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Posts posted by Enugard


    For the record, I, nor my warlord, nor many of our members, have never heard of such a phenomenon.


    I really can't imagine that.





    Instinct is a mainly RSCommunity based clan... There are no "auto wins" on a minor boundary offence... there are leaders told... and members punished which we believe you should have came to us about it... told us... and we would have punished the member accordingly.




    Best of luck to Faith in further wars.

  2. I have a problem with the re-match with faith...




    Strabo previously said that the fact that Faith was late for the war could be "overlooked"...




    But i seriously had a problem with that because i had to occupy 22 members for 30+ minutes while we waited for Faith to gain their opts...




    Faith warlord did ask Strabo if it was in 2 hours and not 1, Strabo did say yes... and I told him otherwise where he corrected his mistake by posting on Faith forums within 6 minutes of the mistake.




    During the wait Instinct lost 3 members, 2 of our 120s.. and Anubis 451 (a leader and our best tank)




    I would also like to make a note that Faith had advanced because of another time mix up with AG.




    I do not want to bridge the gap of 7 time zones again...




    That is my only complaint about warring Faith again...

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