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Posts posted by mattjosh120

  1. oh btw i changed,


    world 97,


    white knights




    prepared to teleport first sign oh *hyt! spotted!*




    You may want to go to world 99, no one hops intentionally to hyt spotted someone, it's just a fun thing, so go back to world 99 if you want to be spotted...


    im not tryin to get spotted!!!


    im just challenging


    but, i will change to w99 soon :thumbsup:


    not yet



  2. well, for me


    what keeps me going is all my friends. even though most of them have quit, i still manage to make new ones on and off runescape.


    also whats keeps me on is this, it's just brilliant isn't it?


    the old graphics were not as detailed as games such as WoW etc etc, but yet people still joined, still played.


    really the only thing i could quit runescape for is if they made it a single player, lol ::'


    but that'll never happen...




    right? :ohnoes: :o :shock:

  3. there is one time...


    just now actually


    peson: hey


    *lagging, so i don't anwser*




    person: hey green haired dude!


    me:sorry, laggin


    person: ok can i interveiw you?


    me (playing along) :sure!


    person: O.K, say hi gritchmas!


    me(bewildered):hi gritchmas!






    me:can i go now...?


    person: no, 2 questions...do you like banana-bread?


    me:yeah it's ok


    person:, good, do you like cookies?


    me: who doesn't?


    person: lol


    person:thank you for ur time!


    * :shock: she walks away, leaving me wonderin wat the heck just happened :shock: *




    kk the person wasn't a noob just thought i'd put it on lol :twisted:

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