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Posts posted by Yiga24

  1. I did him on my first try ranging at 86 range, 70 pray, 92 hp and 92 def without a kyatt.

    Just use enchanted ruby bolts for most of his life(not when you are frozen) and enchanted diamond for the rest.

    And when he starts meleeing you pray melee and hide behind a pillar and hit him once and let him hit you and step behind the pillar and repet it till hes dead.

    I was left with one brew.

  2. Blue mask has recovered to max. Red mask never really came off max. Given that red/blue are max and green is still is min (and just updated) - it's pretty obvious! Go get some greens while they're still there for min. I believe santas will be min for at least another day (maybe purchase them at 98M as opposed to 102M right now?), especially since green masks are still available.

    I put in a santa for min an hour after the update, and when I came to check 6 hours later it was sold.


    I'm going to become a member in the next month. I have a blue and a green mask and a santa.

    I'll get 95 pray and 89 herblore and then train slayer.

    Should I just sell the rares over the ge, or can I get something useful with them for pray/herb/slay I couldn't otherwise get?

    As i'm sure you know, masks have significant street value: that means selling them on the GE looses you net worth. Masks are guaranteed to rise several millions, and rise every time the GE updates because they're bought out. Santas are also currently bought out (unless that's changed the last couple of hours), however these don't hold too much street value at the moment, due to the fact that they haven't been bought out on the GE for a month ( i bought my last santa for 102m on the GE, which isn't long ago).


    Therefore, i would not sell, even if you can't get something directly related to the skills you're suggesting: if you do decide on selling, i'm sure you'll find people on this thread with cash, willing to take them off your hands (what is the difference between market price and max trade price when you're sacrificing millions in street value as rising items anyway?). For specifics, i'd check RSOF



    Items with more than GE value are a business of dealing thought. getting secondary opinions would be good for you, and finding the right person to complete your trade is obviously essential: you can get a good deal, or a bad one.

    Well, I need to get about 300m in cash for prayer, herb and some basic slayer gear, but what could I get with the rest?

  4. Even if they rebound now, I don't think they will keep rising at this rate. I mean, it's freaking insane right now. "Average people" with 200m or something and who happened to have bought a couple of santa's one year ago are suddenly becoming billionairs. It's a slap in the face for people without them who are monster hunting or flipping for a "measly hundred mill".

    Well, if they do stabilise, you can make atlest as much as just holding onto them right now by fliping them.

    You can only flip 2 of them at once though, so this aplies only for sub 200mil investments.

  5. would it be wise for me to sell my dfs (i dont care about your opinions on the dfs) and with my money from that get 99 mage + cash i have?

    i can get it almost exactly with alching to 80 and string jewellery to 99.

    it would cost me around 40mil from 76 but i could get back 15mil from the ammies (do they sell?)

    i would also get 89 crafting as i will be making the ammies myself as gold bar prices are so cheap?


    so,,, would this method be worth it, or would the 40million be better invested elsewhere?

    i mainly slay( i havent blocked any dragon tasks)/ combat and it would be nice to have a higher mage defence I have 99 def full bandos and a defender so defence isn't a problem on harder tasks without it.

    but any other suggestions are welcome even if it is to keep the dfs and get money through other means?




    edit: i do have a large stockpile of charms possibly getting me a unicorn so some money can be spent there

    Sell the dfs and use the money to flip and superheat gold with family crest gountlets. I did it in f2p with iron and runite ore and got 90 smithing. If you would get 99 mage with gold, I think you would also get 99 smithing.

  6. EDIT: Santa's just updated again, this is like the 5th updat in a row. Does anyone think they're going to be bought out more and are safe from big crashes, aside from the 1 or 2 day dips?


    I think they'll keep rising unless a new money sink is introduced into the game.

    They might fall a bit at the end of July because of the begining of the summer holidays, but I am no expert what-so-ever.

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