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Posts posted by jab1235

  1. once my friend used to buy money like 1m, so he stoped because they started tracing it and were banning people and he did not want to get banned, so he stopeed, then he called someone a noob and got perm banned for it lol, he has a ton of blackmarks on his new account and has had like 6 accounts hacked or banned -.- ive never been baned

  2. well i want to know the best range equipment for my lvl 50 range




    i have:


    archer helm


    blue d hide


    [bleep]ey blue vambs


    hunter Xbow/ bone Xbow/ Mage short(addy or steel arrows)


    glory ammy


    any boots




    wat what be a good sheild for the Xbows and should i make any changes


    and im rlly poor but i can make fast money so yea just tell me what i should use

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