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Posts posted by Thunderducke

  1. Still unloaded things load.




    In Standard its just a black wall instead of Fog its so unrealistic.


    It may make it look more realistic, but couldn't they have found a better way? Is it possible to have everything in our range of sight loaded? Then we wouldn't need either. I'm not sure if runescape can handle this though.

  2. You can turn Fog off and HD gives you more vision in Fullscreen.


    If your talking about the option in game to turn off fog, it turns off the stuff like in Dust devil's lair. I'm talking about the white background for unloaded things. I'm pretty sure you can't get rid of it.

  3. The fog. I hate seeing runescape covered in it. Compared to low detail, I feel like my range of sight is so limited. I know the black screen that blocks unloaded areas isn't much better, but at least runescape isn't enshrouded in that ugly mist. So what do you prefer tif? The black screen or the fog?

  4. I think crystal bow should be bumped to tier B, but otherwise it is a good list.




    Crystal bow is largely outdated. Sure it's 100 ranged bonus, but the dps isn't very good, and if you use it for an extended period of time you'll need to carry 2 so you keep one at 10/10.




    Ha, I guess that's why your making the list and i'm not. Sorry to question your judgement. I guess I just like the Crystal Bow because it's underused.

  5. Thanks guys, I've decided to use both accounts. Thunderducke will be my member (because i've made many friends on it and will be known by this name in the tif community) and my old account will be used to prove how long I have been playing and own f2p pvp :mrgreen:




    Thanks for the help, you convinced me to use both.

  6. The old account is good for me, but probably not good to this forum standards. So lets just say: Energypeter was not to pro :roll: Total level was around 1300 (haven't checked in a while)




    However, Thunderducke has lv 60 combat, 41 mining, 30 mage, 40 range, (speciffically) 45 attack, 50 strength, 50 defence, 3x cooking and other unworthy stats.




    Not impressive you say? Well, I can only play on weekends :? However,(I like that word ;)) I will be able to play full time soon, as nobody can limit my time when I get my laptop \'

  7. I have had my old account Energypeter since March 2002 but got my password stolen by a friend about 3 months ago. It was decently leveled and I just recently got the password back. However, I made a new account named Thunderducke which is a noob at the moment. I have a lot of fun on this account because I get to do a lot of things over again, but im still a little attached to my old account. I don't really like the name energypeter anymore, but it is high leveled. (imo) But I have lots of fun on thunderducke and I also joined tif under this name. But then again, I have so many memories with my old account......ARRGH! It's to difficult to decide! So guys, I need help. Which account would you use?

  8. First of all, welcome to tip.it




    But if every person posted a topic about how they got "hacked" hell...


    There've been numerous topics about this, and if it's not on the front page it probably means it's not very important and not interesting to people to hear other peoples runescape history.




    Sorry if I come off a bit too harsh, but yea.




    P.S. How the hell did your friends know your recovery questions?


    Sorry, ill do a little more research next time.




    P.s. He knew my first phone number and pet >.<

  9. Hi.




    Im fairly new to tip.it, and im sure your going to say USESEARCHBAR, but I didnt see any threads like this on the front page so I thought it would be okay.




    Anyway, my story begins with a my old best friend. I was at his house and he told me to log onto rs because he wanted to see my bank. Not suspecting anything, I logged on and showed him my bank. All was good, until I discovered his keylogger. Coincidentially, he had to go somewhere and asked me to leave. I was nervous and deleted my pass from the keylogger and left. I found out the hard way that keyloggers made backup files. He never spoke to me again, In real life that is.




    I am now Thunderducke, lv 33 and making progress. my total is also 2xx, but im still kinda mad. My old account frequently messages me. Taunts, insults, you name it. Hell, he even ksed me with my own cannon once. So now im trying to get it all back. One step at a time...




    Its not all bad though. In fact, I kinda like being low lvd again. Made the game fresh again, you know? Even though I lost 4 years worth of work, im still having fun \'




    Im looking for friends, so make sure to say hello to me if you see me ^.^




    Now I would like to hear your experiences with chatacter loss if you've had any




    Ty for reading xD

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