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Posts posted by vulcant

  1. First of all, in order to prove my point, I had to get the opinion of an outside source-- namely Ask.com. I went to the object of my query and typed in "ask.com" and surprisingly enough, Google.com supports searches for another competitor. This is a shock to my system since Google has been violently invading the mobile market in a technological brawl with Apple. Why would Google allow competing search sites in their results? Why indeed. However this anomaly in their behavior would have to be left to investigate further, for I was a man on a mission. With the quest in mind, I sought more insight on this particular subject from /b/. After 3 pages of no luck (which ironically coincides with Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" search option) I found an answer to my prayers.



    With this magical orb able to tell me the truth, I could finally put down my mouse, shut my computer down and fall into a relieved sleep. This was not to be, however. There is one thing I learned, from Ask.com, and it is that magical billiards balls can not do as much for you on your computer screen as it could in the person. I was downtrodden because, as you can see:


    My town's pool store was closed.


    After a few days of wallowing in despair, I realized that /b/ had all the answers. I returned to my magical ball's thread and noticed the numbers next to the magical orb. The thing I needed was a die. A 10 sided die. These are not so common (practically nonexistent) in board games like Yahtzee, Pictionary, and Risk. Luck, pictures, and world domination apparently have no use for such an oddly conceived dice type. The only game I could possibly think of that would have such a die was one of dragons and of dungeons. That's right, the taboo ritual of Dungeons & Dragons. Getting a set of dice for such a ritual was one step closer to the brink of:



    As you can hopefully sympathize, I was an impasse here and the dilemma was so great that it nearly tore my being apart. On one hand, I could warn the internet of the impending trap that is Google but fall into the lasting doom of Nerd. On the other hand, I would have failed everyone for my own sense of self-preservation. I decided to sleep on it and see if an answer came to me in the morning.




    It was in REM sleep that I encountered this angel (pictured above). The long story short is that I realized that if you had an account on Runescape, you could do no further harm to yourself than you already had. I bought the dice and rolled 1d10. To see what I rolled and why Google is not the internet,

  2. Is there anything in particular you dont like about them? is the art lacking in good coloring, proportions, etc or is it just the style?




    Well I found the file to make smilies with so I'll make some more since it's very easily done.




    EDIT: Done with a batch of smilies! How did they turn out?










    I think you'd be pretty good at using Illustrator. :P


    How exactly do you determine where to add in the shading? I always have trouble locating the spots. I mean I understand that tutorial above but just locating the spots to shade is difficult for me.




    Yea that is the hardest part. If you shade in random places, the image looks silly. To get over this problem, I just look at a ton of reference pics like i mentioned in the tutorial. I dont just copy the shading though, I try to figure out a pattern with it so that I can do it without the reference.




    And yes I use flash for everything~! I may have to make more stuff in the smilie style since you guys seem to like em so much piratesmile.png

  4. Yea anyone can use them if they want. And for your convenience:






















































    I also made a tutorial today on shading:




    sorry if the text is hard to read, i made it .png because the forum where i originally posted it has a white BG




    I forgot to show you all my mushroom :U






    Thanks you all smile.png. And I also see the Art Bazaar now so I get that I'm not allowed doing request here. I'll probably open a thread there with a link to this gallery and maintain this with what I do from there!

  5. So I've been gone from these forums for quite a while so no one probably remembers me (i have less than 50 posts so 8D). Well, in that time I've improved in my flash art skills quite a bit and so I'll post some here for you to see. I like making swords so you'll see a lot of em. Lastly if there's enough interest, I could make Runescape weapons or items for you all.




    And the new gallery:














    Art for a game I'm helping with:




















    a glowing relic of some sorts




    4th of july cartoon guy




    stick figure knight








    an obelisk relic




    my take on a new lightsabre for a contest somewhere




    matching shield from the above sword




    omg a rock




    an axe




    made a knight while practicing flash sprites




    and lastly another shield!




    A big sword I call graveyard




    some brushed lineart with gradient coloring for practice




    and the last sword called snaketongue grin.png




    So what do you all think? Is there any interest in me making RS weapons?

