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Posts posted by R2_Pleasent

  1. The real issue here is that Jagex is too stubborn to accept the fact that there are some problems which cannot be completely fixed. They seem to be planning on taking out nearly all player to player interaction, item-wise, in hopes of killing transfer methods. The fact is, by doing this, they are also killing what makes their game so successful. They are in essence turning Runescape into a single player game. For a sophisticated game like WoW, this might be feasible, because the gameplay itself, even without human interaction is very interesting and complex. Runescape, however, is an EXTREMELY simple game, the only complexity comes from player to player interaction. By eliminating this, they are ruining what makes this game successful, and ultimately costing themselves huge amounts of money and negative publicity.




    And to all of you saying I'm gloating, you have nobody to blame but Jagex for that. They are killing their game because they cannot keep up with Real World Trading. There are many other ways they could fix this problem, however they have chosen the most simple, lowest cost strategy of doing so, and they will soon pay the consequences.

  2. Some will recognize me as a merchant, some will recognize me as a GP seller. I have sold somewhere near 19 Billion GP on Runescape since February. This update took me completely by surprise, for many reasons.




    First of all, this is but a small dent in the massive machine that is Real World Trading. There will ALWAYS be a way to transfer gold to another player. This is a massively played multiplayer game, you cannot control it. The efforts of Jagex to take away all possible trade methods will ultimately DESTROY their own game! There are too many people willing to spend their money on gold to stop it.




    Secondly, going after duel arena traders is the wrong move. The people who do sell via the Duel Arena are the personal sellers. They are the ones who do it discretely, and the ones with the least negative effect on the game. The people that ruin the game are the companies, with their auto-talkers in F2P, and their macro'ers all over the place on F2P, and even on P2P. These sellers all sell via trades, not via stakes, although it's quite obvious you plan to take away direct trading shortly as well.




    All in all, from a GP seller's standpoint, I feel like I've destroyed Jagex. It's a mixed feeling, in one way, it means that my customer base will dwindle, and in another way, it means I've actually had a huge effect on a big company. Pretty interesting. If you continue to kill the parts of the game your community loves, soon they will realize that you do not care for them at all, and they will move on to a much more player-friendly competitor.

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