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Posts posted by Qwerty1291

  1. Ever since the new graphics updated I've been lagging like hell. My Pings are like in the 200's on a lot of worlds, the lowest I've been able to get is like 83. Is this why I'm lagging so much and is there anyway I can fix this?

  2. I used to run full HD perfectly fine before this update but for some reason I can't now. My firefox crashes when I try to switch to HD. I don't have any specifics atm but any help would be nice. thanks.

  3. I'm almost 83 fishing atm and I want to get to 85. Money is no issue and I want to get 85 asap. Would using sc harpoon + swordfish gloves and catching swordies be the best xp or should I just stick to shilo?

  4. I have 4 pairs of these and I'm wondering where I should use these since the new update about losing everything on death except in Bh+1 worlds. So I'm just wondering where I should use em and what gear to bring. I'm 125 combat and 87 range atm.

  5. Didn't todays update make them useful again? \'


    YES :D




    now i can use my agility brawlers without fear of losing them when i am piled (like every 5 minutes! :D)




    Someone told me you can't go into the agility arena in BH +1 worlds, can anyone confirm this?

  6. Taken from hunting guide, I'm assuming it works:




    The captive imp-in-a-box has unique properties. In addition to engaging in lengthy dialog, captured imps will transport two items to your bank in exchange for being released. This works from level 30 wilderness but not from level 31. In wilderness levels above 30, the imp will tell you right away that it can't transport anything for you right now.




    You can right-click Bank or go through the lengthy Talk dialog to get to the banking option. This pulls up a small inventory screen. You can select two items to be sent. Each item clicks out to your bank immediately - there is no confirmation, so no second chances on a "whoops" mis-click. If you only want to send one item, click it [it goes immediately and you have Imp-in-a-box(1) left], and just use the X in the top right to close the interface. When the imp is freed, you will still have the magic box trap to use again.




    Might be tricking banking while in combat?

  7. So I pvp a lot and I've noticed there's some thing in the bottom corner that says "EP", im assuming this is my dp? And does it work like it did before?

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