  6. ^ You don't have to please everyone, but don't use it as an excuse for not changing anything (not saying that's what you're doing). And you could try to please more people than just your friends at school, who probably aren't the most art-educated people in the world and are biased anyway, simply because they're your friends.




    Alright, I'll try not to :) I do have one friend who is pretty frigging art savvy. I draw anything else besides bio man and he can always find something wrong. In fact he finds stuff wrong in Biology Man too but friends and family are biased.




    Holy [cabbage] Nadril. I have looked at it, okay? Maybe it is horrible but seriously don't expect a drastic changes in the comic after looking at the site. To be honest, you seem to be the poster child of an overly serious scaper who is dead on the inside and only finds dry pleasure in totally ripping on people like me.

  7. The Biology Man Blog: http://biologyman.blogspot.com/




    I generally like biology too so Biology Man is fun and easy to make. The story will probably progress as the chapters we study do so that's why I'm trying to make a daily comic page. The rest you'll have to see as I make them! Now for an index:
















    6.http://vulcant13.deviantart.com/art/Bio ... -114481163






    Word Documents for Print:


    p.1-5(963 KB)- http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=6fe467ac6a98fd42d2db6fb9a8902bda








    Cheers folks. Enjoy the carboxyl pistols.

  8. Amazingly creative, brings me back to my 7 year old days D:






    I want moooaaar.




    Thanks :D i lurve those days lol








    indeed it does. So i made >>>>>this<<<<< game to show you the animations. I call it Zombie hall. look at artist's comment on how to play

  9. it may be a movie later on but for now i just want to make some big images with a bunch of stick people fighting :P I wouldn't submit it to newgrounds though, no way in hell lol. It'd be blammed like no tomorrow. I would submit it to deviantart .






    Make some kind of amazing gif of it?




    .gif of it ._. = idleb1.gif

  10. it may be a movie later on but for now i just want to make some big images with a bunch of stick people fighting :P I wouldn't submit it to newgrounds though, no way in hell lol. It'd be blammed like no tomorrow. I would submit it to deviantart .





  11. But writing doesn't belong to The Gallery. Check The Gallery rules and FAQ.


    Yes right now its a big wall of text and only 1 picture but i will make it so more are. I also figured making 2 threads in gallery and the library would've been unnecessary since thats the only text i'll have.


    [url-http://kingdomofloathing.com]StickScape for pros.[/url]


    Been there, had around 50mil or so and then the MMG ate it. luckily i still have my CAF: 1331555.gif




    Anyways i also planned posting Baer's initial attack on edgeville:edgevilleassault.jpg




    but stuff needs reworking and editing..

  12. [hide=]

    The realm of StickScape is a parallel of Gielinor. In ages past, the stick people of StickScape constructed a portal made of pure rune essence. This




    substance was extremely rare to the stick realm because the patron god Guthix, gave this gift to the first rulers of the land after seeing the perfect




    balance in the realm. Many years went by and the twelfth high priest of Guthix, Yillir, came across a robed stranger received plans for a portal. The stick




    man promised him power over the lands and the title of king should he build this Pure Rune Essence Portal or P.R.E.P. and seal it with their parallel plane




    of Gielinor. So with this new and ambitious plan, Yillir went to King Falk and showed him the plans for the P.R.E.P. and told him the promises of a demi-god




    in allegiance with Guthix. Yillir told the king of how the land would prosper and it would dawn a new age for StickScape. The King could not refuse the idea




    of ascension to a demi-god and agreed to its construction.




    The construction of the portal took many years and King Falk grew to a dieing age. Fearful of death because of an unfulfilled promise of demi-godhood he




    became angry with Yillir and order his immediate removal as High Priest and execution if he could not complete the P.R.E.P. within three days. Upon hearing




    this proclamation, Yillir gathered his followers and donned the red robes the stranger had gifted to him as he also guided him in the P.R.E.P.'s construction




    and marched to the King's castle in Varrock. The Castle Guard met their charge in a vain attempt to stop the 1000 acolyte force of Yillir's will. The 100 or




    so Guard were wiped out after a taxing fight. The battle in the Square of Varrock killed more than half of the frenzied acolytes. The remaining forces




    swiftly took the castle interior and set to slaughtering the castle's staff. Yillir himself went to the King's Chambers to see Falk on his deathbed. The High




    Priest pulled out a dagger with a blade of pure essence and plunged it into the king's heart. His exited the castle of the dead king with the final piece




    required for the portal and ordered Varrock to burn.




