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Posts posted by darkangel_st

  1. W0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000T!! :thumbsup:


    I always knew one day tip it would be partners with jagex!


    Now hopefully we will have weekly events that will be anounced in game!!


    We will go to bandos gwd with not only tet but ALL of Runescape. (hopefully we will stay 24+ hours :D )


    I <3: Tip it, TET, and now Jagex!!


    Overall: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: + <3:

  2. lol this happened to me about 1 week before christmas :lol:


    because I got my account back I was not too mad so I decided to just slowly recover.


    The worst part though was that I'm not a skiller, and I lost 17.5m most of which I made by getting a visage drop.


    All in all I think it was for the best, makes the game more fun to start all over, plus I got to work on my skills and am now working on getting a quest cape :thumbsup:


    So far, 2 months have passed and I've made about 3m so I think I'll be back to normal within a year and I might even get another visage drop :pray:

  3. My theory is that the dragon are items are red because of all the bloodshed that they have caused over the years and that whenever you use a dragon weapon on a dragon that it helps to bring back a dragonkin life. :o


    Also, I think that what the kbd meant about every dragon having a different path or whatever he said meant that each type of dragon serves a different purpose.


    Adult dragons most likely do not defend their young because they want you to kill them with a dragon weapon in order to help bring back the dragon kin.


    The Dragonkin most likely noticed that humans kill dragons for the monatary gain from the hides and bones.


    Since the dragonkin needs you to kill dragons for them to come back they created different leveled dragons that would appeal to a wider range of adventurers who want to make money of their hides. :ohnoes:


    In addition, the dragonkin are hiding behind the mithril door making more dragons and are waiting until enough dragonkin lives are restored for them to take the world back from the humans.


    This new quest was made because the dragonkin have finally run out of space behind the mithril door and are most likely going to come out and fight us!!! :wall:


    The only thing worse than this is that they probably have connections with the majurhats ( however you spell it..) and other races!!


    Probably vampires too, since they are immortal just as they are.


    Which also makes me think that the dragonkin may have helped Drakan take over Drakan castle in order to get the Icyene's out of the way.


    Icyene's are probaly their counter race (just speculating though because of their wings) and are just as old as the dragonkin.


    There are probably a bunch of typos with what I just said so just deal with it :P


    Sorry for typing so much ::'

  4. How about adding character physique changes?


    Like tatoos, battle scars, getting skinnier, or fatter, stronger or weaker looking.


    Like with 99 str you would look a little bigger and would be ripped.


    99 mage makes u look older.


    99 pray gives you an aura etc..

  5. well i got killed outside of edgeville 20 mins before event started cuz i was afk.. ty dad -.-


    so i gathered supplies as quick as i could and barely anybody was still at edgeville, so i tried to catch up.


    i went the wrong way so a bunch of ppl who were in wildy pked me #-o


    so now it was 2 late to get stuff again so i just went straight to it and wen i got there i didnt have a team cape so some1 from tip it bsed me :evil:




    all in all




    mssw4 failed me...


    maybe next time ill last the first 30 mins :(

  6. I think it would be a really good idea to go to the gwd


    that way evry1 can do something


    the lower lvls can go to the bandos boss


    the mid lvls can go to zammy


    then the higher lvls can go to sara/ armadyl


    also we will use coinshare cuz since evry is at a different boss only the group of players who actually fought the boss wil get any of the loot

  7. I think they should update some of the older things like new rewards for castlewars, or another barrows brother that is a summoner.


    The new graphics update is great but it would be better if they added some new things to old skills (maybe something that doesnt make firemaking useless :pray:)

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