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Posts posted by poison_lotus

  1. i completely agree man, i remember back in the good old days before whatever 300 million gold party hats and crap, it used to be hard to get some of this stuff. dragon chains on the day they came out, i remember talking to the guy who got the first d chain, and it actualy meant something, it was a huge status symbol, but now it means nothing. Runescape is going downhill. its needs a revolution, and it needs something big to set it back on track. we need a dupe, we need major hackings, ban me for saying this, but runescape money is totaly devalued, u make it by alching, theres an endless supply coming into runescape but not enough going out. something big hasta happen, otherwsie this game is gonna turn to crap.

  2. how does that make u a veteran, i have bunny ears on 3 of my acounts, my friends that i played rsc with wer enever on for the bunny ears so they miss out. being a veteran of rsc means that u were part of making the game great. that came years before bunny ears and scythes. an rsc veteran should have been around for good magic/evil magic. should have been around for full world pking. should have been around before they changed the smithing tables. An rsc veteran should have been around where the best armour/wep set was addy long, mith plate, addy legs, addy large and steel square (dropped by moss giants and made by bluerose) bunny ears and a scythe dont mean a thing. so before u call yourself a veteran see where you were when i was a cabbage patch kid, see where you were when sir was olbiterating half of the people in runescape.

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