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Posts posted by dusky

  1. I know that most marijuana grown in recent years has a much higher THC content. I know this is NOT the pot of my baby boomer parents' generation.


    Not really true. There are better growing practices and better strains today, sure, but it really depends on what level you buy. Schwag is still crappy schwag and dank will be dank. You could still get really good pot back then and you can get it now, there's no big difference.


    It may true that weed has higher THC levels today, but this is really irrelevant in terms of damage, as THC is not a dangerous chemical to begin with.

  2. Just wana rant right now...



    A few nights ago I went out to get some weed (half an o for 110). So i meet up with my friend where he takes me to his dealer. We give the dealer the cash and when he goes into the apartment building (to get the weed) he doesn't come back. My friend had trusted him dozens of times. No ones heard much of him since. In short, 80% of weed dealers = Petty scum. FACT. soz for the terrible writing really tired atm.

  3. Elementary: Society's way of getting you to learn to hate your life.

    Middle School: A test to survive severe limits of social cruelty.

    High School: A trial of endless and awkward attempts to get laid.

    College: To give 50-100 grand so you can find a job that pays 40 grand a year.


    Status quo was fine at the time.



    Except when the Republican president before him was the one begging congress to pass a bail out bill because his deregulation resulted in banks making extremely bad loans that screwed over the American people before collapsing the economy itself.

    Get your facts straight. Deregulation didn't make banks give bad loans, liberal policies of congress did. There was a carrot and a stick: Banks were threatened for not giving loans to people that could not afford them, and banks were able to offload their loans to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    Government intervention in the free market didn't prevent the crash, it caused it.


    Also, the crash didn't happen in 2004 when Bush was up for re-election, which is why he was re-elected. Obama's overwhelming popularity and number of votes came from people that were upset with Bush for his policies, including the bailout. Its funny, because Obama continued the policy of bailout. Get your facts straight.


    Also we have a right to LIFE,liberty and pursuit of happiness. I agree with car insurance companies being able to discriminate on performance but not health insurance companies having the right to choose between life and death based on preexisting conditions.

    A right is not a guarantee. A right is not an entitlement. But besides all of that mumbo-jumbo of language, please show me where the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" exists in the US constitution. Get your facts straight.


    Also, forcing insurance companies to cover people with preexisting conditions will force them out of business. Do you understand what insurance is?

    And even then, decisions on whether to treat conditions or not based on cost of treatment and expected longevity of life are made all the time. Yes, the worth of a human life is an uncomfortable subject, but numbers are attached to people all the time. Get your facts straight.


    Its not waiting to be sick, how about this in the 07 recession lets say your dad found out he had cancer while unemployeed, and when he goes to get insurance soon as he finds a new job he is denied. Theres plenty of people whos jobs dont offer insurance/self employeed/etc. Its amazing that your the same christian guy [sorry if you take this as a personal attack but I am calling you a hypocrite and calling your morals into question] who says abortions kill innocent babies but you would rather see someone die so a corporation can keep up their billions (not millions but billions in profit). Certainly its a free market failure, a moral failure, and giving people the right to decide who gets to live and die based on when they got sick (if they had a job that offered insurance during it or not).

    Its your personal responsibility to make sure your needs are taken care of- not mine, and not government's. If you're a farmer and you starve because you're too foolish or lazy to plant your crops, so be it. As far as letting people die because I don't want government to provide them with health insurance, you're overlooking the simple fact of charity.

    The first school and hospitals were not constructed by governments, they were constructed by churches. Get your facts straight.


    What is the crap hole that Obama got us in, besides government debt? [simple solution to this is to cut military spending by 90%]

    We were already there, he just laid it on thicker.

    Other than government debt and the deficit (which is ABSOLUTELY HUGE):

    -Fighting the non-war in Libya, not leaving Iraq or Afghanistan

    -Decreasing the value of the US dollar (see price of gold or oil)

    -Adding tons of uncertainty and costs to US business with the passage of the un-read 2000+ page health care bill

    -Threatened higher taxes to those that create the most jobs.


    Also, military spending accounts for about $700 billion. Even if you cut ALL military spending, you would still not close the $1.5 trillion dollar deficit. Try again.


    Wasn't this thread about Osama Bin Laden? luls.

  5. Good, I say.


    I've never really seen the appeal of online poker, from what I've been led to understand the whole "skill" aspect of poker is being able to effectively without giving away that you're bluffing, and being able to tell whether or not your opponent is bluffing. Surely removing the ability to see one another's faces just removes that entire aspect and turns it into just another game of chance.


