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Posts posted by DaWasIkke

  1. The updates haven't been released yet and still the vast majority of truly runescapers agree with the fact that nothing will be the same again as in the past. And I fully agree with them because indeed lately a lot of things changed, especially those that were common used, popular and talked about.


    E.g 'merchanting, Duel Arena (Staking in this case), the economy in general and we can keep going on like this, if you ask me (as 'PFJ' has stated in his post).




    But still we can't judge things, which we don't have experience. And 'yes' I am aware of the fact that we all can think of several possible consequences, which are negative for the future of RS in my opinion. Still it might be different once these updates are released although I doubt it will be positive.




    And 'yes' indeed I hope Jagex will release in the near future that they haven't thought about it well.

  2. It might turn out different than we expect now but well 'Always expect the unexpected' although you have an interesting point to be discussed there.




    But well 'Duke_Freedom' is right with what he said about the Grand Exchange and it's 5% of the normal market value. Although I am not sure what we can expect from the prices in the future.




    And ofcourse this won't affect only rares but other expensive items as well as 'evil_eye_70' stated before.




    Hopefully Jagex have taken this into account and have though about a solution. If you ask me there is more than 1 solution to be created, to refrain from ruining there own game.

  3. If this is all meant for RWT, which was defenitely ruining the game due to the massive presence of bots/gold farmers, why have they ruined the game themselves? I mean if you have a look at the current Wilderness, which is barely accesible anymore if you just want to wander around or mine some rune ores.




    Really Jagex hasn't thought really well on this update/these updates if you ask me although they deny that by saying it was a tough desicion, which had to be made and so on. So they need to think again about this and changes have to be made for sure not only on the 'new' wilderness but the upcoming 'trade value caps' as well and many more.




    Specials thanks goes to the RWT'ers, who caused all of this.

  4. Hm yeah indeed I doubt they've thought about the possible consequences with those upcoming updates. Because indeed you won't be able to trade p ess anymore for a specific amount of either airs/laws/nats due to the value limit.




    Although this won't be a problem if they would increase the trade value limit to lets say 10k or so. In my opinion 3k is way too low, you barely can trade something for free anymore.




    Has this been posted yet on the Official RS forums? Just to make sure that they're aware of this.

  5. "With something as big as a skill, you don't just want to make it look good, you want to push the boundaries."



    It seems to be that they are indeed pushing it to the limit because it looks pretty nice so far according to those pictures.




    Still I have no idea what we've to expect from this skill although you can summon several animals, which will be defenitely a great addition to the game. I mean I want to know the uses of Summoning etc.

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