hat


    Torso: Ghostly Top


    Legs: Zamorak Skirt


    Boots: Climbing Boots


    Gloves: Mith Gloves


    Cape: God


    Weapon: Dragon Scimitar/Dragon Dagger


    Sheild: Unholy Book.










    Barrage Runes.


    Super Strength Potion




    Prayer Pots



  8. At the moment I am Pking with my new Range\Melee pure, with whom I use a Rune Battle Axe to KO.




    I personally find the Bow --> B Axe switch much easier and smoother than the Bow --> 2H switch.




    Is this just me?




    Please tell me your preferance for Range\{2h\Baxe} Pkers.




    Yes, I know the Scimitar --> 2H switch is easier, but this isnt what this thread is about.




    Thanks in advance. :wink:

  9. Now, Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, I present;




    Noob's New and Improved Bloggeh!




    {Not to imply my other one was old and inferior..}




    Yes, there is, among other thing; New goals, New format and a New title!




    [hide=The Wherefore and Why?]




    So, why the new blog you nub? Couldn't medicate yourself enough to finish your old goals and promises?




    Well, in a word - Yes.




    Unfortunately whether bad luck, stupidity or undiagnosed ADD, my old blog died. Most probably { Read almost certainly.. } this was my own fault; I failed to update and maintain the blog, as my time to play RuneScape was limited by School exams.




    Thankfully, those are now over ::' , and for the best part of a month I am [relatively] free to play Runescape. In an effort to lend some kind of meaning and order to my otherwise haphazard 'Scaping I am once again setting myself goals which will {Hopefully} be fufiled...








    [hide=*Teh* Goal]




    --> 500 F2P Skill Total <--








    Yes, my goal is a grand total of 500 Skill total at combat level 3 in Free to Play. While this may sound easy, it is much harder to level skills in Free to Play than in Members.




    Obviously, I will achieve this goal by leveling my non-combat stats.


    My individual Stat goals are listed below, along with a brief synopsis of How I plan to achieve them.




    [hide=Statistic Goals]




    Please note, as this is a Free to Play Blog, obviously members skills will not be included.




    Also, stat goal bars will be included when they become avaliable.




    Runecrafting - 15/33




    Runecrafting is a skill I have never really delved into, as it is almost useless in Free to Play as a money maker. 33 Runecrafting means that I get 4 Air Runes per Essence and that my Runcrafting level appears on the High Scores.




    I plan to raise Runecrafting by crafting Air runes south of Falador.








    Complete - 23/11/07




    A skill I have always loved, however, Crafting is both time consuming and expensive to level in Free to Play, and as such, I aim only to achieve a nice, well rounded looking level for my stat page.




    I plan to level Crafting by cutting Gems from Random Events and Mining/Smelting/Crafting Silver in to Tiaras in Falador.




    Mining - 50/55




    Like the majority of 'Scapers, I find this skill obscenly dull to train. However, the financial benefits of being able to mine Mithiril are too good to resist. Thankfully, leveling mining will also aid me in training both Smithing and Crafting.




    I plan to level Mining by mining Silver to level Crafting, and then mining iron at Rimmington to train Smithing.




    Smithing - 36/50




    After Runecrafting, the slowest and most difficult Free to Play Non-Combat Skill to train, Smithing is both slow and expensive. However, being able to smelt Mithiril is again, like Mining, too good to resist.




    Thankfully, in training Smithing there is some monetary reward. I plan to level Smithing by a) Smithing the Iron from Mining and B) Smelting steel bars in Al-Kharid.




    Fishing - 50/60




    An easy and enjoyable skill to train, ther isn't any particular reason for me to train Fishing, apart from easy skill total and faster Lobsters. <3:




    I plan to level Fishing by 'Power Fishing' at Barbarian Village.








    Ah, the skill cape that makes everybody got Z0mg Nub 11!eleven!




    Due to this, and, of course, the fact that I am Free to Play, I will not be pursuing 99 Cooking. 74 already means that I do not burn Lobsters, 85 is mearly a nice, high number. ^.^




    I plan to level Cooking by cooking (Duh!) Raw Lobsters, and then selling them to Pkers for no loss.








    By releasing my inner Pyromaniac, I hope to gain easy stat levels and yet another 80+ Stat. I mean, this is F2P. What else am I going to do with my logs from Woodcutting?




    Burning willows all the way until 80. (Willows gained from Woodcut.)




    Woodcutting - 55/70




    While I *can* cut Yew Trees at 60 Woodcut, the abundance of Macroers in Free to Play mean that this is a) very slow experiance and B) I seriously doubt I will get many Logs. 70 Woodcut adds to my Overall Level aswell as ensuring that should I become a member, 75 Woodcut is only a short hop away.




    I plan to level Woodcut by chopping the Draynor and Rimmington Willows.








    [hide=Meh Stats]












    [hide=Non Statistic Related Goals {St00f}]




    Here are my money making and blog related goals.




    Complete [x]


    Incomplete [ ]




    2 Million Gold Pieces [ ]








    - While this is not a large amount of Money, 2M will aid my financial security should I ever decide to become a member, and will give me a solid cash base for future merchanting.




    All Non Combat Related Random Event Outfits [ ]




    Below I will list the sets, and possession or lack therof of each piece;




    [hide=Eeeek! A list]




    Mime Oufit [ ]




    Mime Mask [ ]


    Mime Gloves [x]


    Mime Top [x]


    Mime Pants [x]


    Mime Boots [x]




    Mime Emotes [x]




    Freaky Forester Oufit [x]




    Leaderhosen Hat [x]


    Leaderhosen Legs [x]


    Leaderhosen Top [x]




    Drill Demon Camo [ ]




    Camo Top [x]


    Camo Hat [x]


    Camo Legs [x]








    Finish Bloggeh [ ]




    The blog I feel, will never be finished. Regardless of my new goals and format it is always changing. <3:













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