    The High Priest had the final part of the portal. The Blood Rune, as it was infamously dubbed in later times, was the last piece to be placed at the apex of




    the Portal's arch as the crest and pledge to Zamorak. With the portal completed, the way to Runescape was opened. The Zamorak loyalists of StickScape found




    themselves avatarized into the 3D realm. The portal had opened into the middle of the Third Age and what was known as the God Wars. Yillir was received into




    the Zamorakian Army with a hero's welcome. He was given command of his forces of the realm with the agreement of allowing the Zamorakian monks to go to




    StickScape and train recruits. With this pact, the stick realm was thrown into a chaotic land of an absolute monarchy under the divine Zammorakian King




    Yillir. All able bodied stick people were drafted by the Gielinorite monks. All that refused were put to the sword and sometimes worse; possesed with




    daemons. Under this reign of terror, a few loyal followers of Guthix flew to the White Wolf Mountains and lands beyond where they vowed revenge against




    Yillir and all who worshipped Zammorok. These resisters got wind of the patron Saradomin who opposed Zamorak and swore allaigance to him. They abandoned




    Guthix just as the sleeping god had seemingly done the same. In the lands to the west the followers of Saradomin grew in strength and soon they were noticed




    by Yillir's captains and soon he returned home with an army of hardened veterans to decimate the rebels in his own realm. His army broke against surprisingly




    strong defences of the Taverly Wall and were turned back. Yillir, angry at his defeat at the Taverly Wall. He reorganized his forces and plotted his next




    attack. He began gathering his armies and in a plan to circumnavigate the wall and through the north he'd flank their forces and crush the rebels in Taverly.




    3 years went by and he amassed more than 40,000 troops to assault the mere 10,000 in Taverly and Burthrope. Soon, Yillir was on the march again. He had asked




    the Gielinorite monks to support the portal as he had taken the Blood Rune in the new assault. They grudgingly agreed and decided Yillir would have a steep




    price to pay for his all but withdrawl from Gielinor and the Zamorakian war effort in that realm.




    As Yillir marched into the wild terrains of the north known simply as the 'Wilderness', he adopted a scorched earth policy. He order his men to burn all




    forests in the way of their march. This policy succeeded in denying the enemy cover to ambush but also denying his army of food from around. Luckily he had




    an additional force of men numbering in the thousands operating as a supply line. The march was slow due to the policy and allowed the enemy the basic




    direction of their attack. Yillir counted on superior numbers to win against the massing foe. Finally after months on the march, Yillir arrived in Burthrope




    to be seemingly deserted.As the army entered the Town's Square, a magically hidden force of 200 holy warriors of Saradomin leapt out at Yillir and his




    Bodygaurd. As they began their ambush, a prepared holy barrier erected itself. A few minutes later The Taverly Army was seen marching against Burthrope from




    the south; all 10,000 of them.With them they had a special weapon. This type of weapon was to be forever lost when Guthix awoke and ended the God wars. It




    was gunpowder. Gunpowder that fueled the Taverly's army with rifles and cannon. With this combination of god-given weapons, Yillir's forces died in the




    hundreds and within the first few minutes after coming in range with cannon. Attacked from without and within with deadly weapons, the quickly diminishing




    Zamorakian army was hard pressed. In the town square, the holy warriors were killing a shrinking circle of bodyguards and were pushing their way to Yillir.




    Seeing his eclosing peril, Yillir began drawing out all of his magicks into a single Curse. This curse would be known as the Dead Mask of the North, as it




    would create the dead Wilderness infested with Revenants now seen in the current age of stickScape.




