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Posts posted by inner_breed

  1. three itemers who poison you, teleport, then come back without a scull. That is unfair. They essentially are low level newbs who clog up a training spot and lower the price of items such as dragon bones. It is not worth pking them since their loot is worth 20k, asuming you can kill them, which you can't always (assuming you don't use mage since it costs money to kill people like that). This abuse is probably the worst thing in rs.




    Dragonbones are worthless now (well, half what they used to be) because 3 itemers rule the wild. No one bothers to kill them since it costs them money, and they continue to get away with it. That is what's unfair. That people can make money taking advantage of a good training spot to the point where it is completely flooded, and not risk anything because they protect 3 items. I am for making it mandatory to scull in the wilderness. Lets see those little noobs then. After that maybe you will see some pk action around greens again, and fairer prices on hides and bones.

  2. This has to be a mistake - I have a feeling they'll change this - it encourages people to not finish the quest so they can train somewhere that other people can't - same reason they changed the accessibility of the blue dragon cave in Gu'tanoth when the quest first came out


    They still haven't fixed between a rock. Many people don't notice that smithing those gold canon balls gives good exp (I think it is like 35 or something each for 2 bars) not to mention that they alch for something worthwhile. Unfortunately of course, they are unmakable after the quest. Real shame.

  3. The runescape system is designed to get people banned. People are somewhat rewarded for reporting people by the idea of becoming a p-mod, or the thank you message they get at the bottom of the screen. As a result, anyone who is a little angry at anything wont hesitate to report you, regardless of truth.




    In addition, player moderators are chosen by the amount someone talks surly, and haughtily to someone, as well as reporting them. People now are encouraged to do so, with the thought of promotion and reward (not saying all p-mods are trigger crazy, but some very well might be (many of them are low level, and relatively new players, which I personally fail to understand))




    The Jagex system in general is flawed in the sense that they rely on players, who span from age 6-80(and maybe higher, highest I have heard is like 85 or something) and are perhaps not "trained" enough on how to monitor a game. Some of the P-mods very well can be 8 year old children who were just trigger crazy enough to report people.




    We see from this that yes, you can be reported for anything, and yes, the game encourages people to do so (indirectly of course, though they do encourage people to report for the right things, though tons of people report people for things like "arrow stealing") so the only thing I can personally recommend is turning chat off, and playing with only your friends list since you aren't likely to meet enough people who won't hesitate to try and have you banned for "insulting" them or doing them wrong (in their eyes, I see you beating that newb is doing good).

  4. See my other thread (still on front page) for more details, but this is demand pull inflation as well. You may not see this, but this is changing more than just fletching yew logs.




    Yew logs go up in value for many reasons 1) major merchants have sold most of their logs, and as a result there is more demand. 2) fletching becomes more desirable as being seen here, 3) magic becomes more desirable, as seen with the release of ancient magics earlier. 4) macroers are banned, and since they are pretty much 90% of the f2p logs coming in (and yes, that is insanely significant) the overall price increases. This of course is temporary since the botters as soon as they are banned make more lvl 3s. 5) woodcutting becomes less desirable.




    Now because of this, the price of alching yew longs may go up, or in the reverse go down. As a result, the market changes itself. Items like Green D'hide bodies and other normally alched items will change to adjust to the prices. People will always try to lose the least money when alching. Bow strings may fluctuate as well, since fletching becomes less desirable to do. This in turn can also effect the market on nature runes, which in turn effect all other runes (if they fall to 200, everyone will make double chaos, or triple cosmics, etc) and even on rune essence. The nature rune works as the balancing figure for these items. Originally in early rs2 natures were worth around 200-250, yew logs were worth around 400, and strings around 100. 78 gp was awarded for doing the boring job of alching, which at that time was seen as a thing only skillers would do, since magic stank in wild. Now things have changed; because of the demand for magic, there is more of a demand for fletching. Fletching now makes decent cash, whereas before people were happy to break even (and free fletching was common); people are always looking for cheap was to train magic, and alching is the most common (though I wouldn't call it cheap myself, though it is relatively fast in comparison to shooting chaos).






    Because of the new items released these passed weeks, the demand on everything has increased (as seen in the passed where slayer was introduced). The new bows are giving cash to high level skillers (who else could have 90 slayer) and the new bows are giving more cash to miners (generally low level since high levels power mine iron, and don't bank addy, coal and mith). As a result, everything increases in value.




    See my other thread for more discussion. And P.S. I do not personally believe this is primarily due to macroers since if you go to any f2p world around any yew trees, you will still see them.

