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Posts posted by Gargamel

  1. Too bad those skulls will disappear in a couple minutes..




    Hey! I'm preserving them :geek:


    Why would you, they're not rare at all because anyone can go to abyss and get one? And even if you say that your accounts are f2p that changes nothing because members can log in on free to play worlds.

  2. theres a glitch in the whole 24 hour thing it cant work because as soon as 1 person logs out the lent item returns and you can only stay logged in for 6 hours at 1 time






    tbh i think this item lending is gonna be useless especially for gwd since you have to hop to find a world so i guess we will have to just wait and see


    If you choose to lend an item for 24 hours, item will not returned upon log out, but after 24 hours.


    With the clues, and your help, we can solve these anagrams - Anagrams can be hard, even brutal. There are an amazing amount of possibilities out there. It will dawn on to you to find them. Help us uncover the secrets of the future. Together, it's possible."





    And why would we waste our time solving anagrams from 2007? All of the updates that these anagrams hinted are probably done..

  4. You guys are missing the point: both books and movies are literature. Just in different forms just like poems and plays. They all can tell a point, but differently.




    But back to the topic... the RS book seems a tad too much for me at the moment. If it ever becomes placed in a library I'll certainly take a read.




    So they're both literature and serve the same purpose. Then the choice is obvious to pick the medium that stimulates the visual and audible realms. AKA the more exciting one where you don't have to use your imagination and it drains less time out of your day.


    Why do you insist on movies?


    Can't you just accept that there are people that like books more then movies? Reading a book ofcourse longer as you have mentioned many times, but you obviously don't understand that people like enjoyable things to be longer, personally I like very long books more then short ones..


    Just let it go, it's just matter of what someone likes, you like movies more, thats ok, you don't have to convince everyone that movies are better, because some people just enjoy books more.

  5. lol !




    i can't believe how hard peaple are trying to get a succesfull tread :roll:


    remember your euro 2008 thread? you have been trying to get make it succesfull as hard as flodder.


    and flodder why would reserve it??



    for a number of hours up to and including 24 hours, or until either of you log out.




    Does someone play for THAT long?!?! :D




    Heh, if you choose X hours for lending, then the item will not be given back by logout, you will have it for next x hours no matter how much you log out/in.

  7. If you love lag, an EXTREMELY easy game, and believe graphics > gameplay, then WoW is definitely for you.






    There is no lag at WoW.


    Speaking of extremely easy game, runescape is evene easier.


    Gameplay of WoW is much better then Runescape, runescape is much more repetitive.

  8. How exactly does the Cloth work?




    Can i obtain it after completing the Quest?




    How so?




    Can it be used on multiple arrows at once, or is it a one cloth per one arrow ratio?




    Also, do they "disappear" after being used on the arrows?


    You can obtain it by speaking to that man in underground pass dungeon, hes not far from enterance. And yes its one cloth per one arrow ratio.

  9. I thought the member dungeon didn't have any greater demons (as Tip.it states) but to my surprise I saw them walking south[/s] of the black demons. Now my question is... how do I get there? There seems to be no way to reach them, and the dungeon map doesn't show that this area south of the black demons exists..






    Probably what you have seen is other dungeon..But I can't think of any close to Members dungeon..

  10. are we just getting abit to ahead of outselfs?


    for all we know it could be nothing, a bit of text about evil while were in the wild nothing to new there.


    So you're trolling here about something that actually has some proof and is actually happening, while you're sure that your picture isn't fake while there is no reason that is not, hypocrite.. #-o

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