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Posts posted by Kirtash

  1. As the title says, i need 66 crafting for Rocking Out, and im wondering what the fastest way to level it up, without losing more than 500k~ (maybe a bit more) I thought about green d'hide bodies at first, but it seems i'd lose way more than 500k, and it doesnt look thatfast. Oh, and please, NO FLAX! It will take me 7 hours~ with flax, and its boring as hell.

  2. So... after spending 30 minutes in world 2 G.E. and not getting a sara sword (i was offering 50k for 2 hours, is that a bad deal? really? <,<) i decided to go with a Verac's flail. At my stats, with a black mask, im getting 50~ crimsons/hour, 30-35k exp and minimal profit (but not a loss). The task is going slowly, but 50 crimsons/hour is the best i cant get atm, so im doing this anyway :P. Thanks everyone for the comments.

  3. Hey. Just got a Waterfiends task, and since i heard they are really good crimson charm droppers, and im looking for 68 summoning, decided to give them a try. Looking for guides here, i noticed most people seem to agree 80 attack and strenght is the bare minimun to kill them, but what about the slayer mask? that 15% bonus is supposed to make 81~ attack & strenght... will this help?




    And btw, how much should i pay for a borrowed saradomin sword? the task should take me an hour or two, i think.




    Thanks for the advice :P.


    Stats are 70 att, 70 str, 79 def, 79 hp, 70 pray and 58 summoning. I also have 81 range, if there's a viable ranging method and 75 magic, but i doubt you can mage it.




    This is the problem. Your stats are terrible (except for prayer), and even with the help of the black mask you will still be highly ineffective.




    Errmm... i actually did, with Unknwn's method. Got 5 kills, and left because i didnt had enough bolts :P. I tried melee too, and i agree my stats are to low for that, even with the black mask. Range, however, did great. Thanks everyone for your help, i took notes of the different methods so i will keep trying once i level up my melee stats.

  5. Hey. I tried to solo the king black dragon yesterday, but it didnt go very well, i managed to kill 2, but i wasted a lot of prayer pots and food, so i need some advice.




    My equipment:




    Black Mask (i have black dragons as a task atm)




    Black d'hide body


    Black d'hide legs




    Antifire shield (the cheap one, whatever its called)


    Barrow Gloves (i dont have 70 slayer for dragon slayer gloves)


    Dragon Boots


    Legend's cape


    Ring of Wealth




    I looked for some guides before going, only found one, and it said to wear high magic defence, and pray melee... so thats what i did.




    My inventory:


    1 Super antipoison


    1 Super Set


    1 Antifire


    4 Prayer pots


    Games neck, Teletab


    And the rest monkfish.




    Stats are 70 att, 70 str, 79 def, 79 hp, 70 pray and 58 summoning. I also have 81 range, if there's a viable ranging method and 75 magic, but i doubt you can mage it.




    Oh btw, i didnt bring a terrorbird because i was just testing if i actually could kill it, i have no problems bringing one in future trips :P.




    So, tell me what i did wrong, what should i wear, etc. Whatever info. you can give me will help, thanks in advance.

  6. I dont really see what the big deal is; if you just need to go to the wilderness, then you dont need to kill that one ranger who is shooting you from the ditch, just walk away, and if he follows you, fight back, whatever.




    if you just felt like fighting near the ditch, get over the fact that there may be a ranger who is goint to use that trick, and get a strategy to beat him (freeze him, attack him, repeat, whatever) or use, god forbid, range to fight back.




    Edit: oh, and, you know, we have PVP WORLDS, yeah WORLDS, you can go pking EVERYWHERE, do you NEED to go to the ditch if you are a meleer? FFS.

  7. Pray if you are being teamed, its not a real fight anyways


    Never pray if it is 1-1 with protection prayers, no honor in it and give you a bad rep.




    Whats this i dont even




    I thought we were here for the loot, i mean, there is the duel arena if you want honor and reputation.

  8. I got an idea.




    Maybe, you could have a boss, a bit like the beast, at the end of a long cave. In the cave, there would be every material in abundance. I.E, rune rocks, coal rocks, trees, leather dragons (they would only drop hides). The thing would be, you are not allowed to take any items in with you, there is no bank inside, and you cannot take any items out of the cave.




    You would have to make all your own armour, weapons, catch your food, cook it. You would have to rely on your skills, to get your supplies, and then kill the the boss. right now, people just buy gear, and go. If they have no skills, for this boss, then they can't do it. Simple, but very hard.




    Who like the idea?




    Add a time limit and we have a winner here. Like 15 minutes in a room full of supplies, you have to enter without armour, empty inventory, etc. You need a group of max 5~ people. So basically, you have 15 minutes to prepare before the boss comes and kicks the crap out of you. Maybe different bosses, like a range/mage/melee boss, and as the time goes on, you are given hints about which boss it'll be. It'd involve high non-combats, combats, and strategy.




    I think Jagex should not only concentrate on the monster itself, but the environment which its located in.




    Let's say you fight the Corporal beast in a big nice empty room. The room will always be the same and the same same tactics will work over and over again.




    Now lets introduce a new environment. Lets say its in an ancient cavern where an ancient race of goblins had set up dangerous traps around the beast the prevent it from escaping. Not only would you rely on your combat skills, but your agility level as well. Your character would automatically try to avoid a trap if activated and each time you entered the room, the traps would be located in different places; to keep people guessing.




    Each time you activated a trap, it would force you to stop attacking. I'm not saying traps, but I'm just using this as an example.




    Thats another excellent idea.




    Maybe a room full of walls, like a maze, and the walls move from time to time, so lets say you have a tanker, 2 guys meleeing the boss, and 5 guys ranging/maging, then the walls move and now your rangers/mages have a nice wall in front of them and the meleers are getting owned, so the rangers/mages have to find a way to get in range with the beast again quickly. You could add restrictions, like the boss is using protect from melee all the time, and doing high damage to all opponents nearby, so you HAVE to range it. Or the boss attacks push you away from him, and he uses protect from range and has high magic defence, so you have to get in melee range to kill him.




    InsanityV2 and Promise have a point: its not always about the boss himself, but the enviroment.

  9. Why log into rs to hang out with people when you can just hang out with someone in real life? lol.




    why train skills when you could e doing something useful in real life! u just got pwned! lol




    infact why do anything in rs because u can all do something similar to it in real life?




    we play rs to get away from rl life and because it is enjoying. i dont understand why ppl constantly grind skills rather than spend some time chilling out.




    Exactly. You should only do things you enjoy. Like I said, everything we do is a waste of our time in the long run. Life isn't permanent. Live for the moment - whatever that may mean to you.




    Thats exactly what i think. Some people, like me, just arent interested in the social aspect of MMOs (heck, im not that interested in the social aspect of life <,<). If im skilling and a random guy talks to me, i'll usually talk to him too, because its the polite thing to do, not because im really interested in being his friend. I like being in clans, because of the hunts, raids, wars, etc, not because of the chat. In the end, you do what you enjoy, you cant expect everyone else to enjoy the same things you do, what you can do, however, is to look for people that share your opinions and hang out with them, im sure in a big game like RS there are more people that think like you.

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