  5. To whoever said that these new bolts were bringing in a lot more money into the rs economy, thats balls. Money enters the RS world through two main ways, monster drops and ALCHING, these are the two main ways gp enters. So for more money to enter, either these bolts have to kill a substantial number of ncps, or a lot of people will have to alch more. Not happening?




    It hasn't necessarily got more expensive for rangers, as far as im aware, regular arrows are just about the same prices they've always been, so are knives. So its not like the only training option is taken away from them. Its just like when (insert name of player im not allowed to name who got 85 slayer first, you no who :P) got 85 slayer, just because whips were around didnt automatically mean that all other training forms were obsolite, d longs still work after all...




    Overall I recon this will only have a minimal effect on the price of the things involved, the novelty will wear of soon (ish?), look at the chaos elemental, how many people regularly kill that now? and on the day of relise? It MAY raise some prices by a little bit, but give it a month and it will be just about back to 'normal'. Especially with summer approaching and all the money that gets brought in then...




    Actual GP yes, but that isn't the way money works, that is just a part of it. Lets say every item in the game doubles in value, and people trade using items instead of coins. Then everything in the game has increased in money. This is the way rares work; they increase because people can't have that much money on them. They are required to soak up the cash that can't be in circulation. That is why the market is so responsive to people selling large amounts of those, because the cash circulation has drastically changed.




    By everything increasing in value, the amount of total wealth in the economy increases. This is not effected by the amount of stuff high alched, but the amount of stuff in people's banks. Assuming that not everyone sells stuff at the same time (this was seen in 2004 at Christmas when everyone sold Santas and they went down from 650-700k to 350-400k in about 2 hours) the value of all the stuff in runescape has increased.




    Thereby, the average skiller has more cash to spend, and is more willing to spend a few thousand more to buy the thing he wants. This primarily will effect items with somewhat of a shortage, such as whips and barrows equipment, but could also lead to an additional 5k or so on items like dragonstone amulets, and rune sets.




    This event is a primary example of an accelerator with a multiplier effect, brought about by a major injection to the economy. This can be seen in the real world in places where major sporting events arrive, or major attractions. In the real world, consumer spending increases because of the injection of cash, and the more money in people's hands. Before the cash has finally stopped moving, it has exchanged hands several times, and increased the demand on all goods, to the point where suppliers try to supply more to cover the additional profits (as can be seen on this thread, where the mention of additional revenue from mining sparked people to pull out their picaxes). The whole economy itself is willing to pump more stuff, and as a result, the soaking items, the discontinued and high price items, fluctuate in price, and perhaps go up in value.




    Now this example may not be as extreme as lets say slayer (people such as fir3g0d and s1acker made billions off of getting 85 quickly and buying rares, not to mention oddball who was the first to 85 and had billions in rares before being banned) but it still has some effect. The money itself will cause some effects, perhaps not increasing a santa from 600k to 20mil in two years, but lets say a fluctuation of 1-2mil, or perhaps several hundred thousand.

  6. Every since the release new bow, and the upgrading of bolts, we have seen a rise in the price of ores, and arrows.




    Now what in the passed to be the weakest of the three fighting skills, range, has become super popular, and some would argue "overpowered" (if there is any sense in calling anything that.)




    Because of this, the demand for people to raise magic levels is shooting up. A similar thing was seen with the introduction of first Teleblock and then Ancient Magics with the rune market. After the release of those updates, the price of training magic went from slight profit to huge losses. People were now losing 150+ gp per alch, when alching used to make more money.




    A similar thing is occurring with the bolt and arrow market right now. There is of course, one slight difference. The arrow and bolt market is tied in with 4 skills as apposed to one, rune craft. Bolts involve mining and smithing, and arrows require fletching. In addition to this, gems are now in super demand because of the tips, and the demand/price on gems has increased, changing the crafting market. This in turn effects other markets like thieving which generate a lot of the market's gems, but only slightly.




    The first thing that is hit is mining. The demand for high ores is through the roof. Mith bars are being shot out of the sky, what used to be high price of 1200 and maybe 1300 for the rare rich buyer is now being scaled to 1400 and even 1450-1500ea in some rare big bulk cases. Addy bars have shot up to 3k ea, when they previously were at 2.5k each at the most (usually 2-2.2k ea). Rune ores too are being effected. A bar can now generate 20k in profit from rangers, and now in even higher demand. All this is also effecting the price of ores, which are needed in making the bars.






