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Posts posted by shsslayer

  1. Items Required:




    Clockwork Penguin


    8 Silk


    4 Wooden Planks


    A needle


    Some Thread








    1.) Speak to Larry, (He'll be in a straight-jacket.) Larry will


    explain that he saw a 'giant penguin', and that he needs evidence


    to prove to other zoo-keepers that hes not actually crazy.




    Head East from the Zoo to Witchaven and find the giant footprint


    (it should be close to the entrance of the slug menace cave)




    After you investigate the foot-print head back to larry and speak


    with him and tell him that hes not crazy that there was a giant


    footprint there. Another zoo-keeper will appear, tell him that


    larry isn't crazy and that you have proof.




    After you present the evidence to the other zoo-keeper Larry


    will get back out of the straight jacket and tell you that


    you and him need to do something.




    2.) Once you're ready head north east of relekka and take the boat


    to the ice-berg. Once there get in your penguin suit (tuxedo time)






    3.) Enter the ice-berg lair and go through the first door on


    the left (as if you were going to the agility course). Speak to


    the penguin-interrogator. He'll have you interrogate a caught


    penguin. Try different things until he finally cracks and asks


    you to stop his captain. He'll also tell you about summoning the


    penguin-submarine using a conch shell. (so search the evidence box


    and take out the stuff, some of it will include fun little fish-hats)


    also pay attention to what fish-hat the penguin wore.




    4.) Go to ping and pong (the penguin bards) and talk to them about


    distracting the penguin guard. They'll tell you that they're


    almost done with a song and that they could help you if you finish


    the song for them. Now, go talk to the guard and see what all he likes


    (example: squirrels, blue ocean, chicks)




    5.) Go back to the bards and fill in all the words with things


    the guard liked. Once you finish tell them you're ready to sing


    the song to the guard and then go see the guard and sing the song.


    If you did it correctly he should fall asleep.




    6.) Next go to the war-room (the room where you got caught before)


    and talk to one of the dwarves. They'll want proof that you're not


    a penguin before they'll talk so go ahead and prove to them that


    you're human. They'll then say that they were enslaved by the


    penguins and they want to get out before they'd tell you how to


    disable the penguin-submarine. They each want penguins suits, like yours.




    7.) Leave the war-room (you'll get caught by a penguin and thrown out.)


    You'll awaken by Larry. Talk to him, and ask about his spell and if it


    would work on the dwarves. He'll say no, but because of their small size


    you can make them penguin costumes without needing clockworks or the spell.


    He'll also say you'll need 8 silk, 4 planks, a needle, and thread to make


    the dwarves' suits.




    8.) Go back and talk to the dwarves (if you have your supplies, if you don't


    go get them and then talk to the dwarves). They'll ask you not to talk


    to them as a penguin so, once again, prove that you're a human spy.


    Then tell them that larry can't cast the spell on them but you can teach


    them how to make penguin suits and they'll be bigger than normal penguins.


    He'll then show you how to disable the submarine.






    (heres his instructions...)




    I.) Use the wrench to open the wire box cover.


    II.) Cut the green and red wires with the wirecutters


    III.)Use the spare wire to rewire the green wire to the red wire


    IV.)Wrap the tape around the wire ends


    V.) Pump air into the pipes until it's getting near red.


    VI.) Turn the whee, but watch the gauge. Stop once its green - the arrow


    will point straight up. If you don't stop, you'll have to pump with the bellows


    again. (based on the dwarves presentation 3 full turns should work)


    VII.) Pull the lever.






    9.) Go practice it once on the engine panel in the same room as the dwarves.




    10.) Go talk to larry to update him yet again. He'll explain that theres only


    1 more problem left, you don't yet know where the submarine is. Turn into


    a penguin (yet again) and this time look for the penguin 'noodle' who helped


    you to get a fake ID in the first quest. He'll be close to where he was last time


    (near the penguin hideout). talk to him and agree to be in debt for his help.


    He'll give you a KGP ID card. Use this to get in the first room on the right


    of the penguin hideout.




    11.)Now you need to sneak past all the penguin guards in the room, while you try to get




    STATING WHERE THE SUBMARINE IS, as the penguins will take it from you. After


    you leave the room where you have to sneak around read the telegram and you'll


    discover that the ship was last sighted near yanille. Talk to larry and tell


    him of your findings.


    (use the below picture to help with getting the telegram)










    12.) Meet larry east of ardougne and get ready to disable the submarine. After


    turning into a penguin, wear the correct fish hat, then blow your conch shell. Then prepare to do a penguin


    emote greeting (for me it was wave - bow - flap).




    13.) Now that you're on the submarine penguin go up a floor and to the


    last room on the east and speak with the captain. Eventually you will come


    to a point where you either tell him the truth of your mission or lie to him


    (I lied, although telling the truth may work too). After a fairly lengthy


    conversation you'll discover that the captain is being controlled by sea slugs




    14.) After discovering about the captain you'll be thrown into a cell. From here


    go west and search the hat stand, you'll get several items. To you're east theres


    a door, use the swordfish from the hat stand on this door to pick its lock.




    15.) Instead of using your tools from before, you'll be using your new fishy


    tools to disable the submarine (how fun! :3)






    I.)Use the crab claw to open the wire box cover.


    II.)Use the shark tooth to cut the green and red wires.


    III.)Use the electric eel to rewire the green wire to the red wire


    IV.)Wrap the seaweed to connect the wire ends


    V.) Pump air into the pipes, using the puffer fish, until it's getting near red.


    VI.) Use the octopus on the wheel and turn it 3 times.


    VII.) Use the swordfish on the slot where the lever will go (its now the lever)


    and pull your new swordfish lever.






    16.) Now that you've disabled the submarine you'll find out that Pescaling Pax has


    used you to disable the submarine for him.As it turns out the dwarves from the Red Axe


    were in on Pescaling's plans too!




    17.) Now talk to the chuck (the polar bear acting like a tree). He'll help


    get you off the island.
















    1 quest point


    3k construction xp


    2k theiving xp


    1.5k hunter xp


    Penguin hunter expansion


    Penguin hide and seek bonus


    Polar Bear










    (also, this is the 2nd time i'm posting this... originally had it posted in the wrong forum or something stupid like that.)

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