    There are people that make consistant money with online poker, so there is definately still an element of skill involved. Lets say it is gambling? Why should it be shut down? Shouldnt people have a right on how they spend their money?

  6. How can people on this forum be so PC that they blindly spout the gibberish about how no death is good death, terrorists deserve to be fairly tried, they are freedom fighters etc...A man responsible for thousands deaths died, and the West gets demonized even more for rejoicing over it?


    Well it just happens that in the process of killing that man, many innocent civilians died at the hands of the america army, so you can't really say you are all that better than the terrorists. What is there to rejoice over in that?


    Also, I don't really know what you mean by PC. I like them over macs, but I'm not one myself, you see?


    PC= Politically Correct

  7. How can people on this forum be so PC that they blindly spout the gibberish about how no death is good death, terrorists deserve to be fairly tried, they are freedom fighters etc...A man responsible for thousands deaths died, and the West gets demonized even more for rejoicing over it?

  8. Who in turn said Rebecca Black was a genius...

    She probably is. It isn't funny how unbelievably famous she is now, and it pretty much happened overnight.


    Actually kind of like Friday though. It's very catchy. E-rep destroyed :shades:


    I dont think Rebecca Black's a genius, but the people who promoted her definately are. :P

  9. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/806f108c-67b6-11e0-9138-00144feab49a.html#axzz1KxNysD33




    For those that did not want to read the articles, basically what happened is that several online poker sites were forced to shut down, and the money of its members were seized. The shut downs were based off of some dubious online gambling act during George Bush's presidency.



  10. Why is there so much debate about how this will effect the economy? A countries actions for a single day will have little/ no effect on its economical well being. But more on topic, seeing as Friday is a school day for me, of course i won't be watching it.

  11. Don't like France and their anti-Islamic sentiment? Then get out. I support France. Anywhere else you go, if you speak out against Islam, you will get threatened or seriously defamed. (mostly due to radical Islam)


    I dont like the logic that says, 'just because they do it, that makes it OK for us'. We need to uphold our standards of democracy, despite of the unjust countries. Western countries should always take the high world, and never sink down to the level of morality held by most Islamic countries.

  12. I don't agree with guns under any circumstances at all. It's bad enough to hear on the news everyday that people have been murdered with them, but also I have to hear about people accidentally getting killed by babies and people accidentally killing themselves. Do away with them once and for all and maybe the world will have a much smaller mortality rate.




    that would be good. but. example, africans in the savanna.. TIGER!

    or filmmakers in the arctic.. POLAR BEAR


    i dunno guns are needed i reckons. were they originally made to kill people? they probably were actually wern't they..


    but then you must hear about babies accidentally suffocating. or the woman that fell on some knives and died. its a very small minority, considering most households in the US own one (i think?)


    Well, I wouldn't really mind if people in other countries own guns, but I'm concerned about the safety and well-being of my country as selfish as it sounds. It's scary having weapons that can kill from long range as opposed to a knife or bat of some sort.



    i personally don't live in a country were most 14 year olds could kill easily if they wanted. well some still do. but yeah i can't really imagine what it's like.


    Unfortunately I live in a place where it's becoming a regular thing to hear on the news "Two men and a 15 year old robbed a bank" or something along the lines of this link: http://www.miamicriminallawyerblog.com/2010/03/one_of_the_youngest_criminals.html


    Thankfully though, I don't live in Florida, I heard it's an awful place from one of my friends that used to live there.



    I think that we need much stricter laws on gun control especially for people who have children under 18 years of age. Also in the model congress club I'm in at my school I proposed a bill limiting the sale of bullets (which I believe does not inflict on a persons right to bear arms).


    Gotta love all the pro nanny-state sentiment on these forums.

  13. Whoa whoa whoa. If we're going to analyse breast size, and the 'attractiveness' of them, post some examples. I'd say that anything more than 42E is 'too big', and anything less than 30aa is 'too small'. What's your boundaries?

    What I care about most is slimness, so I'd take a 32B over a 38B or 38DD any day, for example. I also would like to stress that firmness is just as important as size, there's nothing hotter than a girl taking off her bra and her boobs hardly change shape at all.


    32G would proooobably be a big too big for me, but I wouldn't complain compared to a 200 pounder. But then again, firmness only gets more important as size increases.


    Wow, you guys really seem to know your bra sizes.

  14. Marijuana is bad because its illegal. Alchohol and Tobacco are good because theyre legal and I pay tax on them. Half a million Americans die from marijuana use every year, and Tobacco and Alchohol have never causes lung cancer, emphazima, or irreparable brain damage because they are legal. ......Right?

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