    As the final ring of body guards were brought down, Yillir stood ready to curse the land and with the Blood Rune held high, he unleashed the power of




    Zamorak. The ground beneath him paled and then blackened and the barrier to the north of him fizzled away. Plants whithered and died as did the buildings




    which decayed and rusted to delapidated heaps. Like a black tidal wave of death and decay, the ground to East and West of him formed a line and everything




    north of it died. The score of remaining holy warriors attempted to rush the Yillir but a single look from the King's daemonic eyes instantly lit them alight




    in a strange fire of blood. The Warriors fell to the ground in agony as Zamorak burned their souls.After dispatching of the chosen of Saradomin, Yillir




    turned his powers towards reaching across the seas to everything North in the StickScape realm. Before he could ravage the lands across the seas with the




    Dead Mask, a momentous event happened in StickScape's parallel realm. The Awakening of Guthix and the end of the God Wars.As Guthix awoke in Runescape, he




    saw the imbalance of the realms of Gielinor and of StickScape. With the arrival of Guthix, Saradomin and Zamorak stopped fighting and fled the planes. The




    3rd age died and the god's left Gielinor and StickScape. Without Zamorak as a channel for the massive force of magick Yillir was using during the spell, the




    spread of the curse instantly stopped, and the unguided energy within the King imploded his blade, the Blood Rune, and surrounded Yillir in a tomb of black




    onyx. As Yillir died, a shockwave of raw magicks burst from the tomb and scythed through his army. The resuly was a massacre; only 500 lucky soldiers




    remained alive. Many of the were blinded of deafened. With the destruction of the Blood Rune, the Portal of Cursed Essence collapsed and Runescape was lost




    to the stick realm. The Zamorakian Monks supporting the Portal were reduced to ashes when it collapsed. Back in Burthrope, both armies were horrified and




    amazed at the destruction the Dead Mask had caused.Just as the fighting is about to resume, a wanderer appears before both armies. He is the avatar of




    Guthix. With a simple spell, the weapons of each army melt and turn to earth and ash as does all books on the making of rifles, cannon, and gunpowder. Seeing




    that the battle would or would not continue with fists was balanced, the man turned to ash as quickly as he appeared.




    The leader of the Taverly Army, Sir Ralde, demanded the remnants of Yillir's force go north into the hell their leader created or they could stand and fight




    and die. The surviving Zamorakians opted to live for another day and started north. Sir Ralde ordered his troops back to Taverly to heal the wounded. He left




    a contingent of troops there and headed back to his ancestral land of Lemanto Andra, his dead city of Varrock. In the next few years after the death of




    Yillir, Sir Ralde had exiled all Zamorakian followers north and into the wilderness. He began the rebuilding of Varrock and soon other towns like Lumberidge,




    Falador and Edgeville began to prosper. For his noble deed of freeing the land of Zamorakian rule and his leadership against it, Sir Ralde was crowned as




    King of the land of Misthalin. The broken portal's five loose rune essence blocks (two blocks were infused into the ground) were distributed to the banks of




    Varrock, Falador, Edgeville, Draynor, and Lumberidge for safe guarding so the Cursed portal could never be reconstructed. Before King Ralde died of old age,




    many years later, he made a final precedent. "All knowledge of where the remains of the Portal lie must be forgotten and wiped off all maps, and a company of




    soldiers must guard the Onyx Tomb of Yillir. Whether he can work vile magicks for rebirth or an ambitious fool seeks something from the tomb, we must stop




    history from doomful repition."




    Hundreds of years, a peaceful age, and the knowledge of the Portal pass away. Stick people discover rune essence and so the 5th age begins. The precedent




    dies away and the tomb is forgotten as a tomb and is instead, a marvel of Burthrope. The Five Banks across StickScape still hold the cursed essence blocks in




    deep vaults as well as many items from adventurer's of this current age. Not all is well however; stirrings in the North across the Wilderness are a great force under the banner of Zamorak. As Misthalin has forgotten the past, they have not. The northerners are considered barbarians to the south but they are massing under the leadership of Commander Baer with ambitious thoughts of revenge and other ideas. Ideas like rebuilding the Portal to Runescape and bringing Yillir back to life!







    Here is a portrait of Commander Baer with a rare weapon of rune. He plans the reconstruction of the Portal to Runescape.






    Now I realize I only have one small art piece right now but I plan on making a comic of sorts as Baer assaults the banks and gathers the blocks and tries to go back to Runescape.

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