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Posts posted by CcrLyder

  1. I think they should make it "members only".




    If F2p's get banned for it, they can just make a new account all the time.




    I also think members shouldn't be allowed to remove cencors from free players because F2P players would spam offensive language in their chats.




    Members being able to remove cencors from members is a good idea because you don't want to get banned as a member. And they can give extra blackmarks for people who use that language.

  2. F2P'ers are people who play for free on servers that Jagex pays.




    They are players who just started and are still testing the game or players who aren't allowed from their parents to pay money (children).




    In my opinion, the real "scum" are players who are allowed to pay and stay F2P.

  3. I've been thinking about this problem and have posted the best solution on the official RS forums.




    Welcome to my suggestion about how to remove a growing problem in RS, junk trading. Junk are items you can't get rid of for the absolute minimum price on GE. Junk trading is the ability to trade them in player to player trade for marked price. These items can be abused for both RWT and renting items out together with the lending system. Since there are ways to create millions of junk on one hour, this definately needs to be removed.




    What I have in mind for removing this is not very complicated I think. Remove items who are close to absolute minimum in GE from the player to player trade system.




    What if you need items like that and you can't make them yourself? My good friend the Grand Exchange can be the solution. I suggest a new feature for the GE to instant sell any item you want for a price much lower than marked price and the item will then appear on GE for lowest price. So if you still need to buy the item, you still can.




    The only people who will not like this will be people who abuse junk trading themselves.




    This was my suggestion, I hope you like it.




    If you like it, post your support word on my thread. I've been thinking about this problem and have posted the best solution on the official RS forums. http://[Please Use QuickFind Code].com/c=20c2dfb3/[Please Use QuickFind Code]?24,25,893,57369162

  4. If they limit the amount of hours you can play, they will just make more accounts and because of that it will ONLY affect fair players.




    The only way they can remove RWT completely is update Bounty Hunter so people can't get other people's drops + they will need to remove any possible way of merchanting completely. What I mean with removing merchanting completely is set a price for every item which can't go up or down.




    RWT through trading would be very slow and both parties will need a few 100M before it's worth doing. GE and trade limit was an ownage update. Without marked play RS will not be RS anymore.




    Junk trading is a problem too and I just found a way to prevent it. Thanks for making me think about this, you own.




    Removing wildy was needed to completely keep RWT out. However, changing it to Bounty Hunter isn't good enough. They need to remove being able to pick up items in BH as well to stop people RWT'ing here.

  5. I know you will receive the phat yourself now.




    And people who told this it's a dumb idea of RWT'ing were wrong because rares have had their good times and it's a good method of getting rid of it then. There always are rich people who want to pay any high price to get what they want.




    I think the discussion is closed now.




    EDIT: And of course, when quiting, it's better to leave with some money than dropping it at Party Pete's.

  6. It's possible to RWT, but extremely risky plus there are much easier (and hell cheaper) ways to do it, which i will not disclose here.


    Why bring it up if you aren't going to say it?






    So that he knows most RWTers will use those methods, and not use 700m to (possibly) give someone else 200m or whatever the price of X partyhat is now.




    Wow, I really didn't know that. It was just a small and maybe funny subject for some discussion. There is no need to tell everyone that you know everything better.

  7. Yes, they have reason to stop junk trading. Why? I'll explain.




    Of course with the RWT updates, you can't make that many real life money anymore on RS. If you want to make money by RWT'ing on online games, RS isn't the game for you anymore.




    There are still RWT situations that remain. There is a very rich player who had enough of RS and he's going to quit. To make his time on RS worth it, he buys all the junk of some friends for some real life money.




    There are actually ways of "creating junk" very fast. Because of that, RWT can get another turn and it can get very bad again.




    Keep up the good work Jagex.

  8. About everyone in RS knows if you crack a cracker, a partyhat will come out. The part not many people know is that someone else gets the partyhat. However, you can choose who gets the partyhat.




    That's why I've been thinking, what happens if you crack someone a partyhat these days? Will the other person still receive the partyhat? Will you get the partyhat yourself now? Or will the cracker crumble to dust?




    That are just a few questions. I'll ask a few more.




    Is there anyone who has the balls to try this out?




    Or maybe, has anyone found any trustworthy information about this somewhere?

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