    Because of this shortage of bolts, and this hyper demand, the cost of smithing is increasing, and the cost of ranging is increasing. This means that the lower level people, who generally practice primary skills such as mining, and smelting, are gaining extra cash in their pockets. Ores are through the roof, and anyone with 50 smithing can make mithril bars. Because of this, lower level players are willing to pay more for things they need, such as rune armor, new weapons, etc. Due to this, the price of everything is slightly raising, due to demand pull inflation.




    What started as a simple increase in demand for bolts has now led to a crazy demand increase on everything in runescape. As a result, more hypothetical money is in circulation, due to items being valued more. Skillers practicing secondary skills, such as smithing and fletching are going to find it more difficult to level up, as they are unable to buy as many goods with their money, due to increase in prices. Rangers will be unable to range as many monsters for their dollar, simply because the price of arrows and bolts has gone through the roof. The only people truly benefiting are the low level miners, pumping the fuel, and in turn increasing the prices of all goods.




    Because of this inflation, all other goods are forced to increase in value. There are not enough gem tips in circulation, so the crafting market increases the demand for gems, this in turn hits the mining market who mine the gems. The demand for arrows is increasing, so the amount of gatherers of arrows is increasing. This in turn leads to lower ended players gaining more money, since they are most likely the ones hopping shop from shop looking for arrow heads. Everything in turn is effected by this surge in the price of one good. The whole market is effected, even the discontinued items gets hit, due to the increase in demand for rares since people have more money to spend.





  7. I had a J-mod verify if this was legitimate and not macroing. He says mousekeys doesn't violate any runescape rules since you still need to use your finger to play, and it doesn't give any unfair advantage (still takes same amount of time to alch, and you still need to be there clicking.) Don't believe me if you want, but I can't produce the picture because my account is currently locked (J-Mods locked it and reset recovs)


    Lmao pc and alters. I remember when 99 prayer cost around 600mil, and only a few people could even get 125. Welcome to rs2, where any noob with 100m can get 99 prayer in 40 or so hours. sheesh pathetic. All this cook x, craft x, fletch x, train x. Not to mention the fact that you can easilly pull off over 70k combat exp with 90 att and 90 str (not counting pc, pc is the worst thing to happen to rs). I remember when 120s were rare and powerful, now they are common. Any cheeb now can get a level, and look what it has done to pking. Everyone thought honor and high levels ruined mage bank, but really if you look at it now, it is no fun anymore. There are 5000 level 100s running around tagging and passing people. There is no more skill, no more honor, and no more death. Just 2 mins of being passed person to person, then levering, getting 20 more sharks, and heading back up.








    There is a lot more to Runescape than getting combat levels and pk'ing.












    Back on subject, i would alternate between pc and alters, i like the idea of using the points to get herbs and use the ranarrs to sell, but i believe you could do it faster, he didnt figure in all the money you could get from unids, what i would do is keep one unid ranarr in your bank in a specific location, that way you can keep everything else unids and just pull ranarrs, you could probably then sell the other unids for 2k each since they will be high unids. OR you can make all the herbs into pots get an awsome amount of herblore xp and sell the pots, also making more profits than just the pray pot idea.




    easy for you to say, look at your skills, you have 1 month tops of work there. assuming the sig is up to date, keep playing. Eventually cutting wood and mining gets boring. Eventually fishing gets boring. And eventually, you really want to go and pk some people because you realize, pking is runescape. The skills are pointless.

  9. :P POH owns until level 70, and then the skill becomes obsolete. To be honest, all they need to do is add a few more high level things that are useful, instead of making it all about nice scenery and such. POH is purely about graphics now, and to be honest, runescape graphics are really garbage.

  10. Note, this is going to be a cynical post, and very opinionated.








    Jagex are lazy, and need to make money. Due to advertisments on websites such as miniclip, more and more people have got into runescape. What started as a small project by the Gowers has turned in to a multi multi million dollar business, with players all over the world. Although this is all very good, with the growing amount of players creates a bigger demand for regulation and customer service. Jagex staff are too limited, and they are cut too thin. They don't have enough people to be full time moderators, and they do not have enough people to control the players.








    Because of this, we see the birth of ingame player moderators. P-mods are players who have the ability to slap people with a mute, and eventually give them black marks. The choosing process of P-Mods is quite stupid (how could jagex choose the right people when really no one fits the chriterea(sp.?)?)Jagex make random level 60s p mods purely on the basis that they have reported people successfully in the past (any f2per can report someone, and it isn't that difficult to find someone breaking the rules) and for the basis that they havn't been reported. This could mean a few things. One, they are inactive, and like to use the report button (effectivly for ever bit of "cheating" they see in the game). two, that the most likely aren't very talkative, and probably hold close to themselves in game, and post occasionally on runescape forums. P-Mods could theoretically be any 10 year old idiot (no offense to 10 year olds, but most of you are idiots until you are older) or any trigger crazy loser.








