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Posts posted by DrVerus

  1. whoever's pulling the strings in Jagex, be it Andrew, Paul or this "Mod Hobagoly" person, isn't just interested in the money


    OK... So who is the one really pulling the strings?


    = Andrew G (Lead Developer)


    = Henrique O (Head of Content)


    = Imre J (Head of Content)


    = Paul G (Senior Game Designer)


    = Mark O (Senior Creative Designer)




    And which one is this "mod hobagoly", Henrique O or Imre J?

  2. My view on this...


    = Jagex thinks long term: They are willing to upset some players to make the game better. You can hate it or admire it, your choice. I personally believe it is clever and brave.


    = Jagex cares for everyone !equally!: How many people can you find in the runescape.com, tip.it and other RuneScape forums moaning? Some couple of thousands maybe? RuneScape has more than six million players. Do the math! Why should Jagex listen more to a tiny, tiny minority over the general consensus of the mass player base? I think it is just reasonable thinking.


    = Freedom versus order: How many people you think is honest when they complain about their mutes and bans? Not that much, I would guess. How come I've never experienced their problems over my years in the game? The answer is simple: I do !not! break the rules!!! Strict regulations can be unpleasant, but they mean less bots and cheaters.

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