    P mods aren't a solution to the problems inside runescape. They just create more. They cause tons and tons of people to be falsely accused on the stupidest grounds like calling someone a Noobie, or calling someone stupid. They flood the real customer service people with too many complaints (and judging by the grammer in some of their responces, they aren't very intelligent either.) and also create an overload on muted people. Jagex doesn't have the time to fix the problem they created, and hasn't even begun to remove player mods. They think that a P-Mod is a good person to moderate the game, but really that is giving the control of the game to any idiot.








    I personally know of a player mod who shares accounts, has drop traded, and once asked me to play on my account because he had still not ever been p2p, and wanted to try it out. In fact, he ended up buying p2p off a friend of mine and his, and became a member after that (cost him 2mil for the 1 month.) Great way to reward your "best behaved" players jagex. White Crowns own!








    Dooper out.

  11. Lmao pc and alters. I remember when 99 prayer cost around 600mil, and only a few people could even get 125. Welcome to rs2, where any noob with 100m can get 99 prayer in 40 or so hours. sheesh pathetic. All this cook x, craft x, fletch x, train x. Not to mention the fact that you can easilly pull off over 70k combat exp with 90 att and 90 str (not counting pc, pc is the worst thing to happen to rs). I remember when 120s were rare and powerful, now they are common. Any cheeb now can get a level, and look what it has done to pking. Everyone thought honor and high levels ruined mage bank, but really if you look at it now, it is no fun anymore. There are 5000 level 100s running around tagging and passing people. There is no more skill, no more honor, and no more death. Just 2 mins of being passed person to person, then levering, getting 20 more sharks, and heading back up.

  12. Pure ess didn't really effect rc. Most people rc manually, and if anything it just nocked 30 gp off of the profit. IF you guys remember back at the begining of rs2, nats were 200 gp each in bulk. Doesn't really effect the skill much. IF anything, pure ess is just a mining update that made mining essence much more profitable.

  13. lets see. For skilling normal (alch and junk) moon is decent for other skills. Ancients own for pking if you are 94 (I hate the 82 one, i find it junk) normal is decent for teleblock, but doesn't work that well in multi. Ancients for pking, normal or moon for skilling. Since I'm able to change, why shouldn't I? They are all good, you just need to know which to use. I would use Normal 90% of the time (unless I'm on a pk spree) and probably ancients 100% of the time when I pk.

  14. Stop meleeing in d hides, then maybe I could give a [cabbage]. But since you melee in d hides, expect to die. Magic is supposed to beat any melee, despite what he is wearing. If you range and d hides and get owned by a mage, then complain. Until then, you are just an idiot complaining your d hides won't save you from a mage.

  15. Also, would a rune pure with 60 att 70 str and 40 sef still be good?




    Looks like a question mark to me.


    that isnt on the original post, that is on a re post. Meaning he bases the question off of what others have posted, not off his original point. The question isn't generated from the nature of the post, but from the nature of the responce.

  16. Well i was doing monkey madness on my pure M K P K E R level 54,and i completed it and i was super happy. Then I went to Daero because i was gunna get my 35k str and hp xp that i was really excited about.




    So i clicked "strength and stamina" and he have me 35k in hp and str,then i looked ant it said congrats you are now 33 def. WOW. I thought it just gave the two you chose and not 20k in the others until you talked to Daero again.




    Well dam,that just ruined my pure. And all the hard work ive put into it.



    where exactly is the question mark? I see worlds like omg ahh, I ruined my pure wa wa wa, not one question mark. Thank you very much, I win. Kthxbai.

  17. Begger. Stop looking for sympathy, you have only yourself to blame. next time don't be stupid and wander off, it was your fault not anyone elses.
    I don't know what your trying to do with your post about people asking for sympathy, but your a moron.


    your name, and your level reflect your posting capabilities and intellegence. Please, learn to read, figure out how to play, and quit being a newb. Then, maybe someone will take what you say seriosly. Me on the other hand, can two hit you easilly. So please, shut up.




    PS, I need another rune set, if you wan't to continue this argument meet me in wild for a deathmatch, my hands are getting tired from having to respond to your stupidity.

  18. Why post if not for sympathy. He wants to share his missery with us, because he thinks we should all feel sorry for him. It is just like one of those "I got hacked" posts that float around here and try to get people to feel sorry for you. If you mess up, start again. Those key loggers don't apear on your